Search found 341 matches

by Broken
2017-04-15 08:33pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Last Jedi first trailer.
Replies: 235
Views: 131363

Re: Last Jedi first trailer.

Interesting trailer, certainly sparked interest, but the end of the Jedi line did bug me. However, one thing we have to remember is that the new films are already altering/retconning the Force. Before TFA the words "Light Side of the Force" were never once spoken in any of the previous six...
by Broken
2015-03-01 12:46am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Should I try out Star Trek Online?
Replies: 2224
Views: 694912

Re: Should I try out Star Trek Online?

This is a thread I've meant to respond to many times, and somehow never got around to. Anyway, if you need a FED fleet and are not joining one of the big fleets (Reddit has a total of 4 fleets and has a number of my toons in them) I have invite rights to a largely inactive (aka doff, dil and mark du...
by Broken
2014-10-23 11:52am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Avengers: Age of Ultron Leak
Replies: 164
Views: 32610

Avengers Age of Ultron official teaser trailer

Age of Ultron teaser trailer

Short, sweet and looks pretty good.

Edit: Opps, meant to post in fantasy, if a mod could move please
by Broken
2014-08-06 12:35pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: FFXIV: Realm Reborn
Replies: 5
Views: 2768

Re: FFXIV: Realm Reborn

What server did you end up rolling on? I play FFXIV a bit (been too busy this summer to play) and ended up on Excalibur with some folks I know. FFXIV is not a sequel to FFXI except so much as they are both MMO's. All the final fantasy games share some common themes, enemies/npc's names/traits, and e...
by Broken
2014-07-02 11:25am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Supreme court strikes down Obamacare birth control mandate
Replies: 35
Views: 4201

Re: Supreme court strikes down Obamacare birth control manda

From further reading, it does look like the reason the regulations (remember, the requirements for the types of birth control in question were NOT included in the text of the ACA, but were in the HHS regulations written as a result of the ACA) were found invalid is because there are other less reli...
by Broken
2014-06-26 09:29pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: MA SWAT teams claim they are private corporations
Replies: 15
Views: 3134

MA SWAT teams claim they are private corporations

Massachusetts SWAT teams claim they’re private corporations, immune from open records laws According to the ACLU, the LECs (Law Enforcement Council) are claiming that the 501(c)(3) status means that they’re private corporations, not government agencies. And therefore, they say they’re immune from o...
by Broken
2014-03-08 11:59am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Ukraine War Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 144238

Re: Ukraine Uprising/Conflict General (Livestream from Maida

I have seen it mentioned in a couple places now that Russia's response to this crisis may well end up being less then advantageous to them. First because Russia has a stock market now, which is not reacting (down 12% one day, up 6% another) all that well to the situation. Secondly, and potentially m...
by Broken
2014-03-05 11:10am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Ukraine War Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 144238

Re: Ukraine Uprising/Conflict General (Livestream from Maida

I wonder if this crisis will reopen interest in liquid natural gas being exported from the US (which wastes large amounts of NG by burning it off when fraking) to Europe via ship. The idea (iirc) was considered unworkable due to cost of new ships/port terminals which couldn't compete with NG from Ru...
by Broken
2014-03-02 10:39am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: 29 Dead in mass attack
Replies: 16
Views: 2494

Re: 29 Dead in mass attack

I think this actually shocks me more than a mass shooting, because stabbing someone has always felt more personal - you have to get in very close to the victim, and it can take a lot of effort to overpower them and drive it home. For 10 guys to do this to roughly three people each is just horrific....
by Broken
2014-03-01 10:30am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Ukraine War Thread
Replies: 1377
Views: 144238

Re: Livestream from Maidan (street battles raging)

New York Times push around 9:30 am EST just said "Putin asks Russia's Senate for permission to send troops to Ukraine". Looks like things are about to get even more interesting and not in a good way.
by Broken
2014-02-18 11:18am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Florida's loud music case
Replies: 86
Views: 10577

Re: Florida's loud music case

Simply pulling the gun when they were in their vehicle and posing no threat = Murder 1. The 1st degree murder charge was for killing Davis, who by that point had stepped out of the car. You will note that a)none of the people in the car were killed, and b)Dunn was convicted on a bunch of charges re...
by Broken
2014-01-23 10:20am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: West Virginia's Contaminated Water
Replies: 81
Views: 13773

Re: West Virginia's Contaminated Water

Besides, the Republican playbook for dealing with inconvenient regulations (regardless if it be of the financial industry, industrial safety, or public services) for decades now has been to starve the department that is supposed to enforce them of funds, if they can't outright kill the department/re...
by Broken
2014-01-22 06:43am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: DayZ Standalone Alpha on Steam
Replies: 43
Views: 8214

