Search found 20 matches

by Zathras
2006-10-22 04:38pm
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: [NSFW!]Funny Pic Thread! Now with LOL Chat Log Action!
Replies: 233
Views: 49164

Actual error message:


by Zathras
2006-08-05 09:00pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Quicktime help
Replies: 1
Views: 350

In Firefox, go to:

Tools -> Options -> Downloads -> Download Actions -> View & Edit Actions

Find MP3, select, hit Change Action, select Save
by Zathras
2006-07-23 08:46am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Hijack This Log Thread
Replies: 746
Views: 114139

Datana wrote:Zathras: An Acer laptop, right? Looks clear, though McAfee is probably chewing up a huge chunk of system resources.
Yeah, it sure does. Spybot S&D took ~15 minutes to run a scan, so I was afraid I'd missed something. Thanks.
by Zathras
2006-07-22 09:02pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Hijack This Log Thread
Replies: 746
Views: 114139

I just pulled a whole pile of shit off my sister's computer (she insists on using IE and only McAfee protection :banghead: ) and installed Spybot S&D and SpywareBlaster, but I'm not sure we got everything, as I needed to use some spyware-specific tools for some of it. Logfile of HijackThis v1.99...
by Zathras
2006-05-22 05:57pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Hijack This Log Thread
Replies: 746
Views: 114139

New system, "should" be clean, just want to optimize and/or kill any bundled shit. Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 17:50:05, on 2006-05-22 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.e...
by Zathras
2003-05-03 10:35pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Replies: 48
Views: 2119

It's working better than average for me, anyway....
by Zathras
2003-04-28 10:49pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Sometimes I really hate women.
Replies: 121
Views: 3911

By incomprehenisble, are we talking a few thousand words a minute, no recognizable words, mumbling, random shit, or what?

Just curious, and perhaps that would narrow down the problem.

And yes, pokes usually help.
by Zathras
2003-04-28 10:12pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: How many of your posts would you show your Mum?
Replies: 44
Views: 2516

Well, let's see...

(Conservative, over-protective, quasi-fundie mom) + (open-minded closet-atheist) + (SD.Net) = Snowshoes, please!

At least until fall, when it's off to university. :D
by Zathras
2003-04-28 10:06pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ice Cream
Replies: 55
Views: 2339


OK, so I'm boring. Get over it....

:roll: :wink:
by Zathras
2003-04-27 08:16pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Dangerous Fun In The House Of The Scorpion
Replies: 332
Views: 36846

I love your site, and I especially love this article, Duke! Keep up the good work!
by Zathras
2003-04-13 08:42pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Enterprise-E fly-by with a twist
Replies: 21
Views: 1000

The first time I saw it, I thought that rock had to be a mine....

And as for the STvsSW thing, I thought perhaps it was just too damn silly for there.
by Zathras
2003-04-13 08:32pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Sharon says Israel willing to give up settlements for peace.
Replies: 57
Views: 12575

OK, if I'm wrong, please correct me, but aren't these territories ones that Israel took from the Palestinians in the first place? And now giving them back is such a very kind thing to do that the Palestinians must make concessions of their own?
by Zathras
2003-04-13 07:56pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: A Comedy Of Errors
Replies: 11
Views: 1124

Maybe if you just lock yourself in the closet next weekend, it'll be less stressful and more fun....
by Zathras
2003-04-13 07:53pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Well, Prom is over...
Replies: 64
Views: 2685

I went through high school without attending a single non-manditory event, including prom, mainly because I knew they were all going to suck . (And yes, according to the after-action reviews from friends and general school population, they all did suck, at least by my tastes.) But that doesn't mean ...
by Zathras
2003-04-13 07:46pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Favorite Movie shoot em up scene?
Replies: 51
Views: 2637

Definately have to go with the lobby in Matrix. I hope they out-do it in the next movie.
by Zathras
2003-04-13 07:44pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Enterprise-E fly-by with a twist
Replies: 21
Views: 1000

Enterprise-E fly-by with a twist

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, here's a hilarious video from

Sorry if it's been posted before, but I didn't see it.
by Zathras
2003-04-10 05:10pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: What to do with Saddam if he's captured allive
Replies: 28
Views: 7069

That's disgusting. Why the hell should we stoop to his level? At the very least wait until it is proven in a court of law that it IS his level. Try him, convict him, then let his countrymen choose a sentence if you must, but let's be civilized about this. And if it was supposed to be a joke, try and...
by Zathras
2003-04-05 01:24pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Global WMD policies
Replies: 16
Views: 3784

Global WMD policies

In today's world, the only nations "allowed" to have weapons of mass destruction are the ones who already have them, and are powerfull enough to dictate who else can and can't. But is this a good idea? I admit, having every wingnut dictator running around with nukes and the like isn't a co...
by Zathras
2003-04-05 01:12pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Genetic Modifications Inc
Replies: 50
Views: 2716

No genetic diseases, plus no "accidents" is a good thing. I don't know about the "novelty" modifications, however.
by Zathras
2003-04-05 12:32pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Annual local flame-fest
Replies: 10
Views: 1111

Annual local flame-fest

Well, it's that time of year again in my town. The gay and lesbian community has petitioned for a gay pride week, and the shit is hitting the fan. City hall has declared such a week again this year, again for the wrong reasons. Not because they want to, or think it's a good idea, but because the gov...