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New Doctor Who Original Television Soundtrack Review

Posted: 2007-01-06 01:30pm
by Admiral Valdemar
It's been out a couple of weeks now, but I've finally got hold of a copy of this score by Murray Gold who does all the new music for DW.

The good thing is, this covers season one and two (27 and 28, if you want to be nitpicky) as well as 2005 and 2006's Xmas specials. So chances are you've got something there you'll love.

The best tracks are those from the most memorable episode, typically. You have the great action theme "Cybermen" which was on the trailers to "Doomsday", the S28 finale. You've got the melancholy of "Madame de Pompadour" which is a haunting theme and really did set that episode's atmosphere. Then you've got quirky tracks like "Cassandra's Theme" when you first meet her on the station in "The End Of The World" and "Boom Town". There are some surprising tracks too, like "UNIT" which is apparently used more in Torchwood, but is a nice militaristic suite I think was meant to be in "The Christmas Invasion" and the noