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Favourite Bad Religion song(s)

Posted: 2006-12-15 03:36am
by pieman3141
This topic came to me a few days ago. I must admit, I'm a huge fan of the band, and the lead singer (who does side projects too). So, without further ado:

To all Bad Religionists, punkers, and others: which is/are your favourite Bad Relgion song(s)?

This can also include your favourite Greg Graffin songs too, off of American Lesion and Cold As Clay (and other stuff floating around on the Internet).

Me? I don't have a favourite, per se. I like a LOT. My MP3 player tends to clog up with Bad Religion because I can't pick which ones not to copy.

For the sake of this thread, though, I'll pick six songs, hopefully IMO a spectrum what I feel Bad Religion represents.

The Answer (off of Generator): Classic Bad Religion ethos - agnostic, No Answers kinda deal. I'm not sure who wrote it, but it has a Graffin feel to it. Somewhat pessimistic and lacks hope.

Cease (off of Gray Race and American Lesion): Another good song. More vague, IMO. The American Lesion version (piano) has more emotion. It brings to mind scenes of autumn. The entirety of American Lesion does that, for that matter.

Sorrow (off of Process of Belief): A sing-along, almost-optimistic song. One of BR's few optimistic songs, really. Message is sorta hippie-ish, along the lines of Imagine, but hey.

1000 More Fools - Acoustic (off of Suffer, but this is solo): The album version isn't that great, but acoustically, Greg puts more emotion in this. The album makes it angry, the acoustic song makes it sound melancholy, wistful and/or nostalgic.

American Jesus (off of Recipe for Hate): Classic BR again, but not in the same way The Answer was. Fast, angry, sarcastic, ironic. Lots of BR songs are like that (cf. 21st Century Digital Boy, Sinister Rouge, etc.), but this one, IMO, epitomizes BR's sarcasm and irony. Many will disagree with me.

Do What You Want (off of Suffer): Vintage fast BR. This song, IMO, bridges BR's 80s work (How Could Hell Be Any Worse, etc.) with early 90s, pre-leaving-of-Gurewitz work. Standard BR ethos, really, but unlike Answer, this song is more of a standard punk song, than a BR song. It (like most BR songs) still has big words though.

Alright, now it's your turn!

Posted: 2006-12-15 06:58am
by salm
I think their newest album "The empire strikes first" is their best one. Among my favourites: "The empire strikes first", "Atheist peace", "God´s love", "Let them eat war.

I´ll second "American Jesus" from Recipe for Hate.

Inner Logic from the 94 Album Stranger than fiction is really great.

Ah, Against the grain was a great song.

I didn´t pay much attention to this band between Stranger than fiction and Empire strikes first and am only noticing now how many Albums they´ve put out in that time. I´ll need to get them all along with some of the older ones which i only had on cassette and are now either lost or broken.

One problem with their older stuff is that the recording quality is quite crapy. This didn´t use to bother me but nowadays i´m somewhat spoilt.

Posted: 2006-12-15 08:35am
by Rye
The only Bad Religion song I've ever had was "I love my computer" and I thought it was awesome. So, well, that's my contribution, it was a well written song, the lyrics were cool and the guitar parts all blended well and the overall song was quite catchy. The drums and bass were all decent and the overall production was good.

Posted: 2006-12-17 12:21pm
by Oni Koneko Damien
Epiphany (off of The Process of Belief). Hugely different pace than the rest of the cd, and a kick-ass song to boot.