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by Frank_Scenario
2004-12-05 09:38am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Will there be a knowledge barrier?
Replies: 21
Views: 1783

Hate to tell you this, but Xeno's Paradox was solved hundreds of years ago. My curiousity is piqued. What solution is this? ... The (correct) answer that the sum of the series Xeno describes is 1 certainly doesn't address the difficulties involved, which find root in the difficulty of describing th...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-12-03 09:15pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Encyclopedia Brown vs Cam Jansen
Replies: 10
Views: 1168

Fuck that noise. Encyclopedia Brown and Cam Jansen are no better than Inspector Clousseau compared to Incognito Mosquito, Private Insective.
by Frank_Scenario
2004-12-02 11:41pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Will there be a knowledge barrier?
Replies: 21
Views: 1783

perhaps will be like the Achilles and the turtle paradox... the more distance we cover, there will be still half to cover, ever and ever... Hate to tell you this, but Xeno's Paradox was solved hundreds of years ago. My curiousity is piqued. What solution is this? Now, I'm aware of the fact that whe...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-26 12:24am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: What's your Op. ON Rawls
Replies: 20
Views: 1474

This isn't really a good reading of Rawls. It's not horrid, but you wrongly impute a utilitarian position, and your interpretation of the OP and the veil of ignorance isn't quite right. How so? Other than the Utilitarian outlook i see, the rest is really just a repeat of what my textbook says. Well...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-25 07:46pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: What's your Op. ON Rawls
Replies: 20
Views: 1474

Basically, he is giving a theory for social justice as a moral unit. He states that in society, the best sytem of justice is, ironically, related to the Utiltarian ideal of egalitarian treatment. Everyone, prima facie, is treated as an equal unit of society. Members of society are divided into clas...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-25 07:31pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: What's your Op. ON Rawls
Replies: 20
Views: 1474

From what I interpret, it has a lot of good points which seem very utiltarian. From a social contracterian point of view, his justice as fairness and equality can help a lot of people and make society fairly functional. Big mistake here. Rawls is in no way a utilitarian; when he presents justice as...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-18 11:57pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: What's your Op. ON Rawls
Replies: 20
Views: 1474

I'm generally pro-Rawls. But that's highly uninformative.
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-07 08:53pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Is there anything good about Religion?
Replies: 66
Views: 3711

Religion at best, is a maladaptive quality of culture. It encourages weakness, humility, and it's intellecually dangerous for society. It also tends to produce lack of responsibility and scapegoating. Would you mind clarifying? You say religion is maladaptive; however, it seems that religion itself...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-06 09:44pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Is there anything good about Religion?
Replies: 66
Views: 3711

The main project of religion, as I see it, is twofold. First, there is an effort to make sense of the world and the human condition. Second, it is to make good people. All of this seems wise and admirable. Obviously, this project has not been an unalloyed success. Measuring its success is troublesom...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-06 08:48pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Educational SOurces
Replies: 4
Views: 525

Re: Educational SOurces

Doe anyone know any sites I can use for statistics on people who believe in Religion in USA? And: the basic hatred espoused by people who believe it? I am using other sources, but I am writing an artical on Religion: The Maladaptive Unit, and i need online sources, but I can't find any. I can only ...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-11-06 08:46pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: How Much Can You Sign Away?
Replies: 6
Views: 764

I think there's something to your friend's position, but it's not what your friend thinks it is. I'm of the opinion that there are some things where consent is irrelevant. One is indentured servitude. If we accept the principle that no one owns anyone (which has some intuitive merit), it follows tha...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-30 11:15pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Doom: FUN!!!
Replies: 13
Views: 1143

And I purchased the game itself, so I don't need to download any files that can be found in the game. That clear? good. Aside from all that-- i'm into episode 2 now... finished the third level in there. It's getting good.... the IDCLIP cheat doesn't work though... :( Oh, and the BFG is fucking swee...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-30 07:23pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Doom: FUN!!!
Replies: 13
Views: 1143

