Chewie is Cooking with AWESOME! (new recipe, page 2)

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Col. Crackpot
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

Chewy, First of all I love cheese. So much so that i now put flax seed in my oatmeal to compensate. Bust even I must say, that is fucking disgusting.

And for the record, I once ordered "The Canadian Mountain Man Breakfast" while on vacation to Montreal with my wife. (because you need to have at least one over indulgant while on vacation) I swear to Christ it was a pound of back bacon and enough pancakes to soak up Lake Ontario. It was a fight to get him out, but Dudley Dooright crawled out of my ass later that evening. HE WAS NONE TOO HAPPY.
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Post by darthbob88 »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Atlan wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:The long-rumored, but never seen delicacy of the intarwebs... The CHUPAQUESO!!
I'm not impressed until you make Smutto. And show pictures of you eating it.
Should I ask what Smutto is? Sounds like a pornographic meal.
Not really, since there is more than one kind of smut, after all. I forget just which comic it appeared in, but smutto consists of a mixture of corn smut and natto. While I have never tried, and do not intend to try, either food, I understand them to be extremely potent in all respects.

Edit: Here it is.
Note: No tour of Central- or South-American cuisine is complete without a taste of fresh huitlacoche. No tour of Asian cuisine is complete without digging into a nice box of natto. Naturally, then, a blending of the offerings of these continents must necessarily include some actual blending.

When the author created the Chupaqueso he was thrilled to learn that readers actually tried the recipe out and loved it. Rest assured that with the creation of Smutto he feels only dread. One of you will almost certainly have access to both of these delicacies, and will feel compelled to experiment.

Please send pictures.
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Post by fusion »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Atlan wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:The long-rumored, but never seen delicacy of the intarwebs... The CHUPAQUESO!!
I'm not impressed until you make Smutto. And show pictures of you eating it.
Should I ask what Smutto is? Sounds like a pornographic meal.
And you read Schlock Merc????? Right? Well here is smutto:link to Schlock
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