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by Augustus Caesar
2005-10-14 10:07pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??
Replies: 37
Views: 3776

Since when has the Federation beaten a rival AQ power in a war? The war with the Romulans was essentially a standoff, and the Federation conceeded the right to ever develop cloaking technology to get that. The actual outcome of the Cardassian war is unclear, but the Federation ceded substantial amo...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-10-13 03:20pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??
Replies: 37
Views: 3776

Are gigawatt figures for phasers valid? I've never actually done the math for them, and I'm quite sure they work by CR and not DET.
by Augustus Caesar
2005-10-13 01:06pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??
Replies: 37
Views: 3776

Anyone who thinks RHA is just as easy to fracture as granite is a blithering idiot. That's all there is to it.
Roondar is equating phasers as some sort of super shaped charge weapon concentrating tons of TNT at one point, therefore breaking through tank armor.
by Augustus Caesar
2005-10-13 12:33pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??
Replies: 37
Views: 3776

Their counter argument is that if other AQ powers have tanks or ground vehicles and that the Federation has beaten them in war, the Federation must have tanks.

And the usual claims of vaporizing granite instantly translates into vaporizing RHA.
by Augustus Caesar
2005-10-13 11:24am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??
Replies: 37
Views: 3776

I just got the "UFP wins it's wars, so it therefore has superior tech and tanks". The comparison between the Allies and Axis during WW2 apparently went clear over his head, even when some German weapons were lightyears ahead of anything the Allies had at the time. I never thought proving t...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-10-13 10:11am
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??
Replies: 37
Views: 3776

Photon grenades and Fed Tanks??

++ I know the debates at that site are frowned upon, but this topic of a Fed Army going toe-to-toe with a modern army without the usual toys(transporters, orbital support) is getting a bit outlandish. Newland is claiming that we can "estima...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-22 05:51pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Turbolasers, the ICS, and strek-v-swars
Replies: 44
Views: 10037

I think the reason the people at strek-v-swars can get followers is that many people, such as myself don't have firm scientific grounding, and throwing big words around will convince some of them. Every time anyone brings up Mike's pages BigHairy immediately says that he's refuted them and refuses t...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-22 03:04pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Turbolasers, the ICS, and strek-v-swars
Replies: 44
Views: 10037

Turbolasers, the ICS, and strek-v-swars

Just browsing through the stek-v-swars board, and saw this- ++ I've heard lots of claims rattling around recently, choking up a number of threads. The claims revolve (as usual) around the ICS claims of 200 gigaton medium turbolasers... and tryin...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-21 09:15pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Torpedoes and the Tsar Bomba
Replies: 26
Views: 3866

Well, if you got just 2 to hit directly without interception, you'd be exposing the cube to over 100 Mt. That's near the firepower of a few TL's on an ISD. :) And I don't see the Borg adapting shields working against something that has no single frequency to adapt to. But, as you pointed out, a shut...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-21 08:37pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Torpedoes and the Tsar Bomba
Replies: 26
Views: 3866

Well, the test version only had a 50Mt yield, had Uranium been used, it would have had 100Mt. So 50Mt would be directed against the target. Perhaps the unwieldyness could be negated by using it on targets you can't possibly miss, like the above mentioned cube, orbital defense stations, and star base...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-21 07:26pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: Torpedoes and the Tsar Bomba
Replies: 26
Views: 3866

Torpedoes and the Tsar Bomba Simply put, the Tsar Bomba was the most largest nuclear device in history. It was not intended as a weapon, and detonated as a stunt during the Cold War. The yield was around 50 Mt, if uranium had been used in the bomb, the yield would have been 100 Mt. The on...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-21 09:48am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Infants with terrorist names forbidden flying
Replies: 34
Views: 2713

It isn't that surprising considering the screw-ups in airport security. Wasn't there a case a few years back about detaining a guy who had a Medal of Honor because they thought it was a weapon from all the points on it?
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-19 03:37pm
Forum: Pure Star Trek
Topic: How far do you stretch the suspension of disbelief?
Replies: 26
Views: 4469

