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by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-22 12:54am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Camp David anyone?
Replies: 90
Views: 6355

Nixon the poophead

Fuck off Nixon, you nitpicking knee-jerk Israel apologist strawman who smells like shit.

Now that I've gotten all of the typically useless responses out of the way for Vympel et al, perhaps they could debate you constructively.
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-19 01:25pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Camp David anyone?
Replies: 90
Views: 6355

Another "prick" defends Dick

You're still missing the point: you cannot refute an argument by attempting to attack the credibility of its author, ie- find an error (a trivial one at that) and generalize. That is an example of the "ad hominem fallacy", made all the more obvious that he thought this nitpick should cons...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-19 12:03pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Camp David anyone?
Replies: 90
Views: 6355

Vympel, official civility judge

For someone who claims that Matus is simply insulting you, let us look at your first post on this thread: Talk about picking the gnatshit out of pepper..... this is Nixon's incredible argument ... all bow down before the knee-jerk Israel apologist ... Nowhere here do you dispute what Nixon is saying...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-19 10:53am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Camp David anyone?
Replies: 90
Views: 6355

Heady debate..

Fuck you, you arrogant little dipshit. He makes a new thread to point out such a ridiculous little item, and you act like it's a 'discussion'. Man are they producing these dumb-fucks in a factory somewhere? If you want to try and justify Israeli oppression, occupation, and apartheid, feel free- I d...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-19 10:40am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Camp David anyone?
Replies: 90
Views: 6355

Backing the Peacemaker..

I think Nixon makes a valid point. If Darth Wong is supposedly writing an article about the "truths" in the Middle East, but then proceeds to pack it with half-truths that are nothing but obvious cheap shots at Israel, it serves to weaken his argument.
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-18 01:16pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Darth Wong's Israel bashing
Replies: 316
Views: 31137

BWAAHAHAAHA The guy that started this, his name is... (holding in laughter) NIXON! Bwaahahaha And he even has a little picture of Nixon after his name! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "I am not a crook" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks for not contributing, "Superman" BWAAHAHAHAHAHA. Aside from the...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 08:01am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics
Replies: 37
Views: 3642

Re: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics

1: Is a 'unit' one clonetrooper, or a platoon/company/battalion/division? This may have been dealt with in the novel, I don't remember. 200,000 units ready at the moment. 1,000,000 more 'well on the way'. Unknown how many more after that, and how soon they'd follow. This simply illustrates the poor...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 05:50am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: North Korea is being an ass
Replies: 43
Views: 6234

The 60's called..they want their rhetoric back

This isn't really surprising, North Korea is stuck in a time warp and is simply regurgitating the same line that you would find in Pravda or out of the CCP during Mao's heyday. They should just hand out some more Kim Il Sung buttons and take a deep breath.
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 04:29am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Nemesis tie-ins with other ST movies.
Replies: 12
Views: 5342

About Starfleet promotions..

lol, Master of Ossus, regarding your "both Voyager fans" comment. Perhaps someone can explain to me why Janeway is an admiral (I stopped watching Voyager the split second after the immortal phrase "Can I have an animal guide too, Chakotay?" was uttered) considering all she did wa...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 04:19am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics
Replies: 37
Views: 3642

Perhaps those in the Republic didn't know about the slavery on Tatooine, but they did know it was a corrupt and bloated entity. Every reference to the Old Republic is about how much it sucks! I have illustrated an example of how the Empire made life for the citizens of Tatooine better, in removing s...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 04:13am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Prime Directive? We don't need no stinkin' Prime Directive?
Replies: 3
Views: 3620

About the aliens

You seem to be forgetting that the aliens are ugly, which of course makes them evil.
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 04:01am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics
Replies: 37
Views: 3642

Re: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics

I started out on this site at a friends recommendation pointing out how absurd the political situations in Nemesis were, which got me thinking about how even worse and more stupid they are in the new Star Wars films. In fact, not only are the astropolitics ridiculous, so is the fact that despite ta...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 03:39am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics
Replies: 37
Views: 3642

Thanks for the warning

I can imagine an awful lot..I don't care, as long as they bring some serious counter-arguments to the table.
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 03:36am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Just got back from Nemisis
Replies: 33
Views: 10517

More from Yorba Linda

Or the Kremlin. Or Egypt. Or Syria. Or Saudi Arabia. But I digress..
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 03:23am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics
Replies: 37
Views: 3642

The idiocy that is Star Wars astropolitics

I started out on this site at a friends recommendation pointing out how absurd the political situations in Nemesis were, which got me thinking about how even worse and more stupid they are in the new Star Wars films. In fact, not only are the astropolitics ridiculous, so is the fact that despite tak...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 02:45am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Just got back from Nemisis
Replies: 33
Views: 10517

Show RN some love

Darth Wong wrote: Does that mean people will start calling you "Tricky Dick"?

Only if they're ignorant.
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-15 01:02am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Just got back from Nemisis
Replies: 33
Views: 10517

Ever present astropolitics

Point taken, Uranium 235, that Picard does indeed have a strong diplomatic record. However, Janeway suggests that it is the Enterprise's proximity to Romulus that was the deciding factor, not his role as a stand-in for Sarek in previous disputes. And while the Federation and Romulans may have been i...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-14 10:02pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Just got back from Nemisis
Replies: 33
Views: 10517

Continuing the absurd astropolitics theme

I have to second Lucas-Sucks point about the haphazard way the Enterprise was drafted into heading for Romulus to undertake arguably the single most important diplomatic mission in Federation history. I understand that Sarek is dead, but surely there must be another Ambassador in the Federation with...
by Moff Jerjerrod
2002-12-14 04:17am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Just got back from Nemisis
Replies: 33
Views: 10517

Relatively absurd astropolitics

One of my main problems with Nemesis was its utter lack of development vis-a-vis the Romulan political situation. It made little to no sense. Aside from the horrible acting on display in the Senate during the opening (" on trade..relations..blah blah"), no ef...