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by Tyshalle
2010-01-21 01:13pm
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Destroying a crazy conspiracy theorist....
Replies: 1
Views: 4070

Destroying a crazy conspiracy theorist....

So I've got a guy I'm dealing with on Facebook who is a serious conspiracy theorist. 9/11 truther, that the government is going to force VeriChip tracking device implants on everyone, North American Union, et cetera. He claims that he's just trying to "open a dialogue" and "get people...
by Tyshalle
2009-05-27 02:48pm
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: What logical fallacy is this?
Replies: 4
Views: 4238

Re: What logical fallacy is this?

It's in reference to a movie review. I posted a link to a video movie review saying that I largely agree with the points he makes against the movie, and somebody replies, rather than by arguing any of those points, instead by saying that it got a 95% rotten tomatoes score for a reason and that nobod...
by Tyshalle
2009-05-27 10:09am
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: What logical fallacy is this?
Replies: 4
Views: 4238

What logical fallacy is this?

What's it called when somebody tries to shrug off a point one of your sources made by saying "nobody takes him seriously," or something to that effect?
by Tyshalle
2009-02-27 02:27pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Will humans continue to evolve?
Replies: 37
Views: 2727

Re: Will humans continue to evolve?

Maybe you're missing the point, Oberst. I was talking about evolution as a species. That is where genetic mutation becomes shared amongst the entire species, so that we can be identified by it. Specifically what I was talking about, though I didn't say it, was macro-evolution, by which the species w...
by Tyshalle
2009-02-27 11:52am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Will humans continue to evolve?
Replies: 37
Views: 2727

Re: Will humans continue to evolve?

I'm just talking about the world in terms of biological evolution. Though, I agree, we're eventually going to become so adept at genetic manipulation that we'll be able to weed out the bad traits anyway. So I guess that means that we're mostly done with natural evolution. At this point it's more of ...
by Tyshalle
2009-02-27 11:06am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Will humans continue to evolve?
Replies: 37
Views: 2727

Will humans continue to evolve?

Just wondering what you guys think. It seems to me like evolution is being stunted by people. The primary mechanism of evolution as I understand is is that mutations that make it easier for life-forms to get eaten or otherwise killed tend to get wiped out while mutations that make it easier for life...
by Tyshalle
2009-02-27 10:16am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Does mainstream media make people stupider or...
Replies: 23
Views: 2552

Re: Does mainstream media make people stupider or...

Slightly off-topic, but since it was brought up I wonder what you guys think about this: Assuming that most intelligence comes from your environment in the first few years of your life, is it possible to overcome it? For example, if I were to be raised by a pair of idiots who maybe read to me as an ...
by Tyshalle
2009-02-25 02:11pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Does mainstream media make people stupider or...
Replies: 23
Views: 2552

Re: Does mainstream media make people stupider or...

Why do you think that is? My theory is that laziness and stupidity tend to sell. You don't really see McDonalds or Pepsi talking about devouring their shit in small quantities alongside a regular balanced nutrition. It seems like all advertisements do these days is promote the idea that we're too go...
by Tyshalle
2009-02-25 12:12pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Does mainstream media make people stupider or...
Replies: 23
Views: 2552

Does mainstream media make people stupider or...

...does mainstream media just pander to stupid people? I've been having an ongoing argument with a friend over why the majority of people in America are stupid. A lot of things have been said, and I think that overall the situation has become so convoluted that you can't rightly point at any one thi...
by Tyshalle
2008-07-07 10:32am
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Why it's important to be anti-religion....
Replies: 12
Views: 9667

Wong -- You bring up a lot of very good points that I think will be pretty useful both in my arguments with him and just in the general way I view him during these arguments. So thank you for that. Though I do think I'm going to have to build up a larger arsenal of knowledge on the subject before I'...
by Tyshalle
2008-07-06 11:48pm
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Why it's important to be anti-religion....
Replies: 12
Views: 9667

There is no 100% confidence of anything beyond your own existence. Just how confident are you in proclaiming that he does not exist? Well, that's just it, I guess. I'm not especially confident at all that there's no superior being that created the universe. But in that sense it's almost like I have...
by Tyshalle
2008-07-06 11:02pm
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Why it's important to be anti-religion....
Replies: 12
Views: 9667

Does he believe that it is impossible to ever know that any random idea does not exist? Because there is no such thing as a universal proof of non-existence, so his demand for it is either stupidity or a trick. For that matter, how does he know anything? All of our knowledge comes from observation ...
by Tyshalle
2008-07-06 09:19pm
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Why it's important to be anti-religion....
Replies: 12
Views: 9667

Actually, both arguments rely upon Occam's Razor when it gets down to it. In both cases, for God/pineapple to remain viable options, they must evade empirical disproof, which brings the principle of parsimony into play. These are good points. What is "not believing in God" if not the asse...
by Tyshalle
2008-07-06 08:36pm
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Why it's important to be anti-religion....
Replies: 12
Views: 9667

Well, not to play devil's advocate, but there's more proof that your head isn't a pineapple than there is proof that God does not exist. And I'm on board with the idea that you can't prove a negative, but the two aren't that closely related. Would you say that he's accurate then? That an atheist is ...
by Tyshalle
2008-07-06 12:33am
Forum: Debating Help
Topic: Why it's important to be anti-religion....
Replies: 12
Views: 9667

Why it's important to be anti-religion....

The title isn't quite accurate, and point in fact I'm actually looking for advice and pointers rather than making a statement, but I was debating a guy today who is pretty extremely well informed on most subjects (mostly pertaining to world history and world government, but an all around educated fe...