Search found 39 matches

by Slowhand
2003-09-14 10:58pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Jimi Hendrix gets #1 guitarist of all time in Rolling Stone
Replies: 46
Views: 1902

Re: Jimi Hendrix gets #1 guitarist of all time in Rolling St

It is abundantly clear that the *ahem* writer of this artical needs to be led around back of the Rolling Stone offices and shot in the back of the head. The notion of lumping two guitarists from the same band together in consecutive places is idiotic. I've got no real problem with the first four, bu...
by Slowhand
2003-09-06 02:34pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Your Avatar's Source or Meaning
Replies: 239
Views: 5838

I think my signature says it all. :wink:
by Slowhand
2003-08-28 01:56pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ever been shot with a b-b gun
Replies: 69
Views: 1585

My friends anf I would play cops and robbers on our respective farms with BB and pellet guns. Pellets cause much more pain and it was our considered opinion that the "robbers" would use the pellet guns because the bad guys' weapons are always better than standard issue police service weapo...
by Slowhand
2003-08-28 01:50pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: what do you believe?
Replies: 52
Views: 2024

1. Secular Humanism (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (94%) 3. Liberal Quakers (80%) 4. Nontheist (73%) 5. Theravada Buddhism (72%) 6. Neo-Pagan (70%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (65%) 8. New Age (55%) 9. Taoism (55%) 10. Reform Judaism (51%) 11. Mahayana Buddhism (50%) 12. Orthodox ...
by Slowhand
2003-08-28 01:35pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Sleep Apnea Suffererers?
Replies: 6
Views: 536

Well, I have an uncle who suffers quite badly from apnea and my mother's been known to saw more than her share of logs. I also have a cousin who had some kind of surgery performed on his throat area to help control his snoring. And I, too, used to rattle the windows and find myself getting very, VER...
by Slowhand
2003-08-27 12:58pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Anyone else here laugh a lot?
Replies: 41
Views: 2314

Laugh long! Laugh loud! Laugh hard!

First, it's one character trait that separates us from the animals.
Second, it promotes good health by relieving stress.

I am a loud laugher, and proud of it!
by Slowhand
2003-08-26 01:54pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: MUSIC: Guitar tuning
Replies: 9
Views: 225

It really depends on what I want to play. I usually play rock and various metal on my electric guitar so it stays tuned in standard @ 440. My steel string acoustic is almost soley reserved for camp fire duties these days to it also remains in standard although hardly ever at 440. My classical nylon ...
by Slowhand
2003-08-23 07:55pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: MUSIC: Prefered Tuning Method
Replies: 9
Views: 370

I don't understand these tuning methods and I've been a guitarist for 17 years...
by Slowhand
2003-08-23 07:50pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Facial feature removal.
Replies: 18
Views: 618

Covergirls and runway models often apply a cream under their eyes that's readily available at drug stores everywhere. Preparation H.

Apply it the night before a photo shoot and presto! No bags.

For what it's worth...
by Slowhand
2003-08-18 09:30pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: [POLL] B&B or Wong?
Replies: 31
Views: 4291

Wong's impeccable logic would help to produce better viewing than anything B&B could ever dream of.

Personally, I think Stravo would be an excellent choice.
by Slowhand
2003-08-18 06:06pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Fav loony toon
Replies: 29
Views: 725

I pretty much like them all save for Pepi LePiu(sp?) and the tunes that he runs with. If I had to choose one favorite, I'd have to say:

Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius!!!


Duck Dodgers in the 24th and a half century!!!

Loonie Toons rock.
by Slowhand
2003-08-18 04:37pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Astrology fucking debunked after 50 year study...
Replies: 62
Views: 2826

I have never believed in astrology and I've always felt that people who really do are weak and impressionable. I may be quilty of reading the daily horoscope in the paper, but that hardly makes me a believer. With that said, one year ago I met a woman you was born the day before me. We share a dispr...
by Slowhand
2003-08-18 04:25pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Do we NEED genetic engineering?
Replies: 140
Views: 11750

And they haven't. If they genuinely caused more trouble than they were worth, we wouldn't still be using them. Perhaps "more trouble than they're worth" was over the top on my part, but you cannot seriously believe that automobiles are totally benign in terms of their impact on pollution?...
by Slowhand
2003-08-18 04:01pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Geek Test
Replies: 67
Views: 2073

27% geek here.

I can live with that.

by Slowhand
2003-08-17 07:49pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: My dog has cancer :(
Replies: 26
Views: 1700

That's dreadful news. I anthropomorphize like a sonofabitch, and I can honestly that I never greived harder than when my little dog, Gord passed away at 30 months from congestive heart failure.

My thought are with you.
by Slowhand
2003-08-17 07:31pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Why does music suck so much right now?
Replies: 78
Views: 1850

Thanks Crazy, I used to rent a room to a very good musician. We became good friends. You know the kind: one can move away and not see the other for 10 years. When you're back in town on business, you can pick up right where you left off it seems. Anyway, he had his own professional quality recording...
by Slowhand
2003-08-17 06:29pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Why does music suck so much right now?
Replies: 78
Views: 1850

1/ The music industry (proper) has existed since the 1930's. Given that a million songs have been recorded and all the ideas for something catchy have already been used, a good original song these is literally, one in a million. 2/ Record producers only worry about the bottom line. "Can we sign...
by Slowhand
2003-08-16 06:13pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Do we NEED genetic engineering?
Replies: 140
Views: 11750

Could Genetic technology ever come back and bite the human race in the arse? I like Darth Wong likening the onset of the automobile as being unfair to those without, but the auto became one of the biggest revolutions in history and today has greatly helped to create our now shoddy atmosphere. Even t...
by Slowhand
2003-08-16 05:11pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Suicide
Replies: 18
Views: 802

I'll try not to comment much about drug use (I seem to remember reading somewhere at this BB that such talk is frowned upon), but in this "worst-case-scenario", suicide is not really a viable option. In the last 12 months I myself have: been divorced from my wife of 12 years, entered a sta...
by Slowhand
2003-08-14 02:30pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Living in the Bible Belt...
Replies: 60
Views: 2918

But how does that explain why the Creationists succeed in duping 44% of the US population? I don't know if it's really duping. Not everyone goes because the wife says so, and not every matriarch goes just to see that the Jones' are up to. Some people go because they fear repercussion from the commu...
by Slowhand
2003-08-14 01:32pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Living in the Bible Belt...
Replies: 60
Views: 2918

It depends whether or not you are stupid enough to mention you don't believe in God in public. Seriously, I'd lie to see what could happen to me if I moved into a very churchy neighbourhood and sent out invitations to everyone on the block to drop by on Sunday mornings for BBQ and drinks in prelude...
by Slowhand
2003-08-12 08:41pm
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: What's the most sadistic thing that you have ever done
Replies: 70
Views: 13353

In Ultima Online, I developed some very shady characters indeed! I would convince people to let me kill them. Eg: Kill them on the premice that they would advance in ghost form into a blocked passage I couldn't breach. Advise them to give me all their items so that their gear wouldn't be stolen by a...
by Slowhand
2003-08-10 10:43pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Mirror vs trek
Replies: 25
Views: 3096

As for the look of Enterprise NX-01, I think it has more to do with the fact that Cochrane SAW the E-E through a telescope. Obviously this event tainted Cochranes future designs and the NX-01 is the long-term result, a ship that looks like nothing in Starfleet's history. But when arguing that the lo...
by Slowhand
2003-08-10 06:46pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Animatrix - Cain and Abel (Matrix crossover)
Replies: 584
Views: 65393

Stravo, I asked you to be the PM of Canada because you've shown more creativity and insight at this board than the whole of my government has ever shown. Period. Obviously you're not going to be. Perhaps we can crown you King or something else equally fitting of your god-like writing skills. Like Qu...
by Slowhand
2003-08-09 05:09pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Animatrix - Cain and Abel (Matrix crossover)
Replies: 584
Views: 65393

I go from expounding on the virtues of Stravo's Starcrossed fic only to start reading this one last night. Stravo, it is quite possible that you're wasting your life if you are not a full-time writer. I can't wait for more. POST NOW!!!! Stravo, would you consider becoming the Prime Minister of Canada?