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by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-15 08:22am
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: The Show Trial of Admiral Handsome
Replies: 86
Views: 29898

the defendent may rise Ok so I am being attacked and now it is time to defend myself. Lets begin by looking at my posts in the 'Enforcing the Prime Directive' thread: my post Alyeska wrote: The Prime Directive only applies to Federation citizens... Are you sure? That seems rather odd since all the ...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 07:42pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: The Show Trial of Admiral Handsome
Replies: 86
Views: 29898

final post for today (yes another excuse right? I mean, its not like I have to sleep is it?) Has he been warned about his behavior and signature? I believe so. It's had about as much effect as waving a gun at a hurricane... Yes, I have been warned. I have just read the warnings and acted appropriate...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 07:33pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: The Show Trial of Admiral Handsome
Replies: 86
Views: 29898

oh and one more thing. Thanks to the gent who mailed me the link to this thread. :)
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 07:32pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: The Show Trial of Admiral Handsome
Replies: 86
Views: 29898

I am Admiral_Handsome. I have come to put down the lies which have been spoken of me. (worf before the klingon high council :) ) I have not yet read all this topic, but have quickly posted this because some of you think I turned tale and ran during the adultery debate. I did not. Let me say that I h...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 03:22pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: ban on adultery-aka as turks shooting themselves in the feet
Replies: 31
Views: 5455

I don't have time to post much right now, but I had to post this last comment. Warth Dong Wrote: Yes, the engineering, math, and science faculties all like to take good-natured swipes at each other. Good natured? I'm not so sure. You see, when one lesser department gets more money than a highly gift...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 02:06pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: ban on adultery-aka as turks shooting themselves in the feet
Replies: 31
Views: 5455

Wow, Admiral_Hatfucker turns out to be another Borg wanker who just happens to be an idiot. What are the odds Warth Dong is yet another geek who thinks just because he has one of those Engineering degrees, that he is above eveyone else. The professors at my uni really knew some good engineer jokes ...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 02:01pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: ban on adultery-aka as turks shooting themselves in the feet
Replies: 31
Views: 5455

In order to be actionable, there must be a breach of a legal contract. You mean like putting your name on a marriage certificate? the same certificate with is recognised by the highest institutes of law? Darth Wong wrote: ... foams at the mouth before he gets his words right ...The law is an instru...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 01:33pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Enforcing the Prime Directive
Replies: 31
Views: 6760

they actually had an episode dealing with that. some civilian members aboard the Enterprise wound up beaming the remnants of a primitive civilization to the holodeck on the Enterprise and picard was definitely pissed. ah yes, I remember that one. It was Worfs human brother who beamed them onto the ...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 01:11pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Enforcing the Prime Directive
Replies: 31
Views: 6760

A Lady Wrote: I'm a guy dipshit ??? Then why do you have such a sissy girls name? What does it mean? The Prime Directive does not apply to warp capable civilizations Then why was Janeway so careful about not giving tech to the warp civilisations she ran across during the voyage home? This means the ...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 12:48pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: ban on adultery-aka as turks shooting themselves in the feet
Replies: 31
Views: 5455

If lying in a court room is a punishable offence, then lying in a church, registry office, mosque or whatever instutue is recognised by the land, should also be illegal. One steps before a priest, a servant of the goverment, or an imam and takes a promise that he/she will be faithful etc etc. this i...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 12:06pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Enforcing the Prime Directive
Replies: 31
Views: 6760

Let me first say this, Miss Alyeska please SHUT UP (grow a brain? What the hell is that meant to mean? How can I be typing if I have no brain? Yet again your reasoning awsome :roll: ) Back to the discussion... Darth Zod Wrote: that logic doesn't work unless you only apply it to planets within federa...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-09-14 08:10am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Enforcing the Prime Directive
Replies: 31
Views: 6760

Alyeska wrote: Incorrect. The Federation would have to fight wars with just about everyone if they attempted to enforce the Prime Directive. What other soverign governments do in or near their borders is something the Federation can not change unless they are willing to go to war over it. Hence only...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-29 06:17pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Borg vs Firearms
Replies: 116
Views: 8153

Quote: I am not suggesting that a Borg shield is merely an impenetrable barrier to the bullets. I'm saying that they have the tech to absorb KE and channel it elsewhere, just like dampening fields do. I love the way you're so hopelessly ignorant that you don't recognize that momentum and KE are dif...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-29 01:00pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why the Emperor Isn't a Moron
Replies: 34
Views: 2396

Vympel has hit the nail on the head. The Emperor was after Luke, thats why he needed to be there. In the Emperors mind, the DS2 would have been lost because Luke would have destroyed it like the DS1 before.
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-29 12:45pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Borg vs Firearms
Replies: 116
Views: 8153

Wow, a massive starship's shield generators can absorb the recoil imparted to them by a torpedo so a shield generator inside a body can. Brilliant Shirlock. Odd that you read the words but do not comprehend them, and add an insult for good measure :roll: . If a borg ship can absorb the impact of se...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 07:43pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Borg vs Firearms
Replies: 116
Views: 8153

Then there's S8472, who turned a heck of a lot of drones into sushi. If the Borg could adapt to bullets, they should be able to adapt to being clawed. A fair point. But the borg could not adapt to any of 8472's tech. Their claws must have some of that tech on them :) Like Wolverines adamantium claw...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 07:35pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Borg vs Firearms
Replies: 116
Views: 8153

Adapt how? GAT says that even if they had shields that would take it, the kinetic energy would still be transferred into it and cause damage The borg ship can take the impact of photon topedoes. I therefore (rightly) assumed that this meant the shield were capable of absorbing KE. If the ships have...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 07:19pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Enforcing the Prime Directive
Replies: 31
Views: 6760

Alyeska wrote: The Prime Directive only applies to Federation citizens... Are you sure? That seems rather odd since all the pre-warp civilisations do not know the Federation even exists. How can they be citizens of something they know nothing about? Take Mintaka for example. The prime directive was ...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 06:57pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Borg vs Firearms
Replies: 116
Views: 8153

The first few borg will be minced. Then they will have adapted and since firearms cannot be tuned to fire at high em spectrum level, we would all die :)
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 06:32pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Jurassic Park 4 to be...well, see for yourself (spoilers)
Replies: 55
Views: 2635

Oh great! Another bunch of vibrating puddles/cups-full-of-water scenes. Thats all we need. Remember J park 3 with that dinosaur with the phone in its stomach? There was one scene when that piece of crap somehow snuck up on the main actors without them noticing it was there until the phone rang in it...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 02:11pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: When was the last time you watched TPM?
Replies: 35
Views: 1322

Just because he beat Maul in combat doesn't necessarily mean he's ready to be a full Jedi. He gave in to his anger at that point and was on full attack mode. That is not the act of a Jedi. Look at ROTJ; Luke became a full Jedi because he DIDN'T kill Vader. I can see what your saying but I disagree....
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 02:01pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: When was the last time you watched TPM?
Replies: 35
Views: 1322

Watch some of the Webdocs on the official site, Lucas' directing in horrible. Thanks, I will look at those right away :) You know what really drives me crazy in these new movies? I mean REALLY crazy?!? Its that damn princess from Naboo. Every other scene she has a new hair style new makeup and new ...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 12:45pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: why soldiers tap the mags before inserting?
Replies: 25
Views: 1673

Is it this ad?
Yes Vympel thats the one I saw, only the version I saw had a larger image of higher quality. I will have look for the ads I saw if you like, but its been a while since I saw them so no promises.
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 12:40pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: When was the last time you watched TPM?
Replies: 35
Views: 1322

Well, one thing I really, really like about the Star Wars movies is the dynamics in the backgrounds. Every time you watch the movies it's possible to spot something that you never noticed before. I agree that the effects are spectacular. But, I get the feeling that more thought went into making the...
by Admiral_Handsome
2004-08-28 11:37am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: why soldiers tap the mags before inserting?
Replies: 25
Views: 1673

why do US soldiers (at least in movies) tap the magazines to their helmet or some similar thing before inserting the mags Probably because they are using shit standard weapons (or overly complicated weapons). Here in the UK we have the embarrassing SA-80 :oops: :cry: . You never see any Russian sol...