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by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-05 01:39pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!
Replies: 12
Views: 10328

I'm not seeing any news there. Stocks rise... and stocks fall. Why should we buy on the advice of a thus far rather unimpressive forumite? i'm making people aware of the circumstances you make your own decisions I suppose, apple just made software that runs windows on their computers, their profits...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-05 01:35pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!
Replies: 12
Views: 10328

Spam? Much spam? are you serious? are you saying that those aren't good investments?! this is a forum, why not spread the word? Or we can all go back to talking about how homework sucks The formatting of your post says spam, the content, with no backing, says spam. conclusion? spam to my eyes. no b...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-05 01:30pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!
Replies: 12
Views: 10328

Elheru Aran wrote:Even if that's the case, this isn't the appropriate place for a thread like this. This is distinctly... commercial. Which is proscribed under one of the board rules, I believe...
I'm not on the board of directors for these companies, they are publically traded, not private companies
by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-05 01:27pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!
Replies: 12
Views: 10328

Elheru Aran wrote::wtf:

Okay, who forgot to give him his Ritalin today?
hehe, just spreading the love
by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-05 01:26pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!
Replies: 12
Views: 10328

Ace Pace wrote:Spam? Much spam?
are you serious?

are you saying that those aren't good investments?!
this is a forum, why not spread the word?

Or we can all go back to talking about how homework sucks
by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-05 01:21pm
Forum: Parting Shots
Topic: [Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!
Replies: 12
Views: 10328

[Omega-13....again]LETS TALK STOCKS!

APPLE Computers buy buy buy they just came out with great software that runs windows GUI MINDSPEED buy buy buy!! they have a huge market share in VOIP which is just emerging and people are dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the industry and they make the chip for the VOIP! S&P 600 Smal...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-04-02 12:01am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Could a GE AC6000 pull....
Replies: 0
Views: 350

Could a GE AC6000 pull....

The General Electric AC6000, one of the most powerful trains around today, question is, what can it pull? Say it was a modest day out, perfect conditions...a track was layed out for it, and a super strong chain was attached to the back of this 'engine' ON the other side pulling back (say they both s...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-21 09:09pm
Forum: News and Politics
Replies: 5
Views: 699


go there, read it, watch the video
oh my god, the terminator has arrived

snow, mud, rocks, dirt, grass, shrubs,
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-14 04:16pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Rank the Jedi/Sith
Replies: 70
Views: 5178

Something else, Mace was also very wrong about Dooku leading the CIS, maybe this doesn't have to do with force power, but...he was clearly wrong
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-14 04:10pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Rank the Jedi/Sith
Replies: 70
Views: 5178

in response to stravo's post,

I don't feel there is any evidence to suggest that Darth Vader could defeat Maul or Jin,

he is old, slow, a shadow of a man.
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-14 04:02pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: Star Crossed Fanfic
Replies: 3017
Views: 511899

Stravo, I love your fanfic, but I got a few questions. In ANH Vader was respectful of Tarkin, listening to him, obeying him in some instances, but Tarkin was always very respectful to Vader aswell. So they had equal power, or close to it. In this fanfic, the time line is well beyond ANH, and Vader i...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-14 07:08am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: NBA Ben Wallace vs Dennis Rodman, who would you rather have
Replies: 2
Views: 368

I would take Wallace. Dennis Rodman is the far better rebounder, but Wallace scores more (they both suck at this, but Ben is better), can block shots, and steal the ball. Seeing as how you're a basketball fan and on, you might be interested in looking at some of these sites. The APBRmetrics ...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-13 09:16pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: NBA Ben Wallace vs Dennis Rodman, who would you rather have
Replies: 2
Views: 368

NBA Ben Wallace vs Dennis Rodman, who would you rather have

I'm a huge basketball fan, and lately I've been downloading A LOT of old bulls games, and I've been watching rodman especially, he is an AMAZING player, oh my god. He defends big guys, small guys, perimeter, in the paint, doesn't matter. He gets more rebounds than everyone else, he fights to the las...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-13 02:19pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Any proof how well SBD's would take a phaser hit? (fanfic)
Replies: 56
Views: 16728

