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Post by Hotfoot »

Isolder74 wrote:Try and make that joystick move 90 degrees, Yoiu can,t because its wires get in the way!
Actually, there's a spring that gets in the way, and after that a hole. In any case, just because a particular stick isn't designed to move more than 90 degrees doesn't mean it's not possible to design one that does. Your lack of imagination is no longer my concern.
In order to do so the wires mist alway stay on the bottom of the mount meaning you now need more structure underneath. The joystick transverses 45 degrees at best, fine for a Point defense gun if it is never expeted to fire allong the ships hull or Any elevation under 45 degrees.
I would argue that firing along a ship's hull is moronic, especially one as studded with guns as that one is: you'll almost certainly hit another turret with your own fire! To say nothing of if the ship is attempting to turn.

However, your limitations are not even remotely based on fact, but rather numbers you have pulled from thin air, based on an EXAMPLE I gave you to better help you visualize what I am talking about. :roll:
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Post by Isolder74 »

Hotfoot wrote:
Isolder74 wrote:Try and make that joystick move 90 degrees, Yoiu can,t because its wires get in the way!
Actually, there's a spring that gets in the way, and after that a hole. In any case, just because a particular stick isn't designed to move more than 90 degrees doesn't mean it's not possible to design one that does. Your lack of imagination is no longer my concern.
In order to do so the wires mist alway stay on the bottom of the mount meaning you now need more structure underneath. The joystick transverses 45 degrees at best, fine for a Point defense gun if it is never expeted to fire allong the ships hull or Any elevation under 45 degrees.
I would argue that firing along a ship's hull is moronic, especially one as studded with guns as that one is: you'll almost certainly hit another turret with your own fire! To say nothing of if the ship is attempting to turn.

However, your limitations are not even remotely based on fact, but rather numbers you have pulled from thin air, based on an EXAMPLE I gave you to better help you visualize what I am talking about. :roll:
You accuse me of lacking imagination?

Your Joystick turret has limitations, just because I used the joystick on my desk to figure the motion capibilities you say i threw them out of the air. Now I must admit it is the best option for any turret not requiring hard projectiles but these turrets do. As such you have to compinsate for the recoil of the guns constantly while in operation which will not be easy with a joystick type design.

The Joystick is never intended to make a large sweeping range of motion and what every mechanics it requires for loading ect are going to have to fit into a small area below the turret.

The joystick turret will have is working parts always at 180 degrees of the barrell unless you have rtwo spheres interlocking. This will be workable but will be a Damage control and maintainance nightmare.
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That was disapointing ..Should we show this Federation how to build a ship so we may have worthy foes? Typhonis 1
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Post by AMX »

I'm here! I'm awake! What did I miss? I- *snore*

Um, sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was kinda out of action... which will happen again, so I should probably retreat.. so, um, can we agree that we're pursuing different design philosophies, and leave it at that?

Anyway, to clarify:

"Empty space" meant the area where you can't put anything, because it would get in the way of the gun/ammo feed. The more elevation you provide, the more space goes to waste.

As for "impacting the deck": in traditional turrets (be they flat or "observatory-style"), the gun is hinged at a point above the deck(as you can see in my drawing). This allows firing parallel to the deck (and even some depression), which is handy when your target happens to be dead ahead.
A fixed-barrel, freely rotating design ("joystick style") has to rotate around a point below the deck (otherwise it's no longer physically attached to the ship); thus, the barrel hits the deck before it reaches 0°/180° elevation.

"Control inversion" is what happens when the barrel passes through the 90° point: at elevations <90°, pushing the "turn turret left" button moves the muzzle left.
At elevations >90°, the barrel is pointing in the other direction, so the same button now moves the muzzle to the right. The controls are inverted.
(You can program a fix into your FCS; but if you've ever got to go to a direct-input backup, it becomes a problem. So why not avoid it from the start?)
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