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2006-11-26 10:29pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Appealing to ignorance!?!? Bullshit! The point of me bringing up the fact the Motion tracker doesn't support your quantification is simply speaking: IT DOESN'T SUPPORT IT AT ALL!! Nothing more! You need to find another source for your quantification if you are going to keep arguing that point. Wron...
2006-11-26 06:43pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Cool this thread is still alive? :P. You know hooliganjedi, if you were honest you'd realize that the aliens threw everything they had at the marines in the command center, and admit that Ripley got all the way to the queen because nearly all the xenos had been wasted. How do you explain Ripley get...
2006-11-18 05:53pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

You use objective and logic-sounding words, but you use neither objectivity or logic. You claim there are huge numbers of aliens, you have to provide the evidence. I see evidence for roughly 30 aliens. No evidence whatsoever for more, and your appeal to ignorance fallacy does not qualify as evidenc...
2006-11-13 12:00am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Before I directly respond to you points I want to say this: Where the hell did I say that I would Put my base in underground area near caves and more or less adjacent to an urban area?? The very locations you suggest for this scenario in your previous post imply proximity to urban population centre...
2006-11-12 11:22pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Stark wrote:Wow, did they film that? I remember it was in the novel, but I didn't think the movie ever had the alien trapped in the tank. You learn something new every day.

PS, give ME the matrix.
It's all in the Extended version.
2006-11-12 11:20pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Am I the only one who remembers that an alien was quite successfully imprisoned in a toxic waste containment chamber with 3' thick steel walls? Or are we discounting Alien 3 Special Edition ? Nope. That is a perfectly Valid scene that shows one of many ways of containg an Alien. If a Single xeno is...
2006-11-12 08:18pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Yes and he thought that my suggestion of a contained enviornment with a pressure control system, that can implode the xeno's habitat or fill it full of flamable gas wasn't safe or possible with present day tech..... Safe or possible?? Where did I say thatat all?!? Can you read?? I said it would be ...
2006-11-12 08:14pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Please. A 50KT nuke would do the job quite effectively if we're going to indulge in that sort of ridiculous overkill. And as a point of curiosity, just what makes you think a nuke blast wouldn't cause a PR nightmare? You have to admit a mushroom cloud's going to be a bit difficult to explain away a...
2006-11-12 08:02pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Has it struck anyone else that hooliganCan'tCapitalise is making this as easy for xenos as he can? He's going to build his base underground NEAR CAVES, and near a city! What manner of FUCKING RETARD is he, to suggest such a thing in a thread about containment? Are you Illiterate or something? Where...
2006-11-12 07:07pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Spider-Man 3 trailer tonight
Replies: 52
Views: 4209

Is it me or does it seem that there is a Curse that happens to all Good Superhero movie franchises. Namely, I would call it the "3rd movie Curse". Superman had Superman 3. Batman had Batman Forever. X-men had X3 the Last Stand. What's the deal? don't forget Blade: Trinity... Damn! I knew ...
2006-11-11 05:21pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Spider-Man 3 trailer tonight
Replies: 52
Views: 4209

X-Men managed to pull it off fairly well, especially since they had a virtual infinite pool of story ideas to pull off their movies from. Unfortunately changing directors in the third made it suck considerably, mainly because of the director shift, but in something like this I can imagine it would ...
2006-11-11 05:13pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Spider-Man 3 trailer tonight
Replies: 52
Views: 4209

Is it me or does it seem that there is a Curse that happens to all Good Superhero movie franchises. Namely, I would call it the "3rd movie Curse". Superman had Superman 3.
Batman had Batman Forever.
X-men had X3 the Last Stand.

What's the deal?
2006-11-11 05:09pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Spider-Man 3 trailer tonight
Replies: 52
Views: 4209

-Gwen Stacey (who I don't think should even be in the movie, given the glut of characters and plots, and the fact that her most famous moment was already used up on MJ in the first movie) wasn't even mentioned, and only briefly seen. Will she be a throwaway minor cameo (perhaps a piece of ass that ...
2006-11-11 04:40pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

The Yosemite Bear wrote:yeah much easier to fill the complex with near pure o2 and something highly combustable then ignght
That would kill alot of xenos, but would it definately kill them and destroy evidence? probably not.
2006-11-11 04:39pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Again My 500 MT nuke countermeasure is there for many reasons. Most of them are for Avoiding a PR nightmare. (As I have stated before) The other reason is to eliminate a threat completely and quickly. Please. A 50KT nuke would do the job quite effectively if we're going to indulge in that sort of r...
2006-10-27 08:21pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Brilliant and effective bullet dodging there. Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll: To even attempt to dodge bullets requires supernatural vision, thought speed, reflexes, and motor control. ...
2006-10-27 07:47pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

True. But that could only be effective for so long. Look at what has been happening to Ford. (this isn't an analogy) They started making shitty/unsafe cars in the 70's, 80's right up until today. They are starting to pay for it now. (With the Police cruiser incidents) Perhaps Weyland-Yutani simply ...
2006-10-27 07:21pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Notice that I stated that it was a failed attempt to start. What did you think I was going to say that they can skillfully dodge bullets?? :roll: That kind of kills your point right there. If they can't dodge bullets skillfully, then they're stupid for even trying. That is, if they even where tryin...
2006-10-27 07:17pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

They are far more relentless in hunting than any earthbound predator. Nothing on earth has the patience of an Alien. They can stalk for long periods because they aren't hunting for food. they aren't. What we've seen in the movies doesn't put them that high above normal critters. Sure, they...
2006-10-22 10:47pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Your fucking wankery is unbelievable; Really?? Then if that was the case then I should've made an argument on how Xenos are telepathic and that they actively use these abilities in attacks. Then I could cite how the Queen used her Telepathy to tell the Aliens guarding the nest to stand down. :roll:...
2006-10-22 07:08pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

Cpl Kendall wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:And do you think it would be asking to much not to fuck up the quote tags? Use the preview button.
My bad! It's been awhile since I've posted here and I have gotten used to other MB formats.
2006-10-15 11:49pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Contain xenomorphs with a modern military base
Replies: 229
Views: 22973

In fact, I've just watched every damn scene with an Alien in it. They never attempt to avoid gunfire. The only time we see them jump is to clear an obstacle. Watch it again. The Command center battle sequences show that clearly. Then there is the scene where we clearly see a xeno jumping from wall ...
2006-10-15 11:07pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Who would you cast as a new A-Team?
Replies: 18
Views: 2036

Re: Who would you cast as a new A-Team?

I agree. At the same time I would also Like to see the Surviving Members of the A-Team play a important role in the Film. It would be like a passing of the torch. I doubt it. It would likely only be used as a gimmick. More Starsky and Hutch than Tom Zarek. Yeah, I know. That's how Hollywood works.
2006-10-15 10:51pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: What would YOU change about Star Wars?
Replies: 135
Views: 23700

Basically. Overhaul/Omit all EU.
2006-10-15 10:50pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Who would you cast as a new A-Team?
Replies: 18
Views: 2036

Re: Who would you cast as a new A-Team?

Is there an actor alive who could recreate BA Barracus? No. That said, the only way to do a successful new A-Team would be to make it a completely different team on a similar premise, instead of trying to (poorly) recreate the original cast. I agree. At the same time I would also Like to see the Su...