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Posted: 2006-12-24 04:05pm
by Pick

Posted: 2006-12-24 04:14pm
by Rye
Cool stuff! You get an e-heart for thigh length boots, woo! <3

How does Edge walk, though? Looking at his feet, I get stuck with stylisation versus movement; my mind paints him as moving, well, like a penguin at best.

Posted: 2006-12-24 04:44pm
by Pick
Rye wrote:Cool stuff! You get an e-heart for thigh length boots, woo! <3

How does Edge walk, though? Looking at his feet, I get stuck with stylisation versus movement; my mind paints him as moving, well, like a penguin at best.
Edge? I think you probably mean Umber (the captions for the characters are underneath their pictures, not above.)

Umber needs to raise his toes to be able to walk, and it is quite difficult. Luckily, the ball of his foot is not immobile like a camel's; it is possible for him to raise and lower his claws. In my story, it is quite possible to have characteristics which make survival harder than it might be otherwise. Zixer, for instance, went blind and spits poison due to sheer bad luck in his physical development.

And boots are wicked cool!

Zixer, the most hated character. He is to be punished via silly outfit!

Posted: 2006-12-24 05:04pm
by Zor
Nice work there.


Posted: 2006-12-24 05:10pm
by Rye
Pick wrote:
Rye wrote:Cool stuff! You get an e-heart for thigh length boots, woo! <3

How does Edge walk, though? Looking at his feet, I get stuck with stylisation versus movement; my mind paints him as moving, well, like a penguin at best.
Edge? I think you probably mean Umber (the captions for the characters are underneath their pictures, not above.)
Well, consider my forehead slapped for nublettery.
And boots are wicked cool!
Damn straight they are!

Btw, I just noticed on the thigh boot picture, the front of the torso should probably be pointing in the direction between the toe points, or show more twisting in the posture. :) I've also noticed you don't draw the crotch gap between the top of the thighs, is there a stylistic reason for this or was it unintentional?

Posted: 2006-12-24 05:46pm
by Pick
Thanks, Zor!
Rye wrote:Btw, I just noticed on the thigh boot picture, the front of the torso should probably be pointing in the direction between the toe points, or show more twisting in the posture. :) I've also noticed you don't draw the crotch gap between the top of the thighs, is there a stylistic reason for this or was it unintentional?
Eh, just a design sketch. The toe would be okay, except I now noticed that I bent the back leg (probably to make her boot visible.) Meh, not important.

The crotch gap is present in the figure sketch for every single picture except for Shader (whose legs are pressed together, as indicated by the feet being so close together), Kesyl (whose legs are crossed), and Zixer. I think the reason you aren't seeing it is because it's usually covered by the clothing designs, such as for the Kamina design. Since the crotches aren't exposed, it's rather difficult to gauge if there is a gap there. Also, it's relatively unimportant, as these are only clothing design sketches, not character design sketches.

Selia, Monarch and owner of the Basal Keys.

Posted: 2006-12-24 05:56pm
by Balrog
*major hottie!*
I agree :D

Posted: 2006-12-24 07:51pm
by Ford Prefect
Rawr, Kesyl. :)

Posted: 2006-12-24 08:14pm
by Pick
Ford Prefect wrote:Rawr, Kesyl. :)
Maybe Alder is gay. After all, she had to bribe him to tap that fine ass!

Posted: 2006-12-24 08:26pm
by Ford Prefect
Pick wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:Rawr, Kesyl. :)
Maybe Alder is gay. After all, she had to bribe him to tap that fine ass!
I am so very glad he has improved since then.

Posted: 2006-12-24 08:41pm
by Pick
Ford Prefect wrote:
Pick wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote:Rawr, Kesyl. :)
Maybe Alder is gay. After all, she had to bribe him to tap that fine ass!
I am so very glad he has improved since then.
Or you'd be way jealous? :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-12-24 09:10pm
by Noble Ire
I really like the different styles of clothing. Fruity elf garb is all fine and good, but giving Desunius or Hoquer outfits that actually look like they might survive combat, or something regal for the Monarch, greatly enhance the visual impact of the characters.

Although, Zixer does rather like he fell in something nasty. :P

Posted: 2006-12-24 09:17pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:I really like the different styles of clothing. Fruity elf garb is all fine and good, but giving Desunius or Hoquer outfits that actually look like they might survive combat, or something regal for the Monarch, greatly enhance the visual impact of the characters.
Thank you very much!
Although, Zixer does rather like he fell in something nasty. :P

Okay, seriously, that's not a real Zixer outfit. I'm still trying to figure one out for him, but felt I was getting behind on Llanlleians :P.

Posted: 2006-12-24 09:25pm
by Noble Ire
Wow, I'm just churning out the typos tonight.
Pick wrote:Okay, seriously, that's not a real Zixer outfit. I'm still trying to figure one out for him, but felt I was getting behind on Llanlleians
I always picture him wearing something extremely plain and business-like, with a single out-of-place accessory, like his colorful scarf. I find that sort of incongruity particularly annoying in general; thus, its a perfect fit for Zixer. :wink:

Posted: 2006-12-24 09:49pm
by Pick
Noble Ire wrote:
Pick wrote:Okay, seriously, that's not a real Zixer outfit. I'm still trying to figure one out for him, but felt I was getting behind on Llanlleians
I always picture him wearing something extremely plain and business-like, with a single out-of-place accessory, like his colorful scarf. I find that sort of incongruity particularly annoying in general; thus, its a perfect fit for Zixer. :wink:
Oh, his scarf is so going to be on him, no matter what else he's wearing. It's his scarf! His SCARF! It's, like, his only friend.

As for everything else, I want something... both impressive, but not ostentatious. It's rough. And I'd prefer he not look gay, which, as my pictures are proving, is kind of hard with the fruity elf motif :P.

Posted: 2006-12-25 12:56am
by Darth Raptor
I'll say it again: If greaves make you gay, I don't want to be straight.

Posted: 2006-12-25 12:57am
by Pick
Darth Raptor wrote:I'll say it again: If greeves make you gay, I don't want to be straight.
You don't want to be straight anyway :lol:.

Posted: 2006-12-25 06:57am
by Ford Prefect
Pick wrote:As for everything else, I want something... both impressive, but not ostentatious. It's rough. And I'd prefer he not look gay, which, as my pictures are proving, is kind of hard with the fruity elf motif :P.
Maybe a big cloak. Filled with knives.

Posted: 2006-12-27 11:02pm
by Pick
Here is a picture I did as a Christmas present for my best friend. It is one of his characters:

Opencanvas 4 Plus.

Posted: 2006-12-28 01:43am
by Darth Raptor
Wow, that's an interesting creature. Bizarre mix of avian and mammalian characteristics. I had to stare at the face for a bit to make sense of it, but I'd attribute that to the unique anatomy before I would any error of your own (because I can definitely see it now). Cool.

Posted: 2006-12-28 05:04am
by Ford Prefect
Beautiful colouring there; kill it with fire etcetera.

Posted: 2006-12-28 06:33am
by The Grim Squeaker
Beautiful Artwork :shock:

Posted: 2006-12-28 08:46am
by Crossroads Inc.
Pick, your work as always is lovely on so many levels. Even in 'sketched' forms it is still a thing of beauty. And just so you know... I'll Always be pretending ALL ye hot studs are gay ;) :D

Posted: 2006-12-30 01:35am
by Pick
Thanks, guys!

Posted: 2006-12-30 02:23am
by Noble Ire
Young Umber has an emo-esque haircut. Somehow, I am completely unsurprised. :wink: