Search found 21 matches

by Maelstrom
2017-05-14 06:14pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Overcoming/breaching hypothetical Trump wall.
Replies: 30
Views: 14538

Re: Overcoming/breaching hypothetical Trump wall.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I will continue to fight the good fight, simply out of principle, haha, but it's an uphill battle. I find it hard to believe anyone really thinks a mighty wall is imminent, but, it's for all intents and purposes a religion to certain people. I highly doubt the funds wil...
by Maelstrom
2017-05-13 08:37pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Overcoming/breaching hypothetical Trump wall.
Replies: 30
Views: 14538

Re: Overcoming/breaching hypothetical Trump wall.

Odds are it'll never come to that. Trump will tell Homeland Security to go with the low-bidder and/or a company he owns, who will then not just half-arse but quarter -arse the construction process, and the resulting wall will be falling to bits by the midterms. Assuming of course that someone doesn...
by Maelstrom
2017-05-13 07:34pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Overcoming/breaching hypothetical Trump wall.
Replies: 30
Views: 14538

Overcoming/breaching hypothetical Trump wall.

Greetings again everyone. Still pretty much the occasional lurker here. Guess I'm just a weird lurker by nature, hehe. Anyway, here lately I've been doing some trolling on some right wing websites, and surprise surprise this Trump wall business is a routine topic. Anyway, I recently interjected myse...
by Maelstrom
2016-07-14 06:57pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Will we get an Imperial POV Movie?
Replies: 61
Views: 24842

Re: Will we get an Imperial POV Movie?

Much apologies. Didn't notice the most recent post was so old.
by Maelstrom
2016-07-14 04:15am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Will we get an Imperial POV Movie?
Replies: 61
Views: 24842

Re: Will we get an Imperial POV Movie?

Two words:. Das Boot.
by Maelstrom
2016-06-28 04:12am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: The Doctor encounters the Matrix.
Replies: 37
Views: 11325

Re: The Doctor encounters the Matrix.

I tend to think the Doctor would do nothing...what with his knowledge that Great and Bountiful human empires are forthcoming from this...hiccup. He would, of course, defend himself and any of his companions. And let's be honest, if he can handle Cybermen and Daleks, he'd handle the shit out of the M...
by Maelstrom
2016-06-28 02:54am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: The 2016 US Election (Part III)
Replies: 2229
Views: 298970

Re: The 2016 US Election (Part III)

Totally anecdotal I know, but my gf, black and 38, is an ardent Bernie supporter. In fact, almost everyone I know was for Bernie. But, like minded individuals tend to associate with like minded individuals, and so, sadly, I still expect my state to go Trump. Me living in Kansas and all.
by Maelstrom
2011-09-12 12:15am
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [asedra] Ed Asner on 9/11 - Building 7
Replies: 159
Views: 183378

Re: Ed Asner on 9/11 - Building 7

Good luck trying to change your friend's mind. I've got a good buddy that's been into this 9/11 "Truther" nonsense for years, and it is truly annoying. It used to be inevitable, when hanging out drinking with him, that this topic would come up, and we'd go round and round in circles debati...
by Maelstrom
2011-07-29 08:12pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Houses agrees to raise debt ceiling, plan still sucks.
Replies: 75
Views: 7751

Re: Houses agrees to raise debt ceiling, plan still sucks.

Whew! Way to stay strong Boehner and Co. Thought I was gonna have to cut back on my caviar consumption. Keeping a Gulfstream in the hangar and on 24/7 standby is a real killer!
by Maelstrom
2011-07-29 07:23pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Obama shields torturers permanently
Replies: 94
Views: 8873

Re: Obama shields torturers permanently

Permanently is a long time. Ideologies change. Systems change. Public opinion changes. Sometimes it takes a fucking long time, and a lot of people suffer in the meanwhile, but we live in a world where slavery is gone, racial minorities and women can vote, and in some place gay people can get marrie...
by Maelstrom
2011-07-29 05:02pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Obama shields torturers permanently
Replies: 94
Views: 8873

