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Super Sculpey Curing Questions

Posted: 2006-12-29 05:14pm
by Tasoth
Since I am a newb to modelling with polymer clays, or clays in general, I had a question for those with more experience. On the box, it says to not exceed the recommended time for a thickness of clay, but the Wiki article says you can. Before I start playing around with putting sculpey on my armature, can I cure thinner pieces of sculpey longer? Say I used a quarter inch layer all round and the head of the little project is thicker, would the time it takes to cure the thicker mass of sculpey ruin the thinner pieces?

Posted: 2006-12-29 05:45pm
by Pick
Strictly speaking, you shouldn't have any parts significantly thicker than any other. You want to bulk up whatever us under the potentially thicker parts with aluminium foil (or similar) to avoid this problem. Significantly cvercooking Super Sculpey will give you big, black, HARD boils.

Posted: 2006-12-30 07:16pm
by LadyTevar
I once played with Sculpty, and made a little puppydog. I modeled him on the 'play with me' stance: front paws outstretched, head and rump high, ears and tail erect. It was a lovely little statuette.

When baked, the paws, ears, tail, and tip of the nose all turned a light brown. My puppydog was suddenly marked like a siamese cat!

I wonder whatever happened to him................

Posted: 2006-12-30 08:17pm
by Pick
LadyTevar, that just means that he was slightly burnt. It does that before it begins to warp, so it sounds like you nabbed him just in time!