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by Spekio
2014-10-21 08:12am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Snip. It still happens. I have friends overseas whom I play Dota with, and when I play on american servers (that have decent ping for me, for some reason) I see brazilians get flamed all the time. So, due to having a noticeable accent, I only type. On Brazil servers I played with a guy whom is from...
by Spekio
2014-10-16 10:10am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Can you please define "doxxing"? You appear to be using it to mean "anything I don't like". You posted Zoe insulting them and being amused that their site accidentally got DDoSed...but not any doxxing, which, as far as I understand it is "searching for and posting publicly,...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 09:43pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

I only bring it up because you offered a strangely specific sentiment without much justification. Given the possible range of interpretations regarding these women, you seem intent on picking the most negative ones. That's of relevance because it shapes how we frame the discussion. Alright. I was t...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 04:18pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

We're judging based on what the person in question actually said. "I'm a guy, by the way." "I pretend to be a woman online because it makes it easier to hack people." Are you saying the person in question shouldn't be believed about their own gender identity, because you know be...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 03:17pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

No, you didn't. There were no screenshots of a trans teenager because there wasn't a trans teenager . The claimed trans teenager was in fact not trans, and was claiming to be trans in order to gain some ephemeral moral authority on feminism (to promote an MRA agenda). It's amazing how you can claim...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 01:20pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Are you conceding that no one "doxxed" an underage transgender person, and your outrage over that was either ignorant (didn't read the whole page) or feigned (read the whole page and didn't want to admit it)? Nice moving of goalposts there. That there were screen shots of a trans teenager...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 01:12pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

The sentiment is good. Still, why would you think she's a con woman? It's not her fault that she was given more money than she demanded for the project. One could certainly feel that she's not stretching herself or that she should do more, but there's no duplicity there that I can see. And no, I ca...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 10:46am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Snip. Apology accepted. In the interest of polite discussion, let me say this: I know you don't know me (and I could claim be anyone on the Internet), and I'll be the first to admit gaming culture is toxic, for the most part a boy's club, and admit harassment and misogyny is happening. I would be t...
by Spekio
2014-10-15 09:48am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Eleas wrote:
Spekio wrote:<snip>
Citation needed. Come back when you're past puberty, son.
I'd be happy to provide any screen shots of what you need.
by Spekio
2014-10-15 08:40am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

There were pics that were removed. You can search the doxx yourself if you doubt me. At the bottom of the article, below the part selectively screenshotted above, there's a part wherein further information is revealed of the claimed-transgendered person admitting that he is pretending to be female ...
by Spekio
2014-10-14 05:27pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

There were pics that were removed. You can search the doxx yourself if you doubt me.
by Spekio
2014-10-14 05:17pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

If you don't see anything wrong in broadcasting the doxx of a minor, a transgender one at that, we are done.
by Spekio
2014-10-14 05:08pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

I'll repeat myself: I'm not stating that there is no harassment, I'm saying it's coming and going in every direction. As for Zoe Quinn doxxing someone, I highly doubt that, but you're welcome to produce evidence. I refuse to link to the d...
by Spekio
2014-10-14 04:31pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

This behavior has been going on for a while, ever since Anonymous proved it could be done without major consequences for most of the people involved. The GamerGate thing is just the most recent incarnation of this attitude. Really guys? You need more screen shots to prove harassment against people ...
by Spekio
2014-10-14 11:21am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Bullshit. I've been following this since her sociopathic, whining ex-boyfriend dumped his screed on the internet and started stirring up people against her over it - that's when the abuse against her picked up, and since I was following her on Twitter at the time I could click on her tweets and rea...
by Spekio
2014-10-14 10:49am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: THE OotS Thread, Part IV.
Replies: 1253
Views: 324600

Re: THE OotS Thread, Part IV.

by Spekio
2014-10-14 09:15am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

saying it's misogynist, and saying "oh, women are in gamergate too!" doesn't make it not misogynist. What are the "real" grievances? Critiquing the way videogames treat female characters? That's the way artistic media work. If you want to say games are art, then people get to cr...
by Spekio
2014-10-14 09:05am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Sarkeesian felt threatened enough to file a police report. Most police departments have little patience for those who file frivolous complaints, as anyone with half a brain knows. So I doubt she would have called the SFPD unless the threats seemed credible. It's one thing to tell someone "Go d...
by Spekio
2014-10-13 07:55pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

"Women support gamergate, therefore it's not misogynist"? That's your argument? There are women who campaigned against the 19th Amendment in the US. Women can do things that aren't feminist. If not feminist, it's misogynist? You always surprise me with your nonsense, buddy Oh wait, making...
by Spekio
2014-10-13 07:37pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?
Replies: 598
Views: 109529

Re: Is #GamerGate misogyny posing as concern for ethics?

Oh god, let's not get into this here. It's not about ethics, not by a long shot. It's about culture wars between moralizing "feminists" and SJWs, and I use the term loosely out of respect for people I know (even thought no true scotsman) and people who don't want... ya'know, people attempt...
by Spekio
2014-10-11 04:38pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: School to refer to students as purple penguins
Replies: 81
Views: 16813

Re: School to refer to students as purple penguins

The way it was phrased came to me as sarcasm....

Did I misread it? If so I apologize.
by Spekio
2014-10-11 04:02pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: School to refer to students as purple penguins
Replies: 81
Views: 16813

Re: School to refer to students as purple penguins


I am an idiot. Disregard please.
by Spekio
2014-10-10 06:28pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Ebola suspected in Brazil
Replies: 2
Views: 833

Re: Ebola suspected in Brazil


News are are reporting it as unlikely, due to no symptoms. I'll post any new discoveries.
by Spekio
2014-10-10 02:07pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: School to refer to students as purple penguins
Replies: 81
Views: 16813

Re: School to refer to students as purple penguins

Snip I want trans people and non-binary people to be accepted. They want trans people and non-binary people to be accepted. The issue here seems the way to go about it, right? I want them to acknowledge gender exists, but that is okay to go out of the molds society has historically accepted if they...
by Spekio
2014-10-10 10:07am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: School to refer to students as purple penguins
Replies: 81
Views: 16813

Re: School to refer to students as purple penguins

I know we like to shit on Fox but the reactions in the first page of this thread aren't really all that different from that Fox article. Obviously, none of what the SDN people said is quite as bad as Fox, but still. You misunderstood my objection. I asked if it was satire because it was presented v...