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Best "Ass kicking time" character theme songs

Posted: 2006-11-07 12:23pm
by The Grim Squeaker
What songs played in relation to a certain character just make you know "The shit is going to go down"?

The primary choices that spring to mind for me are:

"The Touch" For Optimus Prime [TF: the movie].
(Know legendary in boards as the "god mode" for giant robots")

nBSG - A Few, such as "StarBuck takes on all 8", "Prelude to War" ("I'm getting. My Men. Back).

SW - "Duel of the Fates" for Darth Maul.
"Battle of the hero's" and "Anakin vs Obi-Wan" is not a good choice since it's a fight theme but isn't really related to one of the characters.

"The Imperial march (Darth Vaders theme)" - Need I say more ;).

"The Final countdown" - I can't remember a character using this, but can be applied to any final battle.

"Hell march" - The soviet armies in RA 1/2 (I had it ringing constantly thought).

"Princes of the Universe" - Queen - Highlander (Conner McCloud) & "I want it all"

Posted: 2006-11-07 04:32pm
by White Haven
I second Prelude to War. I hadn't imagined strings could sound so angry before.

'Headstrong' comes to mind as well, although again, I don't think it's been used that way. 'Back off, I'll take you on...'

Posted: 2006-11-07 05:10pm
by Tsyroc
Godzilla's theme. Especially in any Showa movie. If this theme kicks in you know someone is going to get fucked up hard.

"Anvil of Crom" - If this starts playing then that means Conan is going to be kicking the shit out of all your human flesh eating, orgy having, raping and pillaging minions. Oh yeah, and he's going to take your captive princess and double dog dare you to come to his place and try to get her back. :twisted:

Posted: 2006-11-07 06:20pm
by JLTucker
The Halloween theme.

Posted: 2006-11-07 09:02pm
by NeoGoomba
The theme from Hot Shots: Part Deux when Topper kills pretty much everyone.


Posted: 2006-11-08 01:03am
by The Grim Squeaker
Can't believe I forgot these (I remembered them later on):

James Bond - A lot of themes (007 and "On her majesty's service" are among the ones that I remember).

TF The movie -
"Instruments of destruction" - Megatron. Its the "Anti-touch" :P
Hunger - Megatron and the Decepticons.
"Nothings gonna stand in our way!" - The Decepticon forces, especially Starscream and Megatron.
How many villians have themes which involve them slaughtering the heros with equivalent numbers :P

Indiana Jones - The main theme.
As soon as it plays (Especially the "Da Dadaada! dadada, do dedada dahdadada!" part) you know he'll be kicking some nazi ass (even if apparently dead, mind controlled or face to face with a tank).

Evangelion - I don't have the exact song name here, but the Eva-01 variation which sounds more "organic" rather like nuts being cracked (with violin strings "Jumping" hard to simulate fear & tension).
As I recall its playing when he eats Zauriel/Heavy assault Angel no14 [who had beaten Rei and Asuka previously).

Ghostbusters - "Who ya gonna call?". The bane of extra-dimensional gods, demons and entities everywhere :wink: .

The Gladiator Theme ("The gladiator waltz" and the score for the final battle in the Arena).

Robocop - Main theme.

Posted: 2006-11-08 06:24am
by 2000AD
DEATH wrote: "Nothings gonna stand in our way!" - The Decepticon forces, especially Starscream and Megatron.
How many villians have themes which involve them slaughtering the heros with equivalent numbers :P
I thought that was when Hot Rod and Cup (well Hot Rod) were kicking the crap out of the sea creatures on Quintession?

Posted: 2006-11-08 06:48am
by The Grim Squeaker
2000AD wrote:
DEATH wrote: "Nothings gonna stand in our way!" - The Decepticon forces, especially Starscream and Megatron.
How many villians have themes which involve them slaughtering the heros with equivalent numbers :P
I thought that was when Hot Rod and Cup (well Hot Rod) were kicking the crap out of the sea creatures on Quintession?
No, that was a different one ("Dare to be stupid" by Yanko aor another one, something to do with no fear?)
It definetly wasn't the Spectre general or NRG songs

Posted: 2006-11-08 07:36am
by Vympel
Anvil of Crom by a mile.

Posted: 2006-11-08 08:10am
by Mr Bean
Triple yes on the Anvil of Crom
Kheladua drop(Or however it's spelled) the one decent song on the Starship Troopers soundtrack when they attack the bug world.

Game selections/Video Game movie
FFVI-Final Battle(Dancing Mad Theme)
Chrono Trigger-Mangus Battle(Watch the Darkness Theme)
The first minute of "One Winged Angel" redone for FF:Advent Children

Posted: 2006-11-08 08:15am
by 2000AD
DEATH wrote:
2000AD wrote:
DEATH wrote: "Nothings gonna stand in our way!" - The Decepticon forces, especially Starscream and Megatron.
How many villians have themes which involve them slaughtering the heros with equivalent numbers :P
I thought that was when Hot Rod and Cup (well Hot Rod) were kicking the crap out of the sea creatures on Quintession?
No, that was a different one ("Dare to be stupid" by Yanko aor another one, something to do with no fear?)
No, Dare to be Stupid was the fight with the Junktikons and the Autobots.

I'm sure the one that goes "Nothings gonna stand in our way .... not tonight!" is during the bit where Hot Rod rescues Cup from the big squid thing when they first crash on the Quintesson planet.

Damn this is quite possibly the nerdiest argument i've ever had.

Posted: 2006-11-08 08:58am
by The Yosemite Bear
Anvil of Crom
Als Sprach Zathursra
Princes of the Universe..

