Heir to a Ninja (remake)

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Dooey Jo
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Heir to a Ninja (remake)

Post by Dooey Jo »

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For those of you who didn't see that school project movie of ours the first time around (based on the number of comments that thread got, I would guess that would be the vast majority :P ), I present a shorter version, with all of the unnecessary crap cut out, and some narrative texts cut in. I realised the original version didn't make very much sense, so that's why I made this. Hopefully it makes more sense.

There's some lag during the awesome rendered intro (and then again later), you may thank Premiere's MPEG decoder for that. The sound also seems out of sync occasionally and you may thank Youtube for that. The ending is probably the worst you've ever seen and you may thank me for that :mrgreen:
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Post by Acidburns »

Hah, that was pretty awesome. It ran a bit dry at some points though. I did laugh out loud a few times however. The end seemed a bit rushed, and didn't make much sense though I guess you knew that. Though I did find it's complete randomness amusing. Did I see someones head explode halfway through? I noticed the Blue screen of death on the video screen just before the battle.

Speaking of the battle, I was rather impressed with it, I wasn't expecting it at all. I was begining to lose interest, but that opening shot with the charging Ninjas with sabers was great! The battle itself was disjointed, and after the begining there was no sense of the greater battle. However the gunshots had a sense of impact to them, and there was a enough amusing clips to keep me interested.

The special effects for the sabers, guns and magic were pretty well done. The walker would really have benifited from having a better quality model and being animated a bit slower, though it was quite ambitious to attempt to add such a thing. The laser tower at the end was much better.

What was your role in the film? How long did it take to write, filming and post production take.
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Dooey Jo
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Post by Dooey Jo »

Acidburns wrote:Did I see someones head explode halfway through?
Well I certainly hope so :D
Speaking of the battle, I was rather impressed with it, I wasn't expecting it at all. I was begining to lose interest, but that opening shot with the charging Ninjas with sabers was great! The battle itself was disjointed, and after the begining there was no sense of the greater battle.
Yeah, we really wanted to have lots of shots of the whole battle, but well, that isn't very easy to do when you're limited to three actors per shot :lol:
The ninja charge shot alone took us a few days to finish (though mostly because we had a lot to figure out)... We planned to make a program to simulate huge battles for us because of that but it never really worked out. Though you can see some of it on the computer screen before it BSODs, and we used it for several of the scenes with many blaster bolts.
The special effects for the sabers, guns and magic were pretty well done. The walker would really have benifited from having a better quality model and being animated a bit slower, though it was quite ambitious to attempt to add such a thing.
The fast animation was actually a result of bad planning during the filming, and when we tried slowing the footage down it just looked like slow motion...
What was your role in the film?
Well, I did pretty much everything except the occasional lightsabre and sound effects. Though the other guy (we were two on this project) helped mostly with ideas for things; I think that whole thing where Darth drags Jubei out of his cave... castle, was mostly his idea, and he thought of using a part of a radiator for the basic shape of the big gun. The running around in the forest was also his idea (that part is way longer in the original version).
How long did it take to write, filming and post production take.
Writing took about a week, filming and post took a year. Because of complications (mostly with actors), we filmed it during the course of a year, which you can see (when Jubei enters Darth's castle, it's summer; when he's dragged out, it's autumn. When Darth fights Lima, it's basically winter, and it's actually snowing when Darth fights Jubei (though we rationalised that by having them teleport to Darth's secret freezer room)). So cutting and effects were done as we were shooting...
"Nippon ichi, bitches! Boing-boing."
Mai smote the demonic fires of heck...

Faker Ninjas invented ninjitsu
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