Death "visits" the Police! (Station) (NF56K)

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The Grim Squeaker
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Death "visits" the Police! (Station) (NF56K)

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Some pictures from my week (and weekend) wasted in the city of Modiin and the police station there. (Where my photography was intermittent, due to 90% of the station saying it was fine and suggesting the idea, but one officer deciding he didn't like it, and my deciding to go with the minority vote).

I spent the past week (sunday through Friday) lugging off to the police station everyday as part of an equipment returning scheme by the IDf, wherein civilians can give back military equipment that they "appropriated" by mistake without consequence. We've gotten back grenades, anti tank missiles, clothing, maps, badges, boots, you name it :P. (But all I recieved during my shifts were old boots and some other boring crap :P)

The crates where weapons, ammunition, grenades, missiles returned by civilians go. (It's exactly 5 meters from the holding yard, where the potentially dangerous detentes are kept. Good location, huh? :P)
(The sand box is for disarming any grenades or potentially volatile weaponry).


"Hot Fuzz"!
I wish I'd asked him what he needed with a half dozen rifles (There were some more on the desk next to him).

Holding yard for prisoners. I didn't take photos on the days where it was crammed full of illegal workers, smugglers, gun runners, or some shifty looking teenagers :P.

Yes, he was working two lines at once :P.

Weird but funny little kid in the Mall's food hall.

The sign says "Policeman/civilian, please keep things clean". The cleaning woman walked by a heartbeat after I'd lifted up that cup that had been on the floor, good photogenic timing :P.

New recruit. (Unfortunately she spent the rest of the week being surrounded by the policemen, so I couldn't fully introduce myself to the young lass :P).


More of the holding yard. Most of the graffiti is in Arabic.

Town hall.
I liked this landscape shot slightly, thought i'd throw it in.
The newspaper is in Chinese. (Look carefully) and it's apparently about local news. Odd :P.
The city shopping center. (Heat is a bitch when you're stuck in full dress uniform and boots :( ).
I liked this macro shot, again, personal preference :P. (It's very steely).
Cute reflection shot. (Look at the third figure).
Balloons! (There was an "event" there, including some bastard with a Canon 5D and a 28-70L lens. Lucky bastard :P).
Big construction project I walked past every day from the train to the police station.

"Let's Zoom while taking a night shot!". How "original" :P. (Hey, you try being stuck in a town from 5AM to 20:00 without going nuts :P).
Genius is always allowed some leeway, once the hammer has been pried from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
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