Search found 152 matches

by Marcus
2014-05-10 09:28am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: General Gay Marriage Issues Thread
Replies: 190
Views: 263411

Re: Arkansas gay marriage ban ruled unconstitutional

Let me get a link to the decision... back when gay marriage was being discussed in Lawschool, I was always the one screaming that we needed to be pushing up the Loving line of cases... and thats a large part of Judge Piazza's decision. Link to the text of the decision... http://lawprofessors.typepad...
by Marcus
2008-10-06 12:25am
Forum: News and Politics
Topic: Torture: OK; Bondage Porn: 3 Years In Prison
Replies: 5
Views: 1297

Re: Torture: OK; Bondage Porn: 3 Years In Prison

I do wonder if some of the strength of the reaction is not based on certain types of pornography highlighting to the staunchly conservative viewer their own reaction to violence. Given some of the current mainstream movies, which present violence against women (and men) in such disturbingly loving a...
by Marcus
2003-09-05 01:39pm
Forum: Fantasy
Topic: Kindred vs. Jedi
Replies: 51
Views: 8731

It might also be useful to look at in-game rules structures, vis-a-vis Cainite Resilience. By my best recollection, the damage dice pool of a modern MBT is 20 dice. We will assume a reasonably accurate, well-placed, undoged shot... call it 5 successes to-hit, for a roll over of 4 damage. 24 damage d...
by Marcus
2003-03-19 11:27am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Modern and Post-Modern Military Aircraft: Analysis
Replies: 23
Views: 646

1.) Im terribly well aware that it isnt real latin, being in my usage something of a verbal shorthand. 2.) Ahh, I suppose my mental grouping of production fighters into 'expensive and limited numerically' and 'less expensive, greater numerically', as represented by the USAF F-15/F-16, had blead over...
by Marcus
2003-03-19 11:20am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What's with humanities majors?!!
Replies: 60
Views: 2192

I was lucky enough to study Psychology and Theatre at a small, southern Liberal Arts college that has pretty much rejected the whole warm-fuzzy post modernism influences in education. My Philosophy prof flunked people without remorse for poorly supported arguements (disagreeing with her was fine, ag...
by Marcus
2003-03-19 11:01am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Modern and Post-Modern Military Aircraft: Analysis
Replies: 23
Views: 646

Modern and Post-Modern Military Aircraft: Analysis

I just wanted to throw this out there for commentary from those who know more than I do.. Modern Combat Aircraft- Who has the best what, and why? Some simple categories.. Interceptor- I ~assume~ that an ASRAAM-equipped F-22 takes the cake, but ive been wrong before. How capable are the last-generati...
by Marcus
2003-03-12 03:53pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: A strange dose of masculinism(?) ideals
Replies: 47
Views: 1999

In part, the current mockery of the masculine gender is because, at the end of the day, we do still hold a greater share of the power pie. There are inequities and overreactions that have swung the pendulum beyond neutral into the favour of the female, but for the moment they are isolated. Another p...
by Marcus
2003-03-10 07:45pm
Forum: User Fiction
Topic: If vs debating was real...
Replies: 26
Views: 4447

Thats it, Weemando... you have to write an extended version, with the Webberites, Culture Vultures, and other associated wierdness...

but in and of itself, its too, too beautiful.
by Marcus
2003-03-10 04:21am
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: Chinese Philosophy
Replies: 95
Views: 4492

The trouble with a Static Society (beyond the Entropy, Stasis=Death issue) is what happens when Static cultures run into Dynamic cultures.
by Marcus
2003-03-10 03:18am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Children of Dune
Replies: 62
Views: 2263

So due to KJA, the Matres are running from a machine civilization? What, the bloody fucking Borg? As for growing more obscure as time went on... I could see how they would be less accessible on a first reading, certainly. Id say Dune is still by far the best of the series... but I enjoyed all of the...
by Marcus
2003-03-03 06:01pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
Replies: 32
Views: 1180


by Marcus
2003-02-26 02:54pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Dark Tower saga is finally COMPLETE!
Replies: 15
Views: 445

