Search found 295 matches

by TurboPhaser
2005-08-11 08:54am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Why do phasers seem to be weaker in TNG and afterwards?
Replies: 40
Views: 3916

Phasers in TNG and onward are always set to power level one unless more bang is needed as SOP. This is probably the result of politics, though why it often doesn't occur to the characters to up the power level is anybody's guess. In the episode that Riker thought he was going crazy but was really b...
by TurboPhaser
2005-05-22 11:37am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Thanks. :)

Sequel......err. Possibly an Enterprise based one. But I feel I might end up repeating all the 'jokes'.

We'll see. :wink:
by TurboPhaser
2005-05-22 10:00am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Part 14: The Conclusion! (Voyager Shuttle Bay which already has 20 escape pods, numerous shuttlecraft, Neelix's ship and the Delta Flyer in it) Data: (walking through shuttle bay) Odd, it didn't look this big from the outside. Darth: Maybe they use some form of molecular compression technology? Geor...
by TurboPhaser
2005-05-18 11:56am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

And inflict spelling errors and poor grammar upon you all? I think not.

Once it is finished to my satisfaction it'll be posted. In other words, tomorrow. :)
by TurboPhaser
2005-05-18 10:02am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Hello folks. The final part is almost ready.

Part 14, which is the longest one, should be up tomorrow.

To give you a preview, I'll tell you it involves a Dominion attack, trouble with the Shinassi and Voyager returning home in spectacular fashion.

Until tomorrow....
by TurboPhaser
2005-02-17 09:00am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: accuracy of
Replies: 45
Views: 5196

This is, incidentally, a fiction with a single phaser beam slicing through an Imperator's shields and picking off all its weapons while the Imperator can't do anything more effective than make rude faces at the Enterprise. This is his idea of the canon technology disparity, remember. I don't want t...
by TurboPhaser
2005-02-17 08:49am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Oh, those silly Trekkies
Replies: 40
Views: 2457

I don't suppose I should bother pointing out that if the new Star Wars movie was cancelled, most people here would have a mass panic attack. However, while I agree that Enterprise wasnt the best Trek series, it had its moments. I'm halfway through S3, due to our sci-fi hating networks here. And what...
by TurboPhaser
2004-11-03 02:09am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Heh, I know, prolly shoulda added a ' :P '

Yes, no updates, my bad.
by TurboPhaser
2004-11-03 12:10am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Singular Quartet wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:you guys did know the last chaper game out three months ago and no one commented?
You thought we were paying attention to this stuff?
:( That stings.
by TurboPhaser
2004-11-02 10:07pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Yes, it twas. :D Chapter 13: (Voyager blasts out of the Timely Subspace Tunnel and is instantly fired upon by the Borg) Chakotay: (ship quakes) Oof! Borg eh? No problem! Tuvok, rotate weapons frequencies and fire! Tuvok: Aye sir. (Voyager starts firing phasers and torpedoes, they hit several Cubes) ...
by TurboPhaser
2004-11-02 09:35am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Great response here guys :P..............I have Part 13 ready, extra long it is..........It's just going through some fine tuning. Will be up tomorrow.
by TurboPhaser
2004-09-29 07:56am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Trek ship hull strength
Replies: 130
Views: 7847

Erm, didn't Voyager survive flying through a Binary Pulsar in Scientific Method? Now, I don't know what the conditions are between 2 stars that are directly next to each other, but I would guess it is not a picnic. Voyager was also unshielded, so whatever forces that were present between those two P...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-24 02:48am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Well I was watching Nemesis ...
Replies: 26
Views: 4004

Yeah, yeah. Star Trek is st00pid!!111!!! Falling back on that again. Well, isn't launching torpedoes at close range high on the list of Very Bad Things To Do? Both ships were practically on top of each other, unshielded and beat to hell. If Shinzon launches torps, he risks sending everyone up in a n...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-13 11:20pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: What would REALLY happen if Trek met Wars..(warning: funny!)
Replies: 24
Views: 5600

Not funny, I agree.

Nothing original or interesting about it.
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-13 09:47am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Part 12......I think I'll wrap this up soon. (Minutes Earlier, on Riker's pod) Riker: Deanna, I have something to tell you it's about Worf. Troi: What is it? Riker: I know how you felt about him, this makes it very difficult to say but.........he's dead. Troi: Oh my Gosh! This is horrible! How'd it ...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-11 09:01am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

Agent R: To be honest, I more or less forgot about this. Thankyou all for your kind words. Part 11: Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Galaxy: (USS Voyager, bridge) Chakotay: Well? Any sign of the Captain yet? Kim: No Sir, repeated scans have failed to locate her. Chakotay: Nuts. (7 enters bridge) Chakotay...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-09 11:02am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Wesleys Brain. (Warning: Contains humour) >< COMPLETE
Replies: 57
Views: 8151

It's been a while, and this only has a small audience. But never mind, I'm going to continue. Part 10. (Enterprise) Lt. Og: How can this be!? No! NO! Captain Janeway: (throwing 'Picard' mask on floor) Yes! It was I you fools! Lt. Og: Janeway: No time for that claptrap! I'm still Capta...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-09 09:46am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: One Sovereign class starship in orbit around modern Earth
Replies: 72
Views: 6305

Voyager's crew never knew they were even there until after they were "forced" into normal time as a delayed result of leaving their own planet, which experienced time at a stupendously faster rate than the rest of the universe. Huh? my head hurts just thinking about that. What episode was...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-07 10:30am
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Star Trek versus Star Wars
Replies: 27
Views: 3814

I like it. More.
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-07 10:14am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: One Sovereign class starship in orbit around modern Earth
Replies: 72
Views: 6305

Um, since time was frozen from the aliens point of view, so would have Voyager's computers, they wouldnt have detected them. Computer security has nothing to do with it. How they actually opened the docking port, I don't know. Maybe its a mechanical thing more than computerised. They were able to mo...
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-07 10:09am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: The Krenim vs. the Federation
Replies: 14
Views: 2860


Multiple attacks on a messed Voyager couldnt destroy her. Imagine how long a War Galaxy could have survived.

Feddies bitch slap the Krenim.
by TurboPhaser
2004-07-07 10:05am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Skin of Evil Torpedo Analysis
Replies: 10
Views: 2197

*rubs eyes* Now that I have resumed blinking..... Interesting theories, but nothing can seem to fully explain this weird torpedo. Must one of those Conundrum torpedoes.... Whatever happened, they were satisfied they blew up the shuttle (and probably Armus too, unless he had the smarts to move away f...
by TurboPhaser
2004-06-27 05:55am
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Palpatine in the Federation
Replies: 32
Views: 6280

Trekdestroyer wrote:The Feddies would be eating out of his gnarled hand! Try to picture the emperor blowing redshirts away with sith lightning! :twisted:
You mean that lightning that takes about 5 minutes to bring somebody close to death?

by TurboPhaser
2004-06-23 07:39am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Funniest Trek moment for You
Replies: 93
Views: 10712

From GEN:

Data: (Facing possible splatterage on Veridan 3) Ooooooooh, shit!

Best Data quote ever.
by TurboPhaser
2004-06-23 07:14am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: DS9 hull strength
Replies: 37
Views: 3590

The only other thing I can think of as a hull strength indicator is when a Jem' Hadar ship blasts a docking arm off. Nope, never happened. IIRC no Federation ships died of a core breach in the fleet engagements either. So, the Fed's safety procedures cant be that bad. Besides, if a core did go off ...