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by Ravengrim
2005-08-31 12:27am
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.
Replies: 60
Views: 20462

Fuck off, Wong. Im not going to retract my opinions because you typed in really big letters. Unfortunately for you, we dont live in a science dominated technocracy where you (and other small-minded limp dicks) get to control what people think. Instead, you inflate your ego by running this little boa...
by Ravengrim
2005-08-30 01:10pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why did Obi-Wan just leave Vader?
Replies: 22
Views: 3093

I asumed that Obi-Wan was just so sick of the whole thing that he just left. Everything had gone horribly wrong, ANY move on his part would have equally fucked-up results, so he left to do the only good thing remaining: care for Padme and the baby.
by Ravengrim
2005-08-30 01:00pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Which sci-fi universe would you like to live in?
Replies: 86
Views: 7494

Id pick the SW universe without a doubt. Sure, there is always some sort of shit going down, but it is huge enough that you can find a nice place to live how you want without anyone trying to mess with you. Or you could jump right in the middle if you want. The possibilities are endless.
by Ravengrim
2005-08-30 12:46pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.
Replies: 60
Views: 20462

Wow, what a fucking venom geyser. Amazing. Anyway, I wasn't aware that evolutionist was a derogatory term. I thought it meant a person who believed in evolution. you do realize that many people dont believe in either, right? I certainly am not a creationist, hell. I'm not even a Christian. I just fi...
by Ravengrim
2005-08-29 05:34pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.
Replies: 60
Views: 20462

I never said I dont agree with evolution. I never said that the fundies were right. I certainly dont feel that creationism should be taught in science classes, but I feel that some sort of religious history or philosophy should be taught in schools in an objective manner. Knowledge is never a bad th...
by Ravengrim
2005-08-29 01:50pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.
Replies: 60
Views: 20462

My point, again, is why the fuck do you care what they believe? If I could teach that the universe was shit out by an enormous turtle and convert millions of people to beleive that, WHY DO YOU CARE? Science has a knee-jerk reaction to any theory that it feels is unvalid. Your sentiments are no diffe...
by Ravengrim
2005-08-29 01:26pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.
Replies: 60
Views: 20462

I cant show you a degree, I dont have one, at least not in biology. My point was not to convince you that I am right. My whole point was to state that, regardless of your despotic opinion, people have the right to believe what they want to believe. If evolution is an absolute truth, then no argument...
by Ravengrim
2005-08-29 12:50pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: Ravengrim: Worthless Twat.
Replies: 60
Views: 20462

I dont know why everyone gets so worked up about this. People have a right to be stupid, its not against the law, nor should it be. Let them be misguided if they want. Most of the arguments they have are completely ridiculous and most people will see them as such. Science is important, but its not t...
by Ravengrim
2005-08-28 08:32pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Man cut off his arm to survive...
Replies: 25
Views: 1674

I mean, I admire the guy's drive to live but he was a dumbass for rock-climbing on his own. Thats about a brilliant as scuba diving alone. The buddy system only works if there is a buddy. He should of at least brought a flare gun or something.....
by Ravengrim
2005-08-28 12:29pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Favorite American President?
Replies: 133
Views: 8035

Not a big Linclon fan. Teddy Roosevelt was the f***ing man. From a small, sickly child to the leader of the Rough Riders. Awesome. However, my favorite president is probably George Washington because as far as I know, he is the only one that never actually wanted to be president, but did it out of a...
by Ravengrim
2005-07-10 12:44pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Original Clone Wars Idea in ANH
Replies: 24
Views: 3923

I dont think that it really matters. Is theer an unwritten law that says an author MUST have an entire storyline already written and make sure that it has perfect continuity? Its HIS story, fer crissakes. Do you read books and say 'Thats not how its supposed to go!'? Its up the the author to make th...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-29 01:25pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Biblistic Selfnic Bastardism
Replies: 28
Views: 1720

C'mon people. This is exactly the kind of crazy bullshit that is protected by the concept of Freedom of Speech. Is he crazy, offensive and possibly brain-damaged? Yes, but he has as much right to voice his ignorance as a college professor or politician. Personally, I found it funny. It's so fucking ...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-29 01:12pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Planet at 15000 ly
Replies: 25
Views: 1860