The biggest problem I've seen for SoD is when Riker's phaser shoots off-axis once. Even worse is when some debaters use this as evidence that phasers have "smart" auto-targeting. :roll:
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-14 08:59pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Which kind of war
Replies: 40
Views: 1483

Ok, I think I put the casualties for option A higher than I should have, so I edited the OP.
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-14 05:07pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Which kind of war
Replies: 40
Views: 1483

I'm surprised some people were actually for Country A, because I thought the casualties were so high it would deter anyone from picking that option. But obviously, for smaller nations with smaller populations, country B is much more preferrable.
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-14 10:34am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Which kind of war
Replies: 40
Views: 1483

Which kind of war

Imagine if your country was attacked by two nations and forced to begin a war. However, through diplomatic methods, you can make peace with one of them and only be forced to fight the other. The war that you can expect from each nation is diferrent from the other. So- Attack Country A- The war will ...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-08 11:18pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: O'LIE-ly lectures John McCain about the virtues of torture.
Replies: 56
Views: 3047

The segment he did with Barbara Walters turned my fucking stomache on Peter Jennings. That had to be the most self-serving piece of shit I've ever seen! O'Reilly would not stop interrupting Walters and comparing himself to Peter Jennings like they were in the same league. He reduced a rememberance ...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-08 11:16pm
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: How many American Fundies?
Replies: 22
Views: 1176

How many American Fundies?

These posts have beens split from the Harry Potter and Gitmo thread-Bean American fundies on the other hand make up the majority population Sorry to nitpick, but some bible thumpers south of the Mason-Dixon line does not make a majority. As for the OP, I'm wondering, do the books have to be transla...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-05 10:32pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Questions about Stormtroopers
Replies: 28
Views: 3395

Hey guys, thanks for all the info.

Hate to ask again, but is there a kind of "Imperial Order of Battle"? With the sizes of platoons, companies, and their weapon loadouts?

Again, thanks for the info.
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-05 10:54am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: [IvP] What goes around comes around.
Replies: 7
Views: 588


It's not really that surprising. After WWII many Jewish people who'd survived the Holocaust began giving some Germans in refugee camps the same treatment. Not that many people know about it, as it's been swept under the rug. Put in Solomon Morel in a Google search, and you'd get some interesting res...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-08-04 10:04pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Questions about Stormtroopers
Replies: 28
Views: 3395

Questions about Stormtroopers

I'm thinking of making a fanfic and have a few questions regarding Stormtroopers. Apart from the E-11 and and the DLT-19, what other weapons do stormtroopers have? Are their ranks like the ranks in modern militaries, like private, pfc, corporal, the diferrent grades of sergeant, and commisioned offi...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-07-28 08:18pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: What trek ships could be hit by the death star superlaser
Replies: 17
Views: 4763

I'm not sure if the DS can do it, but since it's just a really big turbolaser, can't it just fire a giant flakburst and wipe out half the fleet its facing?
by Augustus Caesar
2005-07-20 05:59pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Here's a new one- Borg can come back from the dead
Replies: 41
Views: 8183

The latest reply from BigHairyMountainMan made my day- What physical attacks? The holodeck doesn't qualify. What remains? Blades, fists... low velocity physical attacks. Not kinetic attacks. Man, I never knew punching somebody was not a kinetic energy attack! I wonder what it is then..... :roll: I t...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-07-20 12:31pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Here's a new one- Borg can come back from the dead
Replies: 41
Views: 8183


I love the logic that guy uses- The best way to avoid a blow, or a borg drone's injection tubules, is to not be there. Therefore, you move your ass. Any fighting teacher that never says that is a monumental dumbass. You must have this 'put them on a pedestal' view of 'competent soldier worth his sal...
by Augustus Caesar
2005-07-19 02:10pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: SG Question: Zat'ni'katel, the craziest gun ever.
Replies: 11
Views: 1216

Don't try to understand the technobabble. Just run with it.
That's what I like about Stargate. You don't get a long-winded explanation Data could have given. :D The tech just works..