We are not discussing anything illegal like downloading the core files to a game that is still being sold by its publishing/development company are we? But apart from that, jDoom's freaking awesome. Of course we're not discussing downloading any of those files. That possibility is obviously simply ...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-29 10:52pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Doom: FUN!!!
Replies: 13
Views: 1143

I'd recommend you take a look at jDoom, also known as Doomsday. It's a new engine that allows a number of 3d effects in Doom, Doom II, etc. It requires the original .WADs to work (though they can be downloaded), but if you've got them, it just makes the game better. It also allows jumping, mouse loo...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-28 10:20pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: 58,000 Absentee ballots missing in Florida
Replies: 24
Views: 1758

Stravo wrote:It will REALLY be interestiong to know where the majority of those ballots were going. Nice white suburbia or predominately minority areas or Jewish areas.
I gather that the ballots were intended for Broward county, the state's largest Democratic stronghold. Color me shocked! Not really.
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-28 10:10pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Critera for Morality.
Replies: 19
Views: 1217

One of the biggest problems with ethics in general is the fact that people already know what they consider to be moral, so you tend to end up with what rather obviously appear to be various peoples' struggles to generate some kind of ad hoc explanation for a conclusion that is usually pre-ordained....
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-18 11:47pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: ABCNews: Republicans have better sex than Democrats
Replies: 28
Views: 1763

Hardly an unbiased source. Well, the ratings come from the Christian Coalition; TW just repeats the info. The state committee info originally comes from "The Christian Statesman," a magazine published by the National Reform Association, whose mission is to "maintain and promote in ou...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-18 10:08pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: ABCNews: Republicans have better sex than Democrats
Replies: 28
Views: 1763

According to Theocracy Watch , the Religious Right controls 36% of all Republican state committees, and has a large minority in 81% of the rest. In the Senate, the top seven Republicans all got a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition. In total, 41 of the 51 Republican senators recieved a 100% rat...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-02 09:46pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Logic AS morality.
Replies: 170
Views: 7026

And to address where this discussion has gone. I apologize if I'm repeating anything. I didn't see anyone saying what I'm about to say, but it's a seven page thread, and it's easy to miss things. John Searle makes an instructive distinction in The Construction of Social Reality (and also in Mind, La...
by Frank_Scenario
2004-10-02 09:32pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Logic AS morality.
Replies: 170
Views: 7026

All this talk of philosophy has roused me from a year-long slumber. There have been attempts to formalize one sort of ethics into a logical system. Deontic logic is the result. Typically, these systems build on modal systems. Here's one such system (called D). D has operators for "not" and...
by Frank_Scenario
2003-07-05 12:23am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: T-X VS the T-1000
Replies: 53
Views: 3117

The endoskeleton on the T-X is weird. While it definitely exists, when she takes the rocket blast to the arm, it's not visible. It should be, since her arm (IIRC) is hanging on by a thread.
by Frank_Scenario
2003-06-23 02:48am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: alpha centauri
Replies: 213
Views: 10869

And banned by unwritten, unspoken general agreement from almost all PBEM games. As well they should be. I messed around with the Usurpers in single player; the fact that I couldn't make friends was irrelevant, considering that by early midgame I was over twice as large as the rest of the factions p...
by Frank_Scenario
2003-06-23 02:45am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: A question regarding the gp4teens forum.
Replies: 6
Views: 816

Michael Wong doesn`t condone invasions, and he didn`t condone any invasion of gp4teens. But frankly, unlike where fundies come here and spout their "you`re all going to hell, believe in Christ or else" at us, people from here who are going to gp4teens are telling people scientific facts t...
by Frank_Scenario
2003-06-23 01:25am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: alpha centauri
Replies: 213
Views: 10869

If you're new to the game, you should definitely pick up the expansion (Alien Crossfire) which adds new factions, techs, and unit types. More importantly, it adds my favorite faction: the Cybernetic Consciousness. I've gotten so good with them that my first few turns are entirely on autopilot. It al...
by Frank_Scenario
2003-06-23 01:07am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Skeptic Theology 101 (updated!)
Replies: 69
Views: 4143

Quick and trivial point: It's the book of Revelation, not Revelations, or at least that's how it is in my NIV.