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New 300 Trailer

Posted: 2007-01-01 08:43pm
by Aaron
The 300 Site

Go to "Media", then "Trailers". It's the theatrical trailer. Looks awesome. Could easily be the best movie of the year.

Posted: 2007-01-01 08:52pm
by RazorOutlaw
I agree. It seems like an awesome mix of history and fantasy. I know some Greek wankers will whine about the historical inaccuracy, but those who wank their battle prowess might enjoy it.


Posted: 2007-01-01 08:59pm
by Mr Bean
Is anyone else confused about why the Spartans are jumping around like... well SPARTANS?(Look it's neked Master Chief!) I see the shield wall in a few shots but mostly it looks like billy bad ass and co jumping around waving swords, with only one shot of the traditional three ranks guarding the narrow pass in the rock.

Posted: 2007-01-02 05:34pm
by Zac Naloen
Mr Bean wrote:Is anyone else confused about why the Spartans are jumping around like... well SPARTANS?(Look it's neked Master Chief!) I see the shield wall in a few shots but mostly it looks like billy bad ass and co jumping around waving swords, with only one shot of the traditional three ranks guarding the narrow pass in the rock.

Thats how they were drawn in the Graphic novel this version of the story is based on.

*edit* Is Trent Reznor actually involved in the soundtrack or is this film just being made by people who managed to find a perfect song for that trailer?

Posted: 2007-01-02 05:57pm
by Elheru Aran
Mr Bean wrote:Is anyone else confused about why the Spartans are jumping around like... well SPARTANS?(Look it's neked Master Chief!) I see the shield wall in a few shots but mostly it looks like billy bad ass and co jumping around waving swords, with only one shot of the traditional three ranks guarding the narrow pass in the rock.
It's not supposed to be a historical recreation; it's more along the lines of an exact reproduction from page to film of Miller's comic, along the lines of Sin City. As such, it promises to deliver splendidly...

Posted: 2007-01-02 06:03pm
by Faram
Fun thing, Spartans as the posterboys for freedom?

The most controlled and oppressive citystate in ancient Greece.

Posted: 2007-01-02 06:17pm
by Stark
I doubt their concern for deploying troops is going to be due to the need to keep the huge slave population in check, either. I'm still going to see it. :)

Posted: 2007-01-02 08:35pm
by DrMckay
hmmm. looks interesting. hopefully, it won't be TOO graphic novel-ly

Posted: 2007-01-02 08:58pm
by Stark
It's a shot-for-shot remake of the novel, like Sin City. It's going to be HELLA graphic-novel-ly. Even worse: FRANK MILLER graphic novel, so it'll be stylised out the ASS.

Posted: 2007-01-03 12:39pm
by DrMckay
Huh. ok, I'll give it a miss then.

Posted: 2007-01-03 10:42pm
by Rawtooth
Those Immortals look more and more badass everytime I see them.

Posted: 2007-01-10 01:16pm
by SylasGaunt
This is what I get for putting the thing in the new trailers thread instead of giving it one on its own.

It does look supremely awesome though, with lots of stabbity and that tidal wave of bodies shot.

Posted: 2007-01-10 04:09pm
by Enigma
In the comics, what happened to the 300?

Posted: 2007-01-10 04:55pm
by Beowulf
Well, historically, they all died. Can't see why the comic would change that.

Posted: 2007-01-10 05:55pm
by Noble Ire
Beowulf wrote:Well, historically, they all died. Can't see why the comic would change that.
It would kind of ruin the impact of the story if they didn't all die, wouldn't it?

In any event, I'm really looking forward to this film. I would prefer fully-armored Spartans (stylistically, I think that they would have been more impressive than the naked ones we're getting), but this still looks like its shaping up to be better than most recent comic book movies.

Posted: 2007-01-10 08:54pm
by Singular Quartet
Well, the reason they aren't armored is it's because they aren't "at war." The stated reason they're at the hot gates is that King Leonidas "Went for a walk."

As to actual violence, I don't recall any swords at all, except by the persians. The weapon of choice for the Spartans, at least in the graphic novel, was spears, through and through.

My problem: The entire thing, as I recalled, is going to be green/blue screened. Meaning: Star Wars Acting.