I am not a biologist or anything, but couldnt life exist on a gas giant or something? Granted, it would be completely different and, well, alien , but isnt that what we are ultimately looking for? Maybe we are the only humanoids in the galaxy. Maybe every other sentient beings thought processes are ...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-24 08:53pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Split from ROTS Revelations
Replies: 474
Views: 52929

Vader's injuries: Vader's cybernetic cervical vertibrae were implanted at some unknown time after his injuries in Revenge of the Sith. Is there something in RoTS to suggest that they couldn't have been implanted then? He was able to drag his way up the slope a ways with his remaining arm, and he wa...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-22 12:33pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: The Prophecy of the Chosen One(spoilers)
Replies: 17
Views: 1422

Destruction of the Sith would only bring more imbalance to the force. True balance would mean that for every light side force user, there is a dark side user of equal power. I assumed that it was the Jedi arrogance that caused them to assume that they were the only true path to the force. I think th...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-10 08:36pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: More on the SW TV show (Lucas + McCallum)
Replies: 56
Views: 4131

Well first off, and Im sure Mike can vouch for this, whenever something goes from the engineer's original designs to the actual contruction tons of things pop up that just cant be accounted for no matter how well the planning. That goes double for something as massive for the Death Star. So 20 years...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-10 05:56pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: When does Star Wars take place in terms of Earth's BCE/CE
Replies: 45
Views: 3948

Its a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away....from the point of view of the narrator. Honestly, its a friggin' opening line. You dont honestly believe Cinderella happened once upon a time, do you? GL needed an opening line that wasnt cheesy, so he made one up. Its better than, 'OK, so this on...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-10 04:34pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: When does Star Wars take place in terms of Earth's BCE/CE
Replies: 45
Views: 3948

I had always imagined that It was in our far future and that since Correllians were the first people to get hyperdrive tech (according to the EU), and since they are human that Correllia was actually earth.
by Ravengrim
2005-05-09 05:05pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Jedi Emotions
Replies: 9
Views: 1196

I think it is a rule of necessity rather than choice. Obviously those feeling are not 'bad' and they never state that they are, but they are the path to the dark side. Possibly a Jedi must keep those certain emotions in check because the Dark side will actually begin to draw you in through them. May...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-08 01:17pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: If Yoda had said no...
Replies: 14
Views: 1470

Qui-Gon have already decided to train him whether or not the council agreed, remember he was pretty much the SW equivalent of a fundie. Plus bringing him back to Tattoine would have been pretty fucked up. "Hey, Ani. Yeah...this whole 'Jedi training thing really isn't working out. It's not so mu...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-03 05:43pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: A question or two about reincarnation
Replies: 14
Views: 1553

I believe in reincarnation, however I dont believe that I will be the same exact person that I am now, nor have I ever been. I believe that the 'soul' and the ego or personality are two different things. Whereas the personality is influenced by environment and upbringing and such, I believe that the...
by Ravengrim
2005-05-01 12:40pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: The morality of involving kids in warfare?
Replies: 26
Views: 2315

Using kids as soldiers in the manner that is common in Africa is wrong in so many ways, and would not be even considered by someone with a shred of humanity. However teaching children how to fight to defend themselves during an occupation of hostiles is a responsibility , I feel, since children are ...
by Ravengrim
2005-04-26 05:25pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Mormon magic underwear
Replies: 23
Views: 2333

Darth Wong wrote:Rebecca has some magic underwear. She wears it and she can magically transform a flaccid weiner into a rod of steel.
I think my ex-wife had hers on backwards....
by Ravengrim
2005-04-26 12:14pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Mormon magic underwear
Replies: 23
Views: 2333

Oops, my bad. Thats what I get for trying to pick out facts from the Howard Stern show :) However, Rick Schroeder was on there and he said that they magic undies could not be washed, I guess. Maybe I misunderstood. Anyway, magic underwear is still a cool idea. What are they supposed to do, anyway?
by Ravengrim
2005-04-25 08:17pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Mormon magic underwear
Replies: 23
Views: 2333

Personally, I think that it would be cool to have some magic underwear :D

But I suspect that the real reason for them is that they cannot be washed so you have to purchase a new pair.... CHA-CHING!!!