Re: Obama shields torturers permanently

Nothing will ever come of this. During the Cold War, we bought into the notion that those "damn Commies" wanted to conquer the world, and destroy our way of life, and so, if certain unpleasantries needed to be undertaken by the gov't to prevent that, then so be it. And after 9/11, well shi...
by Maelstrom
2011-07-28 04:52am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Sarah Palin Movie Debuts to Empty Theater in Orange County
Replies: 37
Views: 4411

Re: Sarah Palin Movie Debuts to Empty Theater in Orange Coun

With a Rifftrax treatment and a lot of hard liquor, I'd rock it.
by Maelstrom
2011-07-28 04:09am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: The Washington Post isn't real journalism
Replies: 14
Views: 2059

Re: The Washington Post isn't real journalism

Wasn;t there a whole Obama orders Dijon mustard attack?,0,1652607.story My favourite was that I first came upon this news after reading obama second book. Specifically, the part where his political strategiest asked him not ...
by Maelstrom
2011-07-27 10:44pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Disunited: Are Our States Moving In Separate Directions
Replies: 32
Views: 3606

Re: Disunited: Are Our States Moving In Separate Directions

Knives? Useful tools, though I'd ban all these fancy 'combat' ones. Ok, I was gonna stay out of this one and then I read this and my brain nearly exploded. We're gonna start penalizing people with a few extra bones lying around that want a Strider? I'm reasonably certain that most knife related ass...
by Maelstrom
2011-05-06 07:16pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Why did we not see anti-matter podes used weapon more often
Replies: 62
Views: 9019

Re: Why did we not see anti-matter podes used weapon more of

Err-those were examples of them being endangered by their weapons hitting the target . The antimatter being onboard is a danger no matter where it is currently parked, that's one of the drawbacks of antimatter, but those were situations where the ship was endangered by photorps deployed as intended...
by Maelstrom
2011-05-06 06:40pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Why did we not see anti-matter podes used weapon more often
Replies: 62
Views: 9019

Re: Why did we not see anti-matter podes used weapon more of

Note that Starfleet ships are already occasionally endangered by their own weapons as it is (BoBW though that wasn't photorps, Booby Trap, New Ground) and photorps generally seem to do the job so they might be wary of deploying higher-yield versions. For sure. I mean, I'm surprised anyone in starfl...
by Maelstrom
2011-05-06 05:32pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Why did we not see anti-matter podes used weapon more often
Replies: 62
Views: 9019

Re: Why did we not see anti-matter podes used weapon more of

An anti-matter pod lobbed out of a starship would be a horribly inefficient use of antimatter, against a vessel with shields anyway. The only matter the antimatter would react with would be the pod's shell. Photon torpedoes are supposed to combine their antimatter/matter payloads in the most efficie...
by Maelstrom
2011-04-23 04:41pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: If you could have only one hand gun..
Replies: 55
Views: 7290

Re: If you could have only one hand gun..

I used to own a S&W 686 Plus (the 7 shot version) with 4" barrel. Great gun. Action like butter and a real tack driver. Only sold it because I was broke and needed some cash. I'd get another one in a heartbeat, though, if I ever want another revolver. I also used to own a SIG P220, and damn...
by Maelstrom
2011-04-13 07:27am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: In case there weren't enough energy worries...
Replies: 81
Views: 4951

Re: In case there weren't enough energy worries...

I certainly don't want to be all doom and gloom. I am, in fact, guardedly optimistic that ultimately we'll put our collective heads together and figure this shit out as a species. Nevertheless, that being said, I think there is the potential, and I stress potential, for some really bad things to bef...
by Maelstrom
2011-04-09 03:07pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: A TV show has made me angry
Replies: 9
Views: 2306

Re: A TV show has made me angry

Argh!!! The Phelps'. Though I'm as much a supporter of free speech as the next guy, I wouldn't shed a tear if their entire congregation just up and, well, vanished one afternoon. They truly make me proud to be a Kansan, anyway. I still remember a few years ago when Phelps and crew showed up in my ho...
by Maelstrom
2011-04-09 02:32pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: New Member Introductions
Replies: 463
Views: 443215

Re: New Member Introductions

Greetings everyone! Long time lurker here. For what it's worth, my real name is Chad, I'm 32, and I reside in the glorious state of Kansas.