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A ship that I created[Semi Safe for 56K]

Posted: 2006-12-01 11:50pm
by Redleader34
This is concept art that I made, it is a Type 3 battleship, arount 45 meters high, meant to carry heavy transports and tanks onto hostile planets





It has its top missle batteries, its main forward charged particle cannon for anti ship warfare.. and it is powerd by 4 small ion engines with repulsors for athmosperic travel

Posted: 2006-12-02 08:20am
by Tasoth
Sketchup? Not bad, I'd add colors to the areas you want seperated by lines (like the top grill) then select it all and soften it to pop the lines out. You could also make textures for the area like the grill and put that there.

Posted: 2006-12-02 09:07am
by Braedley
you can remove a lot of those unwanted lines. It'll really clean up the model.

Posted: 2006-12-02 09:19am
by Dartzap
It looks very Homeworldian :)

Posted: 2006-12-02 09:40am
by Wild Karrde
Dartzap wrote:It looks very Homeworldian :)
I think it look's more like the shuttle from EV:Nova. :P

Posted: 2006-12-03 06:20pm
by Comando293
It looks cool. There are some extra looking lines. I can't tell if they are being used somehow or not.

Assuming you used Sketchup, how did you post the images?

Posted: 2006-12-03 07:59pm
by phred
kewl ship. Maybe silly question, whats with the wings? they look too small for any use in an atmosphere and would pretty much be useless in space

Posted: 2006-12-03 08:31pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
phred wrote:kewl ship. Maybe silly question, whats with the wings? they look too small for any use in an atmosphere and would pretty much be useless in space
Maybe they're for putting reaction thrusters or sensor/comm doohickeys on.

Posted: 2006-12-03 08:49pm
by Redleader34
I was not sure to make them Rentery wings, like the classic Gundam verseships, but I liked tem, on the second try I shall fix that..

Re: Comando293,

In skechup there is an export image feature, that can be used to export PNGs and my photobucket is hosting the images

Posted: 2006-12-03 09:03pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Redleader34 wrote:Rentery wings

You really have to stop typoing the most important word in your posts.

Posted: 2006-12-03 09:09pm
by TheMuffinKing
Will this have external weapons?

Posted: 2006-12-03 09:51pm
by Redleader34
No, its more like the Promethus from stargate, it has missle based attaks, but it is depenant on its fighter escorts to get it through tough planet defenses... Fighters will be my next project.

Posted: 2006-12-04 08:24am
by phred
I suppose sensor/comm/ECM might werk, or some sort of mount for missile sytems etc like on attack choppers, but they really are too small for anything but the most basic atmospheric maneuvering

Posted: 2006-12-04 01:44pm
by Redleader34
One question though, if my ship as one forward focal weapon, should I mod it to have more external missle pods?

Posted: 2006-12-04 03:42pm
by darthbob88
Redleader34 wrote:One question though, if my ship as one forward focal weapon, should I mod it to have more external missle pods?
Assuming you mean the ship is built around one main forward-firing gun, you should definitely invest in any/all of
A) More hardpoints for mounting more guns. "And the Gunner spake, saying: Thou shalt watch thy six, lest thou get shot in thy arse because thou couldst not cover thy arse."
B) More/bigger thrusters to turn the ship. "And the Helmsman didst spake, saying: Thou art not fighting in atmosphere, but thou art fighting in space, and in space thou canst travel forwards whilest thou art shooting backwards."
C) Superior sensors so you can see and hit long-range targets. "And the Scanner spake, saying: Thou art fighting in space, where thou canst see objects millions of klicks away, yea, and thou canst shoot targets so far, with minor losses in accuracy."
D) All of the above. "And the Captain spake, saying: Remember redundancy. If thou hast multiple resources at thy disposal, thou art more likely to survive the loss of any single resource."

For the specific case of an atmo/space fighter, you'd probably do best to have more weapons and better thrusters, so you can shoot in all directions and run away if the fight goes against you.

Posted: 2006-12-31 07:37pm
by Redleader34




Posted: 2006-12-31 07:46pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
VAST improvement even with the blatant asymmetry.

Posted: 2007-01-02 03:19pm
by Redleader34
I was just thnking about how to improve, when I decided to follow darthbob88's sugestions to a T

Posted: 2007-01-03 11:56am
by The Jazz Intern
very nice, I agree with Einhander, the improvements-
uh, improve it :P

I might ask, (maybe I missed it) where are the hangers? also, what are it's crew capacitys, does it have shields...

Posted: 2007-01-03 12:54pm
by Redleader34
Its more of an assualt transpor. It has sheilds, powerd by its twin generators on top. It has acrew of 20 decited operators, and 200-400 marines, and it carries about 20-30 M1-A1 Abrams sizend anks. It is meant to capture small ringworlds, Larger O'Neil style stations, and as a secondary invasion craft, after a Planet's Main defense station(Think MAC guns from halo) are down. Its mostl automated, since it serves as a crew carrier. Its a ship from a sci-fi universe I was working on, and its one of Earth's most common sips, since we are sort of the Austrila of the Galaxy. Small navy/army, but our wquipement is quality made.