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How's your hearing?

Posted: 2006-12-07 02:46pm
by TithonusSyndrome
I thought the music forum would be the appropriate place to put a hearing test, so here it is:

I myself got to 21.1 kHz, which comes as a huge releif given how many bands I've played in.

Posted: 2006-12-07 02:52pm
by Spin Echo
I just had a medical check up which included an audiogram. My hearing was fine other than a slight dip at 6000Hz in both ears. I'm not sure what that is from; we have a persistant machine hum in the lab, so I'm wondering if that might be the cause.

Posted: 2006-12-07 04:25pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n

14-17.7khz were downright painful!

And here's a hint: the 22.4KHz tone actually has no sound!

EDIT: Spoilerized

Posted: 2006-12-07 04:35pm
by Faram

Sorta sad about that.

Posted: 2006-12-07 04:37pm
by Zaia
I could hear up to 17.7kHz (which is good considering all the indoor drumming I've done in my life), but if I cheated a little I could say 18.8kHz--not because I could hear the tone, but because I could hear the end the end of that static-y sound, not because I could hear a definite pitch.

Posted: 2006-12-07 04:46pm
by Soontir C'boath
14.9 kHz


Posted: 2006-12-07 04:52pm
by Stofsk
Soontir C'boath wrote:14.9 kHz


Posted: 2006-12-07 05:08pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
18.8 kHz. Hm. Then again I suppose I am nearly 20 now, so...

Posted: 2006-12-07 05:17pm
by Feil
Trouble with this is that speakers don't always play sounds above a certain pitch. Most cut off between 18 and 24kHz; if you scored 17.7 or higher, that's your score--'or higher'.

Too, those who will score in the highest range should also hear a near-constant background hiss all the time

That said, I could clearly hear up to 18.8 on both headphones and boombox speakers, and 19.9 was barely audible on headphones. I found that my laptop speakers actually dropped an octive on 18.8 and above.

And, as Einhander said, the 22.4kHz one is silent

Posted: 2006-12-07 05:22pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
I got 21.4 KHz. It took turning up the volume to be absolutely sure, but I did hear it at my accustomed speaker volume.

Posted: 2006-12-07 05:22pm
by General Zod
Only 14.1khz. With 14.9 I hear nothing but clicks. :?

Posted: 2006-12-07 05:28pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
17.7kHz at max volume.

Posted: 2006-12-07 05:53pm
by Simplicius
21.1 kHz, which I suppose is pretty good. I'm glad my non-earplugged musicianship hasn't appreciably damaged my hearing.

Posted: 2006-12-07 06:50pm
by Pezzoni
I could get up to 19.9kHz definitely through my laptop speaker.

Posted: 2006-12-07 08:22pm
by Howedar
At least to 21.1kHz. I don't think the 22.4kHz actually played through my speakers/sound card/whatever, as 21.1 was still pretty noticeably loud.

Posted: 2006-12-07 09:18pm
by JediMaster415
At 19 years old, I could hear up to 21.1kHz, though only barely.

Posted: 2006-12-07 09:57pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Howedar wrote:At least to 21.1kHz. I don't think the 22.4kHz actually played through my speakers/sound card/whatever, as 21.1 was still pretty noticeably loud.
And here's a hint: the 22.4KHz tone actually has no sound! *snicker*

Posted: 2006-12-07 10:15pm
by Alan Bolte
Almost 21 and I can hear the 21.1 just fine... unless those tones don't actually decrease in volume as they increase in frequency. In that case, I can barely hear it.

Posted: 2006-12-07 10:40pm
by Mr. Coffee
You are a dog
Or maybe you are a mosquito, you certainly can't be human.

The highest pitched ultrasonic mosquito ringtone that I can hear is 21.1kHz

Posted: 2006-12-07 11:40pm
by fusion
Either I killed my ears or my speakers have trouble rendering the sound (which is most likely the case, I'm not even 16).

Posted: 2006-12-08 12:05am
by Ma Deuce
I'm 22 and I can just barely hear the 21.4kHz tone at my normal speaker volume. I find any tone below 16.7kHz to be quite...irritating.

Posted: 2006-12-08 12:12am
by Shinova
Is raising the speaker volume sort of like cheating or something?

Posted: 2006-12-08 12:20am
by Cyborg Stan
Not really, since if it's too high you shouldn't hear it at all. Still, there would be a drop-off normally.

In my case, I was able to hear the 21.1 easily enough. Which is kinda interesting, since I seem to have mild tinnitus(sp?).

Posted: 2006-12-08 12:36am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I thought Tinnitus wasn't so much actual hearing loss but more like just a form of hearing damage?

Posted: 2006-12-08 12:49am
by Covenant
I'm 25 and I can hear all of them besides that joker at the end, though I nearly fell out of my chair due to the incredible searing pain I AM STILL IN FROM IT.


My room has lots of background noise, what with an audible hiss I can hear from the monitor, the seven fan thermaltake case with a fan on the processor and graphics card bringing me close to a 10 fan box of doom, and a space heater hissing over here, so I turned it up. I can hear a brizzzzzzit between the clicks and I gotta say that I'm ready to admit to being a member of Al Qaeda and plotting to blow up the Hindenburg, just make the damn ringtones stop.


That shit could kill me, I swear. I know it'd drive me fucking insane. I've never played in any bands, I always keep the volume incredibly low, and I religiously avoid headphones. Indoor sports arenas make me want to die, as do concerts or any sort of loud sounds. Ow. Ow ow ow.

I tried playing them through the windows media classic, not just WMP, and yeah, it's really loud and my earlobes feel all hot like when you go in an airplane. I almost died on a plane once that way--I had a stuffed up nose and my sinuses couldn't evacuate the air or something and I swore I was going to burst an eardrum at any moment. That was the longest two hours of my life. Ever since then I bring some sort of gum or something.

Oh, also, here's why I think my hearing is so funky--I got some sort of wierd waxy thing. My hearing was starting to get really lousy so I went to an ENT and he cleared me out. For weeks after that I could hear everything.