Search found 25 matches

by ebs2323
2010-08-11 03:53pm
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: Solauren's Miniature (RPG) Painting - Update (Aug 26)
Replies: 16
Views: 5201

Re: Solauren's Miniature (RPG) Painting - (56K warned, but s

nice job. they sure blow my 40K models out of the water. Im not much of a artist so I can't give you much adive.
by ebs2323
2010-07-31 07:37pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Iowa GOP seeks to take citizenship from Obama.
Replies: 35
Views: 3702

Re: Iowa GOP seeks to take citizenship from Obama.

My friend wonders why i want to move somewhere else. I hear that Canada is nice this time of the year.
by ebs2323
2010-07-31 02:26am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: What computer game(s) would you love to see made PnP?
Replies: 44
Views: 3943

Re: What computer game(s) would you love to see made PnP?

i think a Mass Effect PnP would do alright. Im not sure what sytem to use though, i have only had the chance to use D&D 3.5, and D&D 4.0. If i were to run it today i would use D20 modern, with a few tweeks to the classes, and gear.
by ebs2323
2010-07-29 04:00pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Waagh Star(WH40k/Star Wars) - inspired by Orange Star
Replies: 14
Views: 3709

Re: Waagh Star(WH40k/Star Wars) - inspired by Orange Star

i can lend a hand when it comes to the orks, as i play them. I don't know about helping to write it though. let me think on this... Cybork DarthBoss Vader... ill get back to you. :twisted:
by ebs2323
2010-07-16 02:44am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Criminal Probe now launched against BP.
Replies: 1
Views: 796

Re: Criminal Probe now launched against BP.

i hope they find something and bring those fuckers down, or at the very lest increase the caps, or even better make the companys 100% responsible and have to pay for everything. Its very unlickly though, Oil=Money, money=power in congress. damn it.
by ebs2323
2010-07-16 02:34am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What are the biggest WTF moments you've ever seen in fiction
Replies: 53
Views: 10441

Re: What are the biggest WTF moments you've ever seen in fic

I can't remember many, but the biggest WTF moment for me is Just Cause 2's ending. Rico has just discovered that the world’s largest oil reserve is in the island, then a giant submarine pops up in the middle of the ocean, you fly to it. Get blown up by the AA, then climb onboard and go inside. You f...
by ebs2323
2010-07-15 12:47am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover
Replies: 138
Views: 32156

Re: Emperor's Benediction: A 40k-Trek Crosssover

hope dis updates soon, i wanna see de wimpy 'umies get crushed by the not so wimpy 'umies!
by ebs2323
2010-07-14 02:45am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: What XBox 360 games should I get?
Replies: 29
Views: 2358

Re: What XBox 360 games should I get?

if you get Mass Effect 2 then you should get the first, mostly becuse you can't change the default choices Sheperd made in ME1 if you make a new charecter in ME2. if you play through ME1 then you can make the choices, instead of the default ones. Just Cause 2 is fun, i have red dead, and its prety g...
by ebs2323
2010-07-14 02:35am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Gustave: The Beast. The Legend. The Nightmare.
Replies: 28
Views: 3590

Re: Gustave: The Beast. The Legend. The Nightmare.

throw a zebra with some A1 ssteak suace in the bigger cage. then set up a camera. when Gustav comes to take a bit nuke the site from orbit.
by ebs2323
2010-06-16 12:41pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: GRIMDARK: WH40k Dark Millenium Online
Replies: 88
Views: 9413

Re: GRIMDARK: WH40k Dark Millenium Online

hmm, i hope you can play as a wierd boy, making an 'ead banger in in your raid would be so funny. *cue evil cackle
by ebs2323
2010-06-16 12:58am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: The effects of magical mass reduction fields on stuff.
Replies: 15
Views: 3566

Re: The effects of magical mass reduction fields on stuff.

As to the whole idea of the wardrive/FTl drive thing screwing everyone on the ship over, so they have to go into cyro. Those few systems that do work in our wierd alternate universe, how did they figure out how they work in the first place. That would be a more intersting story to me at least.
by ebs2323
2010-06-08 11:53pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Government stupidity in Seattle
Replies: 19
Views: 1647

Re: Government stupidity in Seattle

I live in Washington, and I love it. But our mayor is an idiot. Our town’s mayor is spending a huge amount of money on "repairing" the roads and sidewalks, and making a new city hall. The city hall we have right now is fine, and our schools are about 300 kids overcapacity. The road was onl...
by ebs2323
2010-06-05 08:10pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Bad Neighbours: A Mass Effect Xover/AU thing.
Replies: 47
Views: 16878

Re: Bad Neighbours: A Mass Effect Xover/AU thing.

