Search found 17 matches

by saethar
2004-09-01 06:05am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Yay? SW DVD related.
Replies: 78
Views: 3809

Yeah but George is still alive and feels that the only "real star wars" is his vision, whether it matches the Original OT or not People blame him for being a money-grubbing bastard and then they blame him for missing an opportunity to grab more money by not selling the O-OT anymore. Make ...
by saethar
2004-09-01 04:39am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Yay? SW DVD related.
Replies: 78
Views: 3809

It would be like if Casablanca were only available as a colorized movie with a laugh track dubbed in. Sure, it might be kind of fun to see it that way, but why can't we have the originals too? Yeah but George is still alive and feels that the only "real star wars" is his vision, whether i...
by saethar
2004-08-28 11:11pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: T65 X-wing vs. XJ-wing
Replies: 5
Views: 633

I think it was 3 launchers with a total of 3 torps each, I remember a total of 9 torps being mentioned.

by saethar
2004-08-28 11:41am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: GAH! Foolish movie purists...
Replies: 26
Views: 1527


Got them to this point...
No way im movin on with that crap even if the OS does state it... its a freaking stupid idea... completely ludicrous...
(OS=Official Site)

This is kinda fun... Yeah I know, I'm sick.

by saethar
2004-08-28 10:07am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

The Clone wars as presented by Zahn was the result of GL playing the cards to close to the chest (assuming of course that GL knew what the clone wars were before AOTC). He didn't tell anyone what the clone wars were - or even that the Clone Wars is what was ultimately responsible for the end of the ...
by saethar
2004-08-28 02:01am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

If I'm not mistaken, and I very much doubt that I am on this, the statement that each suit of Stormtrooper armour is valued at around the same as a cheap SW spacecraft is an officially stated fact, not a belief . It's even explicitly stated in the SW Visual Dictionary that these armour are made to ...
by saethar
2004-08-27 10:17pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Yay? SW DVD related.
Replies: 78
Views: 3809

Just more information to help establish a concensus. Whether one agrees with the idea of it or not the facts support your side of the arguement.

by saethar
2004-08-27 09:45pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Yay? SW DVD related.
Replies: 78
Views: 3809

No, they're still EU (although very high), because they were shown only on TV in the US. And that's really all that counts: what's done in the country of origin. That's retarded. Seriously. Star Wars, if I'm not mistaken, was filmed more out of the US than in it, and with a majority of non-US actor...
by saethar
2004-08-27 09:32pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

It's not a contradiction when you consider that Corran and Gavin were most likely shot in different places, hit by possibly different blaster settings, and how much longer it took Gavin recover. Both were shot in the chest/gut (main body mass area) by storm trooper blaster rifles. The apparent valu...
by saethar
2004-08-27 04:18am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why the Emperor Isn't a Moron
Replies: 34
Views: 2409

1. "We will rule the galaxy together as father and son!" Vader may have been only saying that to convert Luke, but the Emperor may believe he was thinking it. 2. Convert him or kill him. Either way the Emperor sees the end of the Jedi. 3. The Emperor was willing to trade Vader from Luke a...
by saethar
2004-08-27 04:11am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

Ok, I'm gonna go last to first so... Didnt half of rouge squadron run off with Ties when they defected? No, they defected in the frigate Rand Ecliptic. I've been told then when you are hit by a powerful round in a bulletproof vest, you would still be knocked to the ground and at least temporarily di...
by saethar
2004-08-26 08:31pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

Everything in life is biased, all we can do is choose which side we want to be on. Personally, the TIE Defender is the ultimate fighter as far as I'm concerned. Course, I really loved the game and played it endlessly.

by saethar
2004-08-26 05:23pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

Note the detention cell break-in. When the unarmored naval troopers and watch officer are shot, they fly backwards over tables/into walls. When stormtroopers are shot later by the same rifles, they merely collapse. That armor does something. Hell, we have no proof that those troopers were even dead...
by saethar
2004-08-26 04:57pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

Again, if that's the case, why the massive discrepency between the resources the Empire put into ground troops (Stormtrooper armour are, IIRC, reputed to each cost almost as much as a cheap interstellar space craft), and their starfighters? Storm Trooper armor which can't even stop the energy from ...
by saethar
2004-08-26 07:09am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: SW fighter analogues?
Replies: 24
Views: 1796

That makes some sense - the only thing I could think of is the Snowspeeder or V-Wing speeder.

by saethar
2004-08-26 07:08am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Imperial starfighters
Replies: 84
Views: 3272

The Empire didn't worry about shields on the TIE's because their pilots were literally a dime a dozen. It's called clones. GL has already stated in the comments of the AC DVD that the clones will become the storm troopers and pilots of the Empire. When you have a steady supply of well trained person...
by saethar
2004-08-26 06:32am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: SW fighter analogues?
Replies: 24
Views: 1796

Ok, late in replying, but never the less -

E-Wing: F-22 Raptor
X-Wing: F-15 Eagle
Xj-Wing: F-35 JSF

All I can think of for now.

Now, what I'm curious about - what would be the SW equivalent of an Apache?