Posted: 2007-01-10 08:58pm
by Stark
The trailer has some pretty awesome over-the-top acting, and I think that's exactly what Frank Miller stuff needs. Shrieking, clearly insane Spartans in their underpants. :)

Posted: 2007-01-10 11:09pm
by Ford Prefect
Stark wrote:The trailer has some pretty awesome over-the-top acting, and I think that's exactly what Frank Miller stuff needs. Shrieking, clearly insane Spartans in their underpants. :)
"Madness? This - is - Sparta!"

This acting cannot possibly fail.

Posted: 2007-01-11 12:04am
by KrauserKrauser
In the Graphic Novel they all die.

They then have the rest of the combined Spartan and Greek army beat the ever loving shit out of the Persians, off screen at least.

I can't wait for this movie.

Posted: 2007-01-11 01:17pm
by Shroom Man 777
This is blasphemy! This is madness!
Ford Prefect wrote:"Madness? This - is - Sparta!"
*kicks Persian into a hole*

*obscene shit starts happening*

Yup, my kind of movie. If 300 is as awesome as its trailer looks, I might as well turn into a homo. My god, the sheer manliness. There are words for things like these, words like:

Resplendent in naked masculinity.

I might as well douse myself in body oil and start performing calisthenics in the buff.

Posted: 2007-01-11 02:44pm
by Bounty
Faram wrote:Fun thing, Spartans as the posterboys for freedom?

The most controlled and oppressive citystate in ancient Greece.
Bollocks. Sparta was a beacon of freedom, as long as you weren't a non-Spartan, Helot, Perioik, woman, child, coward or cripple and lived exactly like the State and tradition proscribed :P
I would prefer fully-armored Spartans (stylistically, I think that they would have been more impressive than the naked ones we're getting), but this still looks like its shaping up to be better than most recent comic book movies.
The movie's based on Miller, Miller's based on Davic's work. Just be glad they at least added the diapers.

Posted: 2007-01-11 03:08pm
by kheegster
Having read the 300 graphic novel, I much prefer Steven Pressfield's novel Gates of Fire. Spartans just seem that much more badass when you actually know about the training they actually have to go through (tree-fucking, anyone?).

Posted: 2007-01-11 05:21pm
by Adrian Laguna
I often get annoyed when things are historically inaccurate. I don't mind if there are deviations from what's generally accepted to have really happened, especially if it makes the story more dramatic, but when it's clear the writers didn't bother to do research, then I get annoyed.

However, this is different. I could stand here listing inaccuracies all day: hair, allies, terrain, armour, etc. etc. (I'm surprised though, they did the phalanx correctly); but it doesn't matter. This movie isn't historical fiction, it doesn't pretend to be accurate in any regard whatsoever. 300 is fantasy loosely based on something that happened for real, and it looks like it's gonna own.
kheegan wrote:Having read the 300 graphic novel, I much prefer Steven Pressfield's novel Gates of Fire. Spartans just seem that much more badass when you actually know about the training they actually have to go through (tree-fucking, anyone?).
I think that from the viewpoint of good story-telling, Gates of Fire is better than 300. For one thing, Pressfield presents his Spartans as what they are: men. They might be men trained since childhood for war, expected to wage war until they are 60, but men nonetheless, human beings. Not only that, his female characters are awesome. The women of Sparta have huge balls, big figurative brass ones.

(tree-fucking, lol. Spartan training is dammed amusing when you don't have to endure it, especially when Polynikes is playing instructor)

Posted: 2007-01-13 11:54am
by Admiral Valdemar
I really need to get the graphic novel. Despite the historical differences, the legend can't be illustrated any better than as an OTT celluloid piece of whupass. The Persians never knew what hit them (and Xerxes losing his cool because these few Greeks shat on his precious army for a long time before dying makes it all the more cool).

Posted: 2007-01-13 12:41pm
by Bertie Wooster
I purchased the graphic novel (it was more than $30.00) after seeing the first teaser trailer last Fall, and I was actually mildly disappointed the first time I read it. It was quite good, but for some reason, the art-work bothered me in that it was not able to convey the majestic quality of the story like the live action scenes shown so far.