Nice to see this updated. So how long are you going to make this story, in tersm of actual length and in universe time.
by ebs2323
2010-05-26 08:47pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Oddball yet mildly amusing alien biology question
Replies: 11
Views: 2045

Re: Oddball yet mildly amusing alien biology question

Yea I can imagine a exchange like this

Human “why are you eating road kill? We got a roast beef in the hotel.”

Alien “why aren’t YOU eating this, it’s fermented just to my liking, I must thank you for preparing such a wonderful dinner!”

Human “… uh you’re welcome.”

made me laugh at least...
by ebs2323
2010-05-13 07:48pm
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: 1939-1945 In Color
Replies: 19
Views: 4048

Re: 1939-1945 In Color

I must admit the color photos make a huge differnce in the impact.

Also if i recal from... somewhere, the polish did not use lances, but Ant-tanke rifles. The horses were used to get around faster.
by ebs2323
2010-04-30 06:58pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up
Replies: 4810
Views: 955055

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty Four Up

Nice, also i second the idea to open up a Salvation War art section.
by ebs2323
2010-04-22 11:24pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Eighty One Up
Replies: 4810
Views: 955055

Re: The Salvation War: Pantheocide. Part Sixty One Up

Night_stalker wrote:Well, I wonder if a Baldrick could use a modified version of it? Bigger trigger guard, and bigger trigger would be the only really nescessary modifications needed.
That sounds like a good idea, I hope Stuart goes with it. That is if Stuart decides to comment on the sidearm of a Baldrick.
by ebs2323
2010-04-22 10:00pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: New Member Introductions
Replies: 463
Views: 443121

Re: New Member Introductions

hey ime ebs2323, i too am a bit of a lurker. This is mostly due to me not having much to add, as i am still in school. The donversations almost always end up above my head
by ebs2323
2010-04-22 12:33am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Bad Neighbours: A Mass Effect Xover/AU thing.
Replies: 47
Views: 16878

Re: Bad Neighbours: A Mass Effect Xover/AU thing.

Very interesting, are the ME humans going to be in the story? or will they simple be left out?
by ebs2323
2010-04-05 12:30am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Some brains reward latent psychopathy
Replies: 9
Views: 1975

Re: Some brains reward latent psychopathy

I saw this about a week ago, and my first thought was "hey, maybe this means we can rehabilitate psychopaths after all? That's cool." Though I'm not sure what in practice that might actually entail. I'm also not sure this explains psychopathy by itself, since I've been given to believe it...
by ebs2323
2010-04-04 12:28am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: How to train your Dragon (Spoilers)
Replies: 19
Views: 3724

Re: How to train your Dragon (Spoilers)

The main thing that bugs me is that giant dragon at the end. How does it fly? the wing span doesnt match the size. I know this is a fiilm, but it still bugs me.
by ebs2323
2010-04-04 12:18am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Xenomorphs in Hogwarts
Replies: 36
Views: 2760

Re: Xenomorphs in Hogwarts

What if Hagrid gets a facehuger on him? he lives alone, if Harry could survive getting to him what would they do when they found Hagrid anyways?
by ebs2323
2010-03-31 12:03am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: New ideas on childhood trauma cause uproar
Replies: 33
Views: 6722

Re: New ideas on childhood trauma cause uproar

I have a question. I have heard taht children who are abused, lets say beaten as a form of punishment, will often do this to their children becuse that was how they were raised. Is this true? If so what does this mean for the study?
by ebs2323
2010-03-30 11:54pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Did you ever "feel god"?
Replies: 46
Views: 10032

Re: Did you ever "feel god"?

I've never felt god per say, but I used to have a paranoia about alien abductions where I would sometimes have that "I'm being watched" feeling, especially at night. The difference between that and "feeling god" of course was that it felt malevolent. I guess I would describe it ...
by ebs2323
2010-02-09 10:37pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Worst designed scifi creature?
Replies: 94
Views: 10779

Re: Worst designed scifi creature?

How about The Blob? that thing seems to be realy messed up, no brai or annything. It's just a... blob