NecronLord wrote:You could make a fair case for them shrugging off phaser rifle shots, being reflective metal and all.
what about ndf?
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-13 01:43pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Any proof how well SBD's would take a phaser hit? (fanfic)
Replies: 56
Views: 16728

Any proof how well SBD's would take a phaser hit? (fanfic)

So the question is,
what sort of proof is there out there, to the subject of,

How well would a super battle droid handle a hand phaser from startrek?
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-12 04:32pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Anaconda vs..
Replies: 13
Views: 1109

Are animals with gills even vulnerable to constriction? I suppose even if the answer is no then it might still have a shot at the shark if it can get the shark to stop swimming - but who will suffocate first, the air breathing anaconda or the motionless shark? Presumably, constriction also crushes ...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-12 04:20pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Anaconda vs..
Replies: 13
Views: 1109

Are animals with gills even vulnerable to constriction? I suppose even if the answer is no then it might still have a shot at the shark if it can get the shark to stop swimming - but who will suffocate first, the air breathing anaconda or the motionless shark? actually snakes that coil around their...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-12 03:33pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Anaconda vs..
Replies: 13
Views: 1109

Anaconda vs..

To start, and I will make the font larger cause I'm sure someone is going to ask, the snake isn't in the water or near water unless i specify Its a big Anaconda, say 30feet long and close to 500-600lbs. Ok, So both are looking at each other, both want to kill each other, here are the matchups, Anaco...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-12 01:34pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Anyone notice that General Grevious's henchmen kick ass?
Replies: 94
Views: 7234

Are you kidding? You can see quite clearly in those videos that the two Jedi are expending almost no effort in defeating the Magnadroids. Especially Anakin. If the Magnadroids really were such a threat, as you claim, why did the Jedi not use any Force powers or, for that matter, any of the lightsab...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-12 01:30pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: CIS- What would you do differently?
Replies: 25
Views: 2686

Trytostaydead wrote:Or at the very minimum, order research to produce a droid brain that :

a) Isn't an idiot
b) Doesn't say stupid things in battle like "Chaaaaarge!!"
c) Doesn't need to communicate through voice
d) Is more aggressive
e) MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better aim
super battle droid?
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-12 12:55am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: CIS- What would you do differently?
Replies: 25
Views: 2686

You can also produce, vastly outproduce the republic in space droids aswell, arm vulture droids with anti capship missiles, make 50 billion of them, and you win the space war.
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-11 03:22pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why did it seem like the CIS was losing ground battles?!!
Replies: 29
Views: 2871

I suppose they could (I seem to recall Rogue Squadron carrying them later on), but they would still need a whole lot to be a threat to a cap ship. It's more effective to just put a whole lot of missile emplacements on a larger vessel, as the GAR did with Acclamators and Victories. Thats not the CIS...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-11 03:13pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why did it seem like the CIS was losing ground battles?!!
Replies: 29
Views: 2871

Ok interesting, intesting. Let me ask another question, ASSUME/IF either side had the same capital ships, which type of army is better? the droid army? or human/clones like clone troopers? droids can be made by the quadrillions but aren't that smart, you can also diversify a lot more with a droid ar...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-11 01:50pm
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why did it seem like the CIS was losing ground battles?!!
Replies: 29
Views: 2871

The republic forces on the ground atleast should have been outnumbered well beyond what we saw in the movies, knowing that, we shouldn't have seen the CIS forces consistantly losing in each battle scene in AOTC and ROTS. Even on the battle field, the troops get tired, hungry, etc, food and supplies...
by Lukedanieljames
2006-03-11 09:48am
Forum: Pure Star Wars
Topic: Why did it seem like the CIS was losing ground battles?!!
Replies: 29
Views: 2871

I mean...people are talking about what capital ships are in orbit, but I mean down in the nitty gritty. In the caves, forrests, deserts, marshes, you name it. We know that the regular battle droid of the CIS can compact itself down to 50% its standing height, which would make for great packing, as w...