Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

Thanas wrote:King sure has grown up to resemble rococo portraits of monarchs with the ears etc.
He certainly has the attitude. He does this thing when I'm on the couch. He jumps up, walks over to me, places one paw on my chest, then just stands there looking over me, avoiding eye contact. This usually gets him a "You don't own me" and a one-way trip off the couch until he decides to drop the 'tude.
Raesene wrote:Have you considered opening an anamal shelter of your own ? :-)
More seriously, all hats off to you - that's dog #3 or #4 (?) that you rescue.
Jake's the only one we've kept.. so far, but I've found and manhandled 2-3 other dogs off the road or my yard over the years. It was funny. After the wife posted on some sites about latest dog, some lady posted "I'm glad you stopped. We saw him earlier and were worried." Oh yea? Good. for. fucking. you. Maybe take a second out of your day and fucking do something about it. And the neighborhood we were leaving: I make good money and I really couldn't afford to live there. I'm not saying they should all dive in and adopt 50 dogs, but it's not like taking some time to drop a puppy off at a shelter is going to break your bank.

Anyways, King really isn't a rescue. Sure, he was living with 10 or so other dogs at my friend's Aunt's, so there wasn't a lot of solo time for him, but King Charles with papers are stupidly expensive and even cocker mixes like King can go for upwards of $500. People around here (at least from what I've read) tend to like them because they're a bit stockier, but still have the same great temperament as a King Charles and lack the health problems Cockers have.
Your latest acquisition really is cute, I can understand your wife, I wouldn't want to give him up either.
BTW, what'shis name ? And how is Jake ?
His name is Harley. And Jake's seizure meds weren't cutting it because he had 2 in the span of 2 weeks. He's on pheno-barbitol now. So, we got a stoner dog. Otherwise, he's in pretty good shape. Thanks for asking.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

He certainly has the attitude. He does this thing when I'm on the couch. He jumps up, walks over to me, places one paw on my chest, then just stands there looking over me, avoiding eye contact. This usually gets him a "You don't own me" and a one-way trip off the couch until he decides to drop the 'tude.
So... royalty is just perfect, then. As he puts his paw on your chest and says "Pet me, wretched peasant", which, as far as I am concerned, is a much more endearing attitude than mom's psycho Jack Russell Terrier... jesus christ.

I would have broken down and named him King Charles though because...well...


But he's mixed with a Spaniel, so no health problems.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by LadyTevar »

When you're posting pics of puppies this adorable, there's no need to worry about Necro :)

King has grown quite a bit, while still being just the cutest little thing! How's Jake doing?
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

Still dumb as rocks. He's not used to the new drugs yet, been dragging his feet a bit, also stumbles a lot being stoned and all. Pretty healthy, aside from the seizures. Vet can't really find anything else wrong with him, aside from his ears the wife and I have to keep clean. He's mostly ambivalent towards the new puppy... up until he tries to play with Jake. Jake is not exactly a friendly playtime dog.

Cute though.

Maybe one day I can get King to stop making stupid faces at me.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »


I always felt bad leaving them in their cage all day. Figured they'd need exercise, so recently I setup their area to give them access to the backyard. You'd think they'd do something... aside from sleep all damned day.
You'd be wrong. And no, I didn't get a camera just for the dogs. I'm not that kind of pet owner. But the dipshits from at&t only informed me after I paid money for the cameras that they won't act as motion sensors... even though the dumb-fuck at the store said they would. I ended up just pointing it down, instead of covering the living room.

So, puppy-cam FTW. Also, the GI-fucking-NORMOUS dog door is a whole other story. A story of lots of money and hard labor with dangerous power-tools (never letting the wife near a power-saw again), with no pay-off.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by Mr. Coffee »

Ok, I have to do it...

Such doge, much adorable, wow.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

I have these fond memories of my first dog. Our Golden Retriever, Hali, that I pretty much raised. Mom had errands to run most afternoons, so Hali would spend about two hours in her kennel until I got home from school. Mom would leave her with food and water and Hali would decide it would be a good idea to knock it all around and combine it with her urine and feces to turn her kennel into a septic tank. I couldn't just let her out because she would jump all over me, covering me in it. So, every day I'd have to drag the kennel into the driveway and hose her down with the "shower" setting on the water-hose while she did alligator death rolls. I thought it was cruel, but she loved it. Goldens are stupid for water.

Anyways, she died more than a few years ago and mom got all antsy since I seem to be collecting dogs. She broke down and adopted a 3-year-old named Tanner:
Must be nice to have a yard big enough. Great looking dog.

I also found these old pics of the dogs. This is Jake 1.0
He's old in this pic. Like OLD. Like "please don't touch me because it hurts being this old" old. He hated me as we got him when I was 5 because like many kids that age, I was a pushy little shit. It wasn't until he was so old and blind that (I think) he mistook me for my brother that I could pick him up.

To this day, I laugh my ass off at this picture, but it's the only pic I have readily available of Hali. The rest are buried on my HDD somewhere. Texas summers are brutal and Hali had already had a heatstroke, so they shaved her to cut down on the chance she'd stroke out again. I'm spoilering it because gdamn it is a hilarious picture. Spoiler
Dad was putting regular sunscreen on her, which started up an "argument" as I was like "I don't think that stuff is good for her skin." Dad was a vet tech way back. Like when people would bring in Mammoths and shit, so he got all technical on me. So I had to come back with "Well, just because you got paid in Civil War cash doesn't mean that's relevant today." He was not amused and Hali got regular sunscreen. This is where you realize that Golden's have attitude. Hali was not a happy camper for quite a while.

Someone else has been getting bigger. In fact, he's grown even more since this picture. We also got him measured for a cone of shame because dogs don't neuter themselves. He did good at the adoption center this weekend. We're taking him back up next weekend because some little girl fell in love, but the mother has to talk to the husband about them adopting him.

"FeniX... put down the video game, man."

He does this all the time. He does not want food. He does not want to be petted. If I try, he backs up a bit. If I put him in my lap, he jumps right out, and goes right back to this shit.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by Raesene »

Adorable, all of them...

I think I really will have a look at getting a dog in a year or two.

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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

They make life interesting, I'll give them that.

Anyway, just got a call from the adoption center. The lady who had seen Harley last week decided to come back and adopt him. She called for some info and I helped her out. On one hand, I'm kind of bummed out, but on the other hand (aside from dealing with King's inevitable attitude as he wonders where Harley went), I'm pretty relieved. I've done what I can to keep Harley at arms length without being neglectful. Pet him, play with him, but don't coddle him (or the other dogs during that timeframe) until we got him adopted. The family who is taking him already has a small dog and was relieved to know he grew up with an even smaller dog. He should do just fine.

I did however completely forget to tell her that Harley loses his shit when you bath him. Even with low running warm water, he is not a fan of baths. The good news is he is so short-haired, he doesn't need haircuts, so we've been able to get by using those pet wipes, then just quickly rinsing him while he cries. Anyways, down to two. So I guess it's just a matter of time before some other mangy dog wanders in.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by LadyTevar »

YAY! Harley's been adopted!

Time for another dog to show up. (Kidding!)
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

No dog, just fucking bunnies. Like hippity-hop bunnies. So the "black mass" that scared the shit out of me one insomniac night turned out to be a Cottontail Rabbit. 10 to 1 she had a nest. The wife was doing gardening and we needed to spray weed and bug killer. We instead searched the hedges first.

Bunnies..... bunnies is a funny word.... bunnies... They are Lagomorphs, which is also a funny word.... which I learned from Final Fantasy... which is sad. But is there anything not funny about bunnies?

If the mom gets picked off by a coyote, I'm really not in the mood to adopt wild animals.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by Zixinus »

The mother may be still around, just at hours not you are watching (dawn and dusk). Try to restore the nest, keep it away from dogs or cats and leave it alone. They look still young enough to be still mothered.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

We kept an eye out for them because we needed to spray the area for bugs and weeds. We obviously put that off. She hung around another couple weeks. Her and the babies are now gone.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

As said in the vent thread, after 7 years of loyal service, Jake is no longer with us. It will be a few weeks before the Crematorium gets back to us. And we will have to keep the Urn hidden until little man is past the age of "break the Hell out of everything breakable."

Have some pictures, Nerds:
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by Sea Skimmer »

That's sad, I still remember when you first started this thread fondly.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by TheFeniX »

Thanks, makes me feel a bit better. Shit sucks, can't sleep. Got a call today after lunch which kind of stopped me in my tracks. Went down and picked up Jake. Guess they weren't all that busy. Only cost about $300 to kill a cremate a dog. Good info to have... I guess. I'm not all that sad, just kind of bummed out.

Anyway, I do like the conversations I have with my dad (NOTE: my dad is great, these conversation are pretty light-hearted considering): "Why don't you just bury him in the yard?"
"Because I don't want to dig a damn hole and be down a pillow case. Then one day you're trenching for an electrical line and it's like 'oh shit, where'd I bury that fucking dog again?"
"It's not that bad."
"No, I'm cremating him. It's already done."
"Well, I'd call them back."
"Why? Be all: Hey man, I need my dog back because I gots to do shit the hard way cuz my daddy said so!"
"I've buried plenty of dogs in my life."
"Man....... that's grim."
"When I worked for the vet Fenix...."

Ah shit, my dad never ceases to get laughs out of me.

At the least, Little Man won't miss him. Too young, but King has more than a few years left and he had a better start at life than Jake did (no worms, no ticks, none of the shit Jake went through. No seizures (yet) either). The kid is fucking hilarious. Taking him inside today, he went in first, then I called back for "King. King, come inside." Then Little Man rushed back out yelling "KING GO! GO KING!" Then charged out to find King, got to him, turned around to look at me, pointed down, and yelled KING!"

King was not all that amused as he was currently in the process of dropping a load. When Little Man realized this, he pointed at it and yelled "POOOOOOOOO!" and lost it laughing and clapping his hands.

Good times though, right?

Not even mad about the small gouge on the front. Reminds me of the leftover scars he had on his chest when he got his ass kicked that one time. But hey, it's wood. Nothing really to break.
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Re: Everything ends up in my yard, even dogs.

Post by PhoenixKnig »

Sorry to hear about Jake, you were good to him
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