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by Cthulhu-chan
2004-11-23 07:30pm
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: Valve bitchslaps HL2 pirates
Replies: 47
Views: 2382

What it means is that you could not play it at all. Without a valid cd-key, you cannot decrypt the game files through Steam.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-11-02 01:05am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Finished Dark Tower 7 and have Question... (SPOILER WARNING)
Replies: 10
Views: 919

There is no plot hole. You're taking the musings and gut feelings of the characters at face value. However close (or far) to the truth they were, Rolands ultimate fate shows that there is far more to the workings of the Dark Tower and the multiverse than they could have imagined.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-10-14 02:10am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Lord of the Gun
Replies: 64
Views: 3380

Another write-in for Roland Deschain. The man could clean out an entire town with just a pair of six-shooters, reloading on the fly. One shot, one kill.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-10-06 06:50am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: DARK TOWER 7 (spoilers, ayuh)
Replies: 9
Views: 873

I was very satisfied with the ending. I couldn't imagine a better way to have done it, given all the buildup. I mean, honestly, King damn near wrote himself into a corner. I'm sure many will be disapointed, but considering how most of King's books end, they should be happy that things end as well as...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-09-24 03:46am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: DARK TOWER 7 is out!
Replies: 14
Views: 1034

What? What WHAT?! It's already out?! Sweet zombie jesus on a pogo-stick!!

*Bolts out the door for the nearest Barnes & Nobles*
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-09-16 05:43am
Forum: Gaming, Electronics and Computers
Topic: XBox luvin': Fable
Replies: 79
Views: 4512

Do you have to? No, but if you want to persue the "woman (or man) of your dreams," appearance is very important. As are lots of gifts and flirting.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-31 02:59am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Alright, anyone got a reason for this?
Replies: 10
Views: 982

Since radio waves are electromagnetic radiation, just like light, you would be correct.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 04:37pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

Huh. Dunno how I missed that food locker scene. Sonnofabitch. Ah well, conceded. The damn things are mighty efficient with their food, though.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 08:34am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Count Dooku vs Spider-man
Replies: 18
Views: 2781

Smart question: Spidey can throw down with the Hulk (he'd enevitably loose, but still). Is Dooku strong enough to choke out someone as durable as Spiderman, much less break his neck?
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 07:27am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

Grah, hasty posting. If you are referring to Shroom Man, then you can still keep your insults to yourself. While he may be referring to the embryo, I was not. It's pretty obvious that the chestburster parasitizes the host while developing within it. Ooh, big revelation. The important question is whe...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 07:20am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

You know what, you're right. Wong is speaking of the embryo. On the other hand, Antares isn't. For that matter, it doesn't change my question in the least, now does it? So hey, keep your insults to yourself.
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 04:59am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

The supplies available is stated when they realize they had to hunt down the xeno before going back into cryostasis. They had to capture and jetison it within a week before food and air ran out. As for the xeno 'leeching' nutrients from the host, well... ...the question is how does a creature that s...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 02:58am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

D'oh, hit reply too soon. Anyhow, at least in the case of Alien , there was a decided lack of supplies for the xeno to consume. Kane's corspe is jetisoned before the chestburster could have a chance at it, and the ship only had enough food and air to last a week (the crew was supposed to stay in cry...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-06 02:47am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

Also remember "Alien". The chestburster was growing to its mature state withing several hours. Were did it get it's bio-mass from, when it was really depending on food like you suggest? Its host body, genius. It had no other conceivable source of mass, since it was trapped in that host bo...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-05 10:06am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

Well, from a chemestry standpoint, organic simply means carbon based. A lithovore is a creature capable of surviving off of purely non-organic substances. So to answer your question, xenomorphs may very well eat whatever they can chew up and swallow. Since they can tear through steel doors, that cou...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-08-04 10:50am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance
Replies: 89
Views: 5695

Although it's almost certainly not canon, I recall reading in various Aliens comics about the initial life cycle of a xenomorph. In particular, the chestburster is the only stage that required any organic materials to survive, and only needed this for it's growth spurt. For that matter, I believe an...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-07-01 03:53am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: The edge of the universe
Replies: 5
Views: 615

Wouldn't the "center" be at a right angle to 4-space regardless of whether the universe is closed, open or flat? Bah, wish I knew more about higher dimensional topologies...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-06-29 03:40am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Fahrenheit 9/11 discussion (spoilers)
Replies: 83
Views: 3870

For that matter, there's a big difference between you nephew and you own child...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-06-28 05:47am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Fahrenheit 9/11 discussion (spoilers)
Replies: 83
Views: 3870

Also - aren't minorities under-represented in the U.S. Armed Forces? I remember reading that somewhere ... As a former member of the military, it has been my experience that minorities are well represented as non-commissioned officers . However, commissioned officers seem to predominately be white....
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-04-07 03:32am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: A Deal with A Devil (D&D)
Replies: 21
Views: 2785

Re: A Deal with A Devil (D&D)

As for binding with variants on the 3 laws. If i was this devil I'd just bully/bribe/coerce losts of equiv devils or lower into attacking you, making sure that i was'nt around so that you can invoke Rule 1 or 2 This isn't just a simple contract, with the demon agreeing to it. You are magically bind...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-03-12 03:28am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Kefka vs Sephiroth vs Lavos vs Sin
Replies: 25
Views: 4108

If we conservatively place most of the rocks in Zeal at 3 miles, we're talking 1e15 Newtons of force to keep them aloft. And remember the Square-Cube law for increasing the size... I probably fucked up somewhere, but I think that means it would take a bit over one hundred gigatons of force to lift ...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-03-11 02:39am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Kefka vs Sephiroth vs Lavos vs Sin
Replies: 25
Views: 4108

Did you not play Chorno Cross? Furthermore, did you miss the point in Chrono Trigger where it's revealed that Lavos had been manipulating every lifeform on the planet to best serve it's own interests? Lavos may have been many things, but stupid was not one of them...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-03-10 01:53am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Kefka vs Sephiroth vs Lavos vs Sin
Replies: 25
Views: 4108

Kefka is highly over-rated around here. He's certainly no more powerful than Sephiroth, neither of which are shown to be the threat that Lavos or even Sin were. Sin's claim to fame was being a virual force of nature, and damn near impossible to destroy. Lavos has his own personal armageddon, not to ...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-03-04 01:52am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Kefka vs. Sephiroth
Replies: 68
Views: 5399

The thing about meteor is that Sephy never intended to destroy the planet in the first place. He DID intend to cause a grevious "wound" to the planet so that virtually all the lifestream energy would have to be redirected there to repair the damage. Of course, he'd be there to absorb it al...
by Cthulhu-chan
2004-01-22 04:18am
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Oh, No there goes Tokyo
Replies: 48
Views: 3785

Are we talking standard anime Kei and Yuri or are we talking Adam Warren Kei and Yuri? The level of tech in Warren's Dirty Pair universe is so uber, they'd be able to take on the Empire. Just the Lovely Angel itself has enough raw power output to supernova a typical yellow star in a few days...