Im more than a little dissapointed in the re-writing... the first book was (isnt it always) by far and away the best of the series. It was simple, elegant, poetic in its way. But yes, I never thought this series would be finished. Even if its drawn out to a whimpering, overly-long, overly-minutaed c...
by Marcus
2003-02-21 03:35pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: A fundie declares misfortune is God's plan
Replies: 52
Views: 3252

See, and I find that interesting. Whilst I never made a study of 'Proofs of God' I rember following the basically excellent Cogito right up to the last... where he basically abandons his earlier methods and 'proves' God with a fairly nice little tautology. No doubt Descartes was simply trying to sur...
by Marcus
2003-02-19 04:20pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: What if the U.S. institutionalized the Ten Commandments?
Replies: 165
Views: 5138

Ohh, goodie, the fundamentalists came back and saved us from a nasty internal fight between the 'Mechanics-R-Good' and 'Oooh, Philisophical Shiney' subsets of
by Marcus
2003-02-16 10:29pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: V-GER vs. the Death Star
Replies: 99
Views: 14734

V'Ger never demonstrates anything like the level of firepower that the DS does.
by Marcus
2003-02-15 11:50pm
Forum: Star Wars vs Star Trek
Topic: Peace at last?
Replies: 32
Views: 1817

Im with Ossus on this... the at least theoretical purpose is to arrive at good conclusions through constructive debate, with the chance to mine for evidence in ones favorite science fiction and fantasy genres... a charming excuse for an enjoyable passtime. If ones truest purpose is not to discover t...
by Marcus
2003-02-15 11:20pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: what chaos power would you serve?
Replies: 42
Views: 1713

Tzeentch, with a nod to Slannesh.
by Marcus
2003-02-15 03:28pm
Forum: Science, Logic, And Morality
Topic: CAPAlert: "You Make All Christians Look Bad."
Replies: 27
Views: 1481

You know, these people make me want to go out and make a movie.
by Marcus
2003-02-15 05:23am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Samus Aran vs Boba Fett
Replies: 46
Views: 2796

Anti... when in doubt, let dead threads lie...
by Marcus
2003-02-15 01:36am
Forum: Artwork, Music and Photos
Topic: My gun is bigger!
Replies: 50
Views: 8508

I know I left my Q-38 Space Modulator around her somewhere... pesky planet, obscuring my view of Mercury...
by Marcus
2003-02-13 05:59pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Jedi/Dark Jedi vs Vampire from World of Darkness
Replies: 62
Views: 3910

Varations Great
People Rooting for Own Team Win

((In short, lets pick ONE Jedi, from Cannon, and ONE Cainite from Cannon, and let them have a fight. Both should be serious but not unique examples of the breed))
by Marcus
2003-02-12 04:32am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Cold War with Nazi Germany
Replies: 35
Views: 12485

One thing that doesnt get as much discussion as it could... the German Economy was NEVER fully militarized, not to the degree of most of the other participants. This lack of full-conversion gave them much of the slack that allowed them to continue to increase their military output such that more tan...
by Marcus
2003-02-12 04:29am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: DUNE versus STAR WARS
Replies: 39
Views: 2929

I cant see the Duniverse winning this, at any level. Nonetheless, some useful quotes and ideas- "The million worlds.. an interesting phrase. No doubt more than that, but it said something about how they viewed it" -Mother Superior Darwi Odrade, Chapterhouse Dune. This is in reference to th...
by Marcus
2003-02-11 02:38pm
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Jedi/Dark Jedi vs Vampire from World of Darkness
Replies: 62
Views: 3910

While biblically appropois, Skelron, im not sure that the 'Mark of Caine' is enforced in WW, and thus may not translate to this debate. Its always been tacitly assumed within the WW system that (assuming Caine exists) hes so many orders of magnitude beyond the player characters that no meaningful co...
by Marcus
2003-02-11 01:16am
Forum: Science Fiction
Topic: Jedi/Dark Jedi vs Vampire from World of Darkness
Replies: 62
Views: 3910

Hmm... my last heavy play of Mage was first ed. Its my understanding that by third ed theyve been reduced to slightly-more-impressive Hedge Mages. But then again, Stuart Weick was brilliant... the current hack... ~sigh~ We may never agree on WW vs SW HTH... but I think we can agree that both have go...