Re: DayZ Standalone Alpha on Steam

It's not quite full loot. Shooting someone in the chest ruins their shirt/vest and randomly damages some items in their backpack. But still, enough survives to make it a valid tactic. At this point its a balance issue. Ease of gearing vs advantages of a group is currently weighted heavily in the sho...
by Broken
2014-01-14 10:12am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Death Threats for Exposing College Athlete Literacy Rates
Replies: 44
Views: 4598

Re: Death Threats for Exposing College Athlete Literacy Rate

All that said, college football and basketball are a farce with the NCAA at the head. The NCAA trots out lines about "student-athletes" to give themselves a noble air, but it's nothing but a money-making enterprise. A money-making enterprise where everyone but the people (players) who mak...
by Broken
2014-01-13 11:06am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: December 2015 Release Date
Replies: 14
Views: 3848

Re: December 2015 Release Date

I always thought the 2015 release was just too short a time period if they didn't have a decent script already well in hand. Personally I would have pushed it back to 2016 at the least since if Disney proves they can do Star Wars well (which they need to prove with the first movie) then they have a ...
by Broken
2014-01-11 11:01am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Star Wars Canon about to be completely redefined
Replies: 87
Views: 17235

Re: Star Wars Canon about to be completely redefined

While Zahn has a couple decent books and ideas, if your going to clean house on the expanded universe, really clean it. Nuke it from orbit and rebuild from the ground up. That way you don't have folks cherry-picking their personal favorite book, character, idea, etc and trying desperately to shoehor...
by Broken
2014-01-11 10:44am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: DayZ Standalone Alpha on Steam
Replies: 43
Views: 8214

Re: DayZ Standalone Alpha on Steam

I would be playing this if my graphics card hadn't taken a shit; I'm waiting for EVGA to ship out the replacement so I can play modern games again. As the game stands (or stood around Xmas when I last played), human nature plays only to get you killed. Ease of gearing up with weapons + lack of endga...
by Broken
2014-01-09 10:53am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Has anybody tried an Oculus Rift?
Replies: 12
Views: 3696

Re: Has anybody tried an Oculus Rift?

One of my buddies has been drooling over this thing since the dev kit was available. Hasn't broken down and gotten one yet (the production model is rumored to be 1080p, so significant improvement over the dev) but he wants it for War Thunder and Star Citizen.
by Broken
2014-01-09 10:46am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Bridgegate
Replies: 67
Views: 7930

Re: Bridgegate

How much money did Fort Lee lose? Besides the lost money, from what I read at least 4 EMS calls were severely delayed by the traffic snarls, including a 90+ year old women who later died. Whether a faster response time would have done anything in these specific cases I don't know (calls took 7-9 mi...
by Broken
2014-01-06 10:52am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Ship trapped in Antarctic, Right responds LOL Global Warming
Replies: 33
Views: 4489

Re: Ship trapped in Antarctic, Right responds LOL Global War

Yeah, I read somewhere that scientists wish they called it "climate chaos" rather then warming even though the overall trend is the world getting warmer.
by Broken
2013-12-19 01:44pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: DayZ Standalone Alpha on Steam
Replies: 43
Views: 8214

DayZ Standalone Alpha on Steam

Well, surprise and shock, here is an early Xmas gift for DayZ fans. Rocket has finally gotten around to releasing the alpha for the long-awaited DayZ standalone. Seems to still have numerous bugs and problems, but is both selling well and being enjoyed. Anyone here jumping on it, I got it but will l...
by Broken
2013-12-17 11:24am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: So Battlefield 4...
Replies: 52
Views: 9708

Re: So Battlefield 4...

Yeah, BF4 even more then the previous games in the series seems to come and go in streaks. Last night in one match in particular I couldn't kill anyone with my carbine, missing or only wounding regardless of range (the netcode has not been kind lately) but my SRAW couldn't seem to miss, I downed 2 c...
by Broken
2013-12-12 10:52am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: World of Warplanes
Replies: 19
Views: 3182

Re: World of Warplanes

I have to admit, I haven't played historical much in War Thunder, but its quite interesting with the lack of lead indicator and the more realistic flight model (I have seen B109's lose wings diving too fast in historical mode). And you could feel the strain when my fully loaded Hellcat struggled dow...
by Broken
2013-11-30 10:23am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: World of Warplanes
Replies: 19
Views: 3182

Re: World of Warplanes

For my sky fix, I've been playing War Thunder when I have the time especially since they are running bonus missions right now for access to their ground combat beta. I tried World of Warplanes early in the alpha and found it uninspired and the flight models more akin to thrown rocks with no performa...
by Broken
2013-11-21 09:48am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Keep guns out of Zimmerman's hands
Replies: 29
Views: 4996

Re: Keep guns out of Zimmerman's hands

That depends on the state Federal Duder. Check out question 11.h. on the 4473 . I suppose he could buy a gun on armslist or sumshit but he would be in violation of the GCA. That looks like it is a form if he's trying to buy new guns, not taking away the guns he already owns (which it sounds like Zi...