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by IceHawk-151
2003-12-17 02:40pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: DOW closes at 10,000+, What does this mean for Dean?
Replies: 56
Views: 4309

Why would the President return to the White House on September 11? The Democrats who attempt to deride him as a coward for “running and hiding” are using the lowest of spineless political debating. The United States was under direct attack by a foreign power, and Washington D.C was both targeted AND...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-17 02:21pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: 2004 Will Be the U.S.'S Best Year Economically in Last 20
Replies: 26
Views: 1216

Actually, economic data is point towards an improved growth rate in Real Gross Domestic Product for next year. The improved rates of this year have helped to get the economy back in line and expanding once more. There are various reasons that Bush will most likely be re-elected next year. One of whi...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-14 07:32pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Howedar wrote:In Htl02a.jpg, three turbolaser bolts are just to the left of the ISD. Several frames later in Htl06.jpg, there are only two bolts.

Where did the third one go? Did it just magically go POOF into thin air? Or did it hit the ISD?.
Actually if you will notice, the third bolt is green.
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-14 07:03pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Alright, while I did not have time to formally make notes on the webpage, I will write them here. While watching the clip, I decided to use Quicktime to take a few snapshots. Others had said that the HTL shots missed the ISD, and others have stated it had impacted. Hoping that I could get a better v...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-14 06:39pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Give me a second and I will post the screenshots proving the HTL bolts all missed.
When viewed with the negative you clearly see both of the Calamari bolts passed by the Destroyer.
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-14 04:16pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Quick thank you to Ender and Poe for the links and the estimate. About my statement about Photon/Quantum Torpedo firepower and the firing capabilities of the Galaxy-class vessels… First of all I would like someone to show me the quote where I stated my torpedo firepower numbers were derived from the...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 07:52pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Jeez I can't spell today

When it comes to source ranking systems, I rank Lucasfilm's above yours. Lucasfilm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your stupid ass That would be the order in which I consider canon hierarchies. Indeed Lucasfilm policy dictates the order of canon and official source material, but in what order is my point. We have ...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 07:39pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

When it comes to official publications in relationship with canon sources I rank Tech Manuals/Sourcebooks lower than the EU novels. Movies>Movie Novels>EU Novels>Tech manuals/Sourcebooks>Games/Comics That would be the order in which I consider source material. I don’t totally disregard the ICS books...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 07:06pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Re: Sorry about reply delay...

While I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Saxton, and indeed believe his site to be the most objective analysis of Star Wars capabilities on the web, I cannot in good conscience accept power figures simply because they are published in an official source. As I have yet to see how Saxton derived ...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 06:33pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Watch out, big post

That debate was what, a year ago? The last thing I remember from that was something about Star Destroyer reactor capability, and then two weeks of tests and projects at school. I lost interest after that. Hell, I even stopped posting over at It is true that I would be much more comfortable w...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 05:23pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Sorry about reply delay...

While I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Saxton, and indeed believe his site to be the most objective analysis of Star Wars capabilities on the web, I cannot in good conscience accept power figures simply because they are published in an official source. As I have yet to see how Saxton derived t...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 02:39pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

Re: I am a lurker, but thought I should point out one thing.

I thought the statement was pretty logical. Then again I think 5 Soviergns would be a a large enough taskforce :wink: For what? Mild target practice for the heavy gunners while everyone else is at lunch? Actually, while I acknoledge that one on one a Sovvie is no match for an ISD, I also think that...
by IceHawk-151
2003-12-12 02:34pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Yet another "I'm not a Trekkie, but ..." E-mail
Replies: 140
Views: 11978

I am a lurker, but thought I should point out one thing....

Wong says: "Notice how he is now claiming that a Federation fleet should be able to take out an Imperial fleet with zero casualties!" He says: "a Federation task force could take out an ISD with no losses, since the ISD could not return fire" Although probably not intentional on ...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-21 02:38pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

When the orbital barrage first began Daala ordered all fighter pilots to stand down, and she left the Knight Hammer pretty much helpless. Yavin 4 was unable to ge out a message to anyone due to a communications jamming array, so Daala was not expecting company. For the first few minutes of her barra...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-21 01:33pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

First, how did I lie about Darksaber? I quoted directly from the book and then told you the conclusions I came up with after reading them. Stated my opinion, sure, lied, no. How is it that you can say the mechanism is irrelevant? It is the mechanism itself that is in question. To accurately scale up...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-20 05:33pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

A few for now, the rest later....

1) The blaster argument. "You ignored my demands that you calculate the volume of a blaster, scale it up to a DS blast, and then back down to the ISD" - MoO Well first, scalling up to the Death Star Blast is absurd. The two weapons don't even act the same way. 1) The two energy discharges ...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-19 12:30pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

A few questions HDS. 1) What is the exct power output for an ISD reactor? 2) How much power is required to run the Impulse engines? 3) How much power is required to run the Hyperdrive? 4) How much power is required to operate Life SUpport? 5) How much power is required to sustain artificial gravity?...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-19 12:11pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

Vision of the Furture is a bit suspect. The Imperial plan was based around the factions over Bothwui havig a massive battle and wiping each other out. The Imperial's dropped the shileds on the planet in the hope that those comming for revenge would start blasting away at the planet's cities. The ISD...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-19 12:06pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: GCS vs ISD: Calling out Northern Huntsman
Replies: 70
Views: 5800

"With one ISD on an inhabited world? How many people would escape? Dumbass." Alot. Assume this. Time 0:00 - ISD enters system and shows up on planetary sensor arrays. Time 1:00 - ISD pulls into orbit and begins to blast away at the planet, Time 10:00 - News networks on the planet inform ev...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-19 11:57am
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

I think we can agree that this topic has gone way off course. Can we solit it and name it the "laugh and point at Icehawk-151 thread" Serriously the hat fucker couldn't even get his own name, he had to take the name of an existing member and add numbers. The original name came from the St...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-19 11:53am
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

You are right Ender there is a simple answer to the Darksaber quote, however it isn't yours. When the Knight Hammer was firing on the planet there were no Capital ships in the area to oppose it, nor were there any ground emplacements that could fire on it. Thus the SSD didn't need to have it's shiel...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-17 05:38pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why did the New Republic have such a small fleet?
Replies: 60
Views: 4614

One problem with the Lancer-class Frigate. It's slower than the fighters. Most every fighter the Republic fields can outrun them. Slower ships like Y-wings and B-Wings might be to big to get out of the way, but an X-Wing squadron could easily avoid one of these frigates. The Rouge's had to take out ...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-17 05:13pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

"The incident in Darksaber involves a warship in actual combat conditions. A BDZ is designed to occur with numerous ships, or with little resistance " - MoO A single Star Destroyer is, according to Wong's site, able to enact a DBZ in a single hour by itself. If an ISD is capable of a BDZ o...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-16 04:09pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

The Knight Hammer fired all Turbolaser Batteries on maximum firepower at the Jedi Base. According to the definition of a BDZ it takes an ISD 1 full hour to melt the surface of a planet to a 1 meter depth. This is done with Maximum Firepower settings. The Executor-class has more powerful and larger a...
by IceHawk-151
2003-01-14 11:42am
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Questions about
Replies: 241
Views: 20192

You must be working out of the Hardback version of Darksaber, it seems our two versios are a bit different as far as page number goes. The Point. A BDZ operation was not ordered, they didn't need to destroy the whole suface. The Imperial Fleet under Pellaeon was ordered to take control of the Jedi A...