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by nygma619
2011-03-02 05:03pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Take off the rose colored glasses. Outside of Guiness, Ford, Cushing and McDiarmid the acting is crap. PT: Take out McDiarmid, McGregor and Nieson and the acting is crap. Not much of a difference. See now that's just your opinion. :P IMO Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher did great with what they were g...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 05:00pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Take off the rose colored glasses. Outside of Guiness, Ford, Cushing and McDiarmid the acting is crap. PT: Take out McDiarmid, McGregor and Nieson and the acting is crap. Not much of a difference. See now that's just your opinion. :P IMO Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher did great with what they were g...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 04:25pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

I'm just going to note that in your last few replies to Havok and myself your arguments are getting increasingly reliant on appealing to your personal opinions on the acting, dialogue, whatever and trying to pass that off as fact rather than what it is. Oh so people do spew crappy dialogue like tha...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 04:14pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Oh, go buy a barbed wire butt plug and stick it up your ass, you legalistic prick. Just because Lucas is never going to actually sue Stoklasa doesn't mean we can't show that damage has been done to his image. I'm so sure Lucas is really worried about how an internet review might have "damaged ...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 04:09pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Wow struck a nerve there. The only ones on this forum pretending they have giant fact dicks around are people like you. You think it was a success because it made a bagillion dollars, that’s your opinion. I’m of the opinion that it was a failure in film making. So in other words, you can't name any...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 03:38am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

I'm just going to note that in your last few replies to Havok and myself your arguments are getting increasingly reliant on appealing to your personal opinions on the acting, dialogue, whatever and trying to pass that off as fact rather than what it is. Oh so people do spew crappy dialogue like tha...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 03:26am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

You need to clarify your stance a little here. *whining* At least Formless has shown some class. *more whining* Wasn't it Formless you made your intitial 'classless' comment about? Well If you don't want to hear anymore whining now why would you ask a question about it? :roll: Anyways yes it was, b...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 03:16am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

George Lucas never "rebelled" against the system, he got so fucking rich that he could do what he wanted without it. As the rest of Hollywood still is the 'system' and that is what 95% of people still work through, Lucas has hardly 'become "the system"'. If controlling everythin...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 02:54am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Nygma619 having thin skin and being a whinny cunt about it doesn't happen to have a rule behind it. I'm guessing you don't have much in the way of people skills outside of the internet, if this is how you respond to someone who didn't say anything to you in the first place. At least Formless has sh...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 02:39am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

So this gives everyone the excuse to be as classless as possible, got it. (You might also note that I have yet to swear at you in either of these posts. Simply because I can doesn't mean I do it all the time. You might find most people are that way here) And believe me, I actually appreciate that. ...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 01:57am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

So this gives everyone the excuse to be as classless as possible, got it. Seriously, go read the board rules. And stop whining. Yes I know there's certain boundaries here but I'm not talking about rules in general (and/or what you can get away with), I'm talking about actual maturity and/or decency...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 01:34am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Seriously is everyone here THIS immature when responding to someone? Usually people who say stuff like this get referred to the board motto, but lets take a different tack. A few titles of threads from the current first page of Parting Shots: "LionElJohnson has absolutely no shame" "...
by nygma619
2011-03-02 01:04am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Nice try, dipshit Seriously is everyone here THIS immature when responding to someone? How about this as a simple answer, SATIRE! For example RLM showed a clip Han Solo being prepared for frozen carbonation and uses that when saying he probably got rid of people he questioned a long time ago. His p...
by nygma619
2011-02-22 05:45am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why were Droidekas such a problem for Jedi in TPM?
Replies: 60
Views: 8847

Re: Why were Droidekas such a problem for Jedi in TPM?

Not true we see those things in the palace later battling padme and company. And even if they are lousy escorts you can at least keep them around the droids as well.
by nygma619
2011-02-22 02:08am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why were Droidekas such a problem for Jedi in TPM?
Replies: 60
Views: 8847

Re: Why were Droidekas such a problem for Jedi in TPM?

What I don't get is why didn't gunray send these things down with them and have THEM guard the queen, since they were the only formidable thing against the jedi's. He knew the Jedi were down there, did he just think they were gonna smoke weed while they were down on the planet? Hell no, the queen wo...
by nygma619
2011-02-22 01:57am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

What was being argued was that my response to his review (which quoted and responded to practically all of his points) was somehow off base for missing some "main point" that was really Stoklasa's safe, subjective opinion that the movies just didn't engage him. A defense which completely ...
by nygma619
2011-02-19 06:38pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

You're in denial, plain and simple. I showed, in a hundred-page response, how the vast majority of the RLM review was not some intelligent, insightful, and safely subjective statement that he was simply bored or unengaged by the movie. Stoklasa aimed to portray George Lucas as a complete and total ...
by nygma619
2011-02-17 02:19am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Stop being deliberately dense. That was one of Stoklasa's dumbest, but most frequently used methods. Again , if someone argues that the RLM has some profound "main point," then I would expect a signficant portion of that review to be backing up that "main point." Well you seem t...
by nygma619
2011-02-15 11:49pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

I've been over this again and again in this thread. If you stick to the safe, subjective position that the prequel characters just didn't engage you, then that's not very objectionable. It also isn't enough material to make a 70, 90, or 2 hour (however long the ROTS one is) movie review. And if tha...
by nygma619
2011-02-14 11:46pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

That doesn't address much of what I said- why should he be judged with a bias towards him and the prequels judged with a bias against them? Well for me, his reviews of the films earned a degree of respect in what criticisms he brought about in the films. The prequels did NOTHING to earn any respect...
by nygma619
2011-02-14 05:04pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

A little thing called context. What is the context here, then? The context of treating the things that you do like as unvarnished truth and the things which you don't like as obviously jokes? Turning his review from a highly truthful unveiling of the flaws of the Star Wars prequels into a lengthy, ...
by nygma619
2011-02-14 04:14pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

"Oh please, don't try to justify his (dishonest, incorrect) nitpicking as having some greater and more profound point." Not really but he gets a pass on some of it for playing a character who supposed to be senile (and it's used for entertainment reasons). When you do it, it's just your a...
by nygma619
2011-02-14 04:11pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Jim Raynor: "What "logic" are you talking about? The Trade Fed has some military muscle behind it. Which makes it no different than lots of big bad businesses in lots of other movies." How many big bad businesses invade a country in real life or the movies (besides this one)? Un...
by nygma619
2011-02-14 04:50am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

"Oh please, don't try to justify his (dishonest, incorrect) nitpicking as having some greater and more profound point." Not really but he gets a pass on some of it for playing a character who supposed to be senile (and it's used for entertainment reasons). When you do it, it's just your at...
by nygma619
2011-02-14 04:46am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)
Replies: 838
Views: 294146

Re: Response to RedLetterMedia's TPM Review (108 Page PDF)

Jim Raynor: "No, I'm not wrong. The scene is exactly as I described. Obi-Wan is kicked in the face, falls and slams into a surface several dozen feet (at least) below, has to hold on from falling again, pulls himself back up, Force jumps to where Qui-Gon and Maul are fighting...and doesn't use ...