Posted: 2006-11-08 09:30am
by The Grim Squeaker
Mr Bean wrote: The first minute of "One Winged Angel" redone for FF:Advent Children
FF7:AC OWA is awesome, but Sephiroth gets killed to it (Though he does have an awesome intro with it at first).
Its not a perfect example but should be included.
Damn this is quite possibly the nerdiest argument i've ever had.
I've had worse :P . (I'll try to find a list of the songs online, then we can settle this)

01 Stan Bush The Touch
Producer - Richie Wise
02 N.R.G. (3) Instruments Of Destruction
Producer - Ernie Burns
03 Vince DiCola Death Of Optimus Prime
Co-producer - Ed Frugé
04 Stan Bush Dare
Producer - Richie Wise , Vince DiCola
05 Spectre General Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way
Producer - Randy Bishop , Spencer Proffer
06 Lion The Transformers (Theme)
Producer - Richie Wise
07 Vince DiCola Escape
Producer - Ed Frugé , Vince DiCola
08 Spectre General Hunger
Producer - Spencer Proffer
09 Vince DiCola Autobot / Decepticon Battle
Producer - Ed Frugé , Vince DiCola
10 "Weird Al" Yankovic Dare To Be Stupid
Producer - Rick Derringer
I think that it was Dare (By Stan Bush) playing when Hot rod's "introduced" and "Dare to be stupid" underwater.

Posted: 2006-11-08 10:23am
by White Haven
Duel of the Fates, from SW Ep 1. The door opens, and you just go 'oh shit, the Sith train in cinematic timing and awesome background music.'

Posted: 2006-11-08 10:47am
by Crossroads Inc.
The battle music in "The Big-O" totally ROCKS

Posted: 2006-11-08 11:04am
by TheFeniX
Blade 1: Right after Blade cuts off Donal Logue's head and catches his sunglasses. The music roles.

Conan: for reasons already said.

While not an ass-kicking moment, I always like the end of Short Circuit 2 when they played "I need a hero" as Johnny 5 hauls ass along the waterfront to catch the diamond thief.

Posted: 2006-11-08 11:05am
by Jaepheth
I'm going to have to say Magus' theme from Chrono Trigger is the best.

Posted: 2006-11-08 11:21am
by Kuja
Jaepheth wrote:I'm going to have to say Magus' theme from Chrono Trigger is the best.
Fuck. You beat me to it.

Magus' theme is indeed bad ass.

Posted: 2006-11-08 11:24am
by The Grim Squeaker
White Haven wrote:Duel of the Fates, from SW Ep 1. The door opens, and you just go 'oh shit, the Sith train in cinematic timing and awesome background music.'
OP wrote:SW - "Duel of the Fates" for Darth Maul.

"I need a hero" - Shrek 2
All of it is incredibly awesome, including Puss in Boots's variation

Posted: 2006-11-08 01:00pm
by White Haven
Gonna go out on a limb and say the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Eve Sarajevo. Not because it's been used in that context, but because the first time I heard it, I saw, playing out in my head, a fully-scripted space battle scene, complete with camera angles, timings, cuts...everything. Sorta creepy, but awesome nonetheless.

Posted: 2006-11-09 04:23am
by Oni Koneko Damien
The Mortal Kombat music. Come on, who wouldn't get in an ass-kicking mood when hearing that?

Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail theme. Surprisingly wicked music, in my opinion.

As far as games:

The original Doom, The Tower of Babel. Innately bad-ass music. From the very beginning, it just gives an atmosphere of 'There's something really big, and really really nasty out there, oh shit.' And sure enough, you step outside and have to fight the cyberdemon.

Doom 2, level 7, Dead Simple. Simply hardcore, would be easy as hell to do a death-metal/industrial remix of it. Perfect music to introduce a small swarm of Mancubi and Arachnotrons, two of the most badass monsters in the game.

Outside movies and stuff:

A good deal of professional wrestling's theme-music. Granted, the music is *designed* to be that way. But, particularly, Kane's, the original Undertaker's, Gangrel's, and the original Mankind's.

Posted: 2006-11-09 04:59am
by Crazedwraith
Oldly enough the only one to come to mind is: "Go Green Ranger" and its the only one I really assocaite with a specific character (for Obvious reasons.)

In addition to this I'd aslo mention the two dragonflute tunes for the Dragonzord regardless of them both being about 6 notes long. Because whenever you heard "dah-dah-daaaah-da-da-dah!!" you knew major ass kicking was going to happen.

...Boy, that lowered the tone. :D

EDIT: especially when I don't spell 'lowered' correctly.

Posted: 2006-11-09 07:10am
by 2000AD
DEATH wrote: I think that it was Dare (By Stan Bush) playing when Hot rod's "introduced" and "Dare to be stupid" underwater.
Yes, Dare is when Hot Rod is introduced, but Dare to be stupid is defiately the Junkticon battle(Wiki agrees)

I'm going to have to whip out the DVD to check if Nothings Going to Stand in Our Way is the one during the underwater fight on Quintessa.

Posted: 2006-11-09 07:40am
by Covenant
Is this only Sci-Fi?

What about the incredibly famous O Fortuna from Excalibur? King Arthur riding out to lay the final smackdown with the king of swords gets some pretty hefty musical backing in that movie.

Also, just for nostalgia value, I'd say the souped up Boss music from FFIII (or VI, depending on localization) played during the Atma Weapon battle. It was fairly hardcore.

Posted: 2006-11-09 07:43am
by Majin Gojira
Aside from the things mentioned, the original 3 chord progression for King Kong in his intro (IE: the Log Sequence) in the original film is definitely a strong one (as is the restof the song that goes with it--but it's all made by that simple progression).