Search found 50 matches

by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:56am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Say what you want about the ACLU...
Replies: 11
Views: 1265

man, thatd be crazy. like burrough's interzone kinda crazy. kinda like my bioethics class discussions
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:52am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Secret floors in Japan?
Replies: 20
Views: 1604

at the happy garden massage parlor in atlantic city, they have a massage menu, advertise how pretty the asian wmoen who give you massages are, and include on the menu a 'happy ending'

i like to think that every place in japan offers a happy ending from the owners daughter
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:48am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Hypothetical: You just won a free trip in time...
Replies: 25
Views: 3150

I'd bring a lighter, plenty of cigarettes, and whiskey. AIDs wasnt even around then was it? cause my next item would be a box of rubbers, but if i can get out of there whenever i want, it wouldnt be a problem anyway. maybe i could plant the first seed of homo sapien. also id bring plenty of stuff th...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:43am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Anyone ever work for Best Buy's Geek Squad or similar?
Replies: 5
Views: 903

have fun in that fruity volkswagon, friend
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:39am
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: NO X-BOX FOR YOU!!!
Replies: 25
Views: 2786

now for the rest of his time living in that house, his parents can always say: "remember what happened with the xbox 360? now get back to shining my shoes"

if i ever kicked something that expensive, my ass would've been redder than santas closet
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:34am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Workers See Jesus Image In Nacho Pan
Replies: 27
Views: 1577

i thought i saw jesus in the wax on my surfboard last month, but then i realized it was only because when we see a face in something that, if we are crazy enough, has to potential to speak to us, we want it to be jesus, because who wants the old guy three houses down that died but no one noticed unt...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-24 09:28am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Merry Xmas!
Replies: 74
Views: 5238

Meeeeerry Christmas!!!! Ho Ho Ho! on another note, a little while back, I asked a jewish friend of mine when hannukah was and he said "im not sure" then I asked him when christmas was and he said "the 25th, a few sundays from now" :) so happy christmahannukwaanzukah to everyone h...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-23 10:23am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ever gotten so angry that you wanted to return a present?
Replies: 41
Views: 4286

i would say that simply taking the present back really wouldnt matter to her instead, get creative! for instance, if what you had gotten her was, lets say, a piece of jewelry, give the actual jewelery to someone else, and put a piece of dog poo in the box, or if they were cds, burn her a cd with son...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-23 10:11am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: I think I just figured out a videogame movie that could work
Replies: 30
Views: 3577

You know, I can actually remember a time when I said to my friends that someone would someday make a shitload of money off of movies based on Final Fantasy/ Resident Evil/ Wing Commander/ Double Dragon/ Super Mario Brothers/ Doom. And now? Now I'm just going to SHUT THE FUCK UP . Don't feel ashamed...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-20 09:47pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: SW Girls
Replies: 40
Views: 6744

Mon Mothma? :wtf: Seriously while Padme is the best looking, untill we see here in a golden slave girl outfit my vote goes to Leia. although leia was very unsexual in that outfit, which i think is just a matter of carrie fischer's unsexuality she looked more hurt than anything in it, which fits i g...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 09:05am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Christmas Specials in Fiction
Replies: 10
Views: 1116

an ahriman christmas ahriman couldnt beleive what he'd done. it was christmas eve and he still hadnt gotten any of the thousand sons presents or even a tree. he got to the tree farm but the only tree left was only 2 feet tall, with 4 branches, and about as unchanging as it gets. ahriman then went lo...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:58am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: I Saw "Clerks 2"
Replies: 8
Views: 867

man i cant wait to see it

does anyone have any trailers or previews or anything yet?
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:57am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Website lets people anonymously warn others of STDs
Replies: 31
Views: 2098

i agree with the damage control idea previously presented. if HIV is detected very quickly, there are drugs that will prevent its transformation to AIDS and can help you live and entirely normal life. and its not like you can only catch something from a dirty atlantic city hooker with a wig and dent...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:47am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: I'm afraid of my government
Replies: 23
Views: 2342

i would've thought that by now, a college student reading up on communism wouldnt be all that threatening, as most would graduated, get jobs, and grow out of it. unless when it said that this student had traveled abroad alot, that includes 6 years living in china as an aid to some government official.
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:40am
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: What does your tree look like?
Replies: 62
Views: 4788

last year me a few friends and i spent christmas in sebastian beach florida and in the little shack behind the surf shop we had a christmas tree of empty coors lights with a jager bottle on top, but this year we got a real tree up here in new jersey and while i put on some nice ornaments, the others...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:34am
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: The Triforce X-mas Light!
Replies: 12
Views: 2335

thats great man! my parents always yelled at me cause i used to like putting my lando calrissian on the top of the tree rather than the angel. but now i have an empty bottle of jager as the star on my christmas tree. :tear: it so...beautiful!
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:30am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: What do you use for antispam filtering?
Replies: 18
Views: 1166

gmail does a great job, and i must agree with previous posts that using gmail i have only received 2 or 3 spam email in the past 14 months. my school's email server still lets a lot of spam through, but it marks it as spam to let you know that, yea we let it through but just incase you actually want...
by avoidingthepo
2005-12-18 08:22am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Israeli nanotech company invents new type of armor
Replies: 16
Views: 1692

thats pretty nuts dude, but i feel like getting hit with something that strong and not having it penetrate could still do something to your insides
by avoidingthepo
2005-03-07 01:00pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why were there so few ships at the Battle of Endor
Replies: 131
Views: 6660

im sure the emperor wanted to flex his new DSII muscle and so using more ships might scare the rebels away, while using less lets the rebels be bold enough to go to the DSII and then they will see the might of the new death star (or would have...)
by avoidingthepo
2005-03-05 10:28am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Reason for a jedi doudle-bladed saber?
Replies: 55
Views: 3927

well the sith were training basically to be fighting the jedi, who totally outnumber them. the double-bladed lightsabre is probably specifically for fighting more than one opponent. maul probably knew he would have to fight more then one jedi at once because they were generally outnumbered by the je...
by avoidingthepo
2005-03-05 10:21am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Some Jedi questions
Replies: 25
Views: 1491

i doubt that a blind jedi using the force could tell what shade of green my shirt is, but im sure using the force they can "know" exactly whats around them. in tpm doesnt the young anakin know what image is on the screen just because hes so force-attuned?
by avoidingthepo
2005-02-25 10:27am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Who has the most rockin' national anthem?
Replies: 57
Views: 2165

waltzing matilda says 'bong' in it, so my votes for australia
by avoidingthepo
2005-02-25 10:17am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Which car is the ugliest car there is?
Replies: 53
Views: 2397

saying that the h2 is basically a 'blinged-out suburban' is not exaggerating. the h2 and the suburban have the same chassey and engine in them. its just if you want a suburban but not to be able to fit anything in it, get an h2. or your dick is so small that even buying a suburban cant compensate fo...
by avoidingthepo
2005-02-23 10:07pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Roman History What-If?
Replies: 2
Views: 351

we speak french now
by avoidingthepo
2005-02-23 10:06pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: SW still has such primitive tech?
Replies: 75
Views: 6094

i guess they serve their purpose well enough, why make them more fluid when they have capabilities enough to perform their fundtion well