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by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-19 08:32am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

True. They should start beaming some of our epic war movies straight into the minds of demons in Hell, then, especially if they're high-ranking dukes. But I don't think that's feasible yet; so far we're only torturing one demon that way. I vote for Soviet propaganda movies. They convey properly tha...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-16 12:21am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

No, pi itself doesn't change. Mathematics itself doesn't change, so your earlier post is still full of shit. The application of mathematics to a real environment can produce different results than we expect, or (as in my case) one can forget about another possible complication, but since mathematic...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-15 12:14am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

Since a circle is defined in 2d space, it is always assumed that any real circle is projected onto 2d space for the purposes of classifying it as a circle anyway. So when you project a circle onto an uneven surface, the circle still has the same ratio of circumference to diameter. It's just that it...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-13 11:32pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

Darth Wong wrote:The laws of probability are mathematical. This is like saying that the demons could alter the value of pi, or change the rules of addition.
Well, considering the topography of Hell, there is a possibility that pi in Hell does not equal pi on Earth.
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-04 11:06pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

[quote="Darth WongSo according to this model, these extra dimensions are all "flat" with respect to time? No time passes at all in these extra dimensions? I wonder how one determines things like causality with respect to portals, then. Wouldn't it be easier to say that they are flatte...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-04 01:45pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

It's fairly certain that the different 'planes' are exist in a higher dimensional space (they would actually be hyperplanes if there were four spatial dimensions, but there appear to be at least seven in this cosmology). An instantaneous transition is problematic, because I can only think of two ob...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-04 09:22am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

[quote="Starglider] Either the portal is instantaneous, from the 3-space perspective of the object passing through, or it takes a variable amount of time depending on some parameter we don't know yet. The time taken to cross the portal is determined by roughly the same factors that determine th...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-04 12:42am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

Why the fuck would I care that a catalog book uses that abbreviation? What does that have to do with scientific and engineering work? Quote: Carelessly, nothing. Use the units and symbols appropriate for the problem, be consistent about your use of them, and know the accepted abbreviations for the ...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-03 10:27pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

It doesn't matter because this is not professional work, not because it's actually OK to use the wrong units in science and engineering. In an English literature document, you can get a letter out of place and it doesn't matter, as long as you can figure it out from context. In science and engineer...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-04-03 07:44pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

On nm vs NM vs nmi vs Nm It doesn't matter. Context is everything. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least six different definitions for a lower case rho, and three of them are for suface and colloid chemistry. If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. On portals: I don't like the statement t...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-03-21 11:10pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653


I've been fishing for a Western 20mm, single barrel autocannon to replace the M2's on Army gear, and haven't found a good one. Basically, I read it that the 50cal rounds were not especially lethal on the Baldricks (or rather, not lethal as quickly). I was thinking that the land forces would look at ...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-03-19 11:33pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

Gatling guns are a terrible idea in practice. (good brainstorming, though) The biggest bottleneck in emergency gun manufacturing is in barrel production. All of the other parts can be made, if at a productivity cost, in general purpose machine shop or assembly line. Long gun barrels require the use ...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-03-10 09:02am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

How much of the Garand could be stamped instead of machined? Check here for a parts list and pictures: Or Google for "M1 Garand Parts List" and some of the links that come up will have pictures. Look at the details needed on the smalle...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-03-10 12:17am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

I'm not saying Garands are bad....

I'm saying that for mass manufacture, there are better alternatives that use less resources. The machining requirements for a Garand are horrendous, and significantly higher than for most other semiauto firearms. I started counting once and stopped when I passed forty seperate machining steps for th...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-03-09 10:44am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

What part of "there already is a company which makes brand-new Garands in .458 Winchester Magnum" do you fail to comprehend, huh? I took a look at their website. First, they take existing rifles and modify them. They do not make new rifles. Second, the modifications are so extensive that ...
by kdahm(the same one)
2008-03-08 05:20pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Armageddon???? (Part Fifty Up)
Replies: 3572
Views: 1328653

Some collected responses

Sorry for the lateness on some of them, but I just registered. I had these over on the HPCA board. I don't think the .50 Beowulf will cut it... As in, its a bad idea. From a ballistics standpoint, they seem to be using a 300-350 grain bullet poking along at between 1700 and 1800 fps. According to th...