Search found 9 matches

by Dino-Mario
2020-11-20 07:22pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Chadwick Boseman passes away at 43
Replies: 4
Views: 9411

Re: Chadwick Boseman passes away at 43

This death really hurt me. He left us too soon, and I really wanted to see more of him...
by Dino-Mario
2020-11-20 07:18pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Disney cheats Alan Dean Foster of royalties
Replies: 42
Views: 28579

Re: Disney cheats Alan Dean Foster of royalties

Dammit Disney. They keep getting bolder and pettier every day.
by Dino-Mario
2020-11-20 07:09pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: What legends arcs should the clone wars have adapted?
Replies: 12
Views: 12656

Re: What legends arcs should the clone wars have adapted?

The Nelvaan arc could have been rad to see. They really should have adapted Durge, albeit I don't approve of how they were planning to turn him into a human. He was scary enough as a Gen'Dai. The unused Yuuzhan Vong plan also had lots of potential, especially since they were aiming to do a more prag...
by Dino-Mario
2020-11-20 07:03pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)
Replies: 602
Views: 293373

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Anyway, back to the latest episodes, there are some things to unpack here: -Episode 11: The Child nearly got devoured three times by monsters, right after the episode where he kept munching on the Frog Lady's eggs. Karma doesn't make exceptions. Hooray, Bo-Katan is back! Too bad those Quarrens were ...
by Dino-Mario
2020-11-20 07:01pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)
Replies: 602
Views: 293373

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Knife wrote: 2020-11-07 11:56am Were those the Spiders from Rebels on the planet Atollon?
Actually the Mando arachnids are identified as "Ice spiders", the ones from Rebels are a different species called Krykna. Both use Ralph McQuarrie's concept art as the basis of their design, hence the similarity.
by Dino-Mario
2020-11-04 02:44am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)
Replies: 602
Views: 293373

Re: The Mandalorian Discussion Thread (spoilers and such)

Well, well, well, the definite apex predator of Tatooine, the greater krayt, has finally made made its long anticipated physical debut and hoo boy, does it live to the hype. Gotta adore those KOTOR references.
by Dino-Mario
2019-12-26 11:21pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)
Replies: 321
Views: 197670

Re: Rise of Skywalkers reviews (Spoilers in this thread)

Saw it today. Da skreeonk did i just watch... Eh, it's not a fully atrocious film, it's got a very few strengths, and is plagued by multiple inconsistencies and plot-holes. But Palpatine is easily the best part as always. Feels like a finale but not a particularly satisfactory one. Plus, we'll alway...
by Dino-Mario
2019-12-01 03:26am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: New Member Introductions
Replies: 482
Views: 463157

Re: New Member Introductions

Hello everyone. Nice to meet you :) So wait, Mario and Yoshi had a baby? I thought Yoshi was in a relationship with a transwoman dinosaur? Did they break up, or was this just infidelity? Inquiring minds want to know. Heh Heh Heh! XD Well, you know Mario has always had a pretty active social life.
by Dino-Mario
2019-11-12 01:53am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: New Member Introductions
Replies: 482
Views: 463157

Re: New Member Introductions

Hello everyone. Nice to meet you :)