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So, I Find An Old Friend

Posted: 2006-12-15 05:53pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I'm clearing out the shelves above my PC and stumble across old written down e-mails from way back when I was in college (not uni, to you Yanks). I find one contact whom I've not chat to in, ooh, four years now. I suddenly think "Hey, try MySpace." Because surely one of her e-mails must be on there.

So I did, and after a nice search, I somehow managed to find her profile. Sadly, this former close friend is now living in Fife, Scotland with her boyfriend who's a great guy and all. But, I did find out that she managed to get into modelling just like she used to mention to me when we hung out.

Anyway, here's her - admittedly gothic for the most part being a Wiccan and all - model work.

Some pictures are NSFW, but you shouldn't be on this site from work anyway.

Dammit, this just makes me miss her even more now. I remember when she got that cute tattoo and showed me one lunchtime too.

Posted: 2006-12-15 06:53pm
by RedImperator
I'd hit it.

Posted: 2006-12-15 07:00pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I did try, but work and the guy she's with eyeing her up made it only a close, platonic relationship.

Bar the tattoo. Did I mention it was a tactile examination too? :P Single-handedly made all gothic girls sexy dæmons to me.

Posted: 2006-12-15 09:51pm
by Rye
She's pretty fine and surprisingly looks like nobody I know.

Some hot people I do know, though:

Jen - she has huuuuuge boobs, seriously, they're so prodigous they even scare me!
Jenni Q - she's lovely, she really is.
Lynsey - she's awesome, though I've not seen her in a good while.
Kim - there's a photo of her kissing the side of my face somewhere, but I have yet to get it. She's lovely too, I was going to lend her my corset once upon a time. She's moved back down South. :(
Zoe - used to be my boss at Game in Manchester and is awesome, even if she does like Aiden. Not seen her in ages due to the social group falling to pieces.
Amie - Zoe's cousin and a chav. Despite that fact, we were friendly enough and used to flirt a lot in between dissing one another. She was a slut according to zoe, too.
Emma and Katie - I've known Emma for the past 10 years or so, Katie's her twin sister, not identical, obviously.

And never met them, but are in my myspack friends anyway:
Lucifera - hot, fetishtastic and fine taste in music.
Some girl from manchester. Another pic for no real reason.
Our own Tink
And foo of course, she's awesome to the xtreme max, of course.

Such are the wonders of myspace, you can see how people age and become actual adults. It's scary.

Posted: 2006-12-16 09:59am
by Admiral Valdemar
Yeah, it's great that there are still actual decent people on MySpace. I did delete my account earlier this year out of disgust, but that meant losing contact with a lot of people who don't seem to use anything but that site now as a comms centre. Plus, for all the cam whores and immature morons there, there's always at least one great person. Usually with breasts.

Tors is another great girl I recently found who lived just down the road from me when I lived in Lancaster. Southerner by birth, but she looks too much like Christina Ricci and is too fun a geek to let that stop me. :P

Posted: 2006-12-16 11:34am
by Oni Koneko Damien
Personal opinion: From those pictures alone, she look far more punkrock than outright goth...

...but that doesn't change the underlying fact that she's incredibly fucking hawt. If her personality is as attractive as her looks, damn you have good taste.

Anyways, a few people I'm friends with who've also done modeling work...

From Tiamat Girls (because real women are sexy), I know, regularly visit, and have done some 'interesting' dances with Brigid and Kendall, respectively:







And Rose (to the left of Kendall):


Posted: 2006-12-16 07:19pm
by Stofsk
Rye, you know a lot of hot chicks.

Posted: 2006-12-17 12:31am
by RedImperator
Rye wrote:Jen - she has huuuuuge boobs, seriously, they're so prodigous they even scare me!
Is she aware she was apparently the victim of some kind of freak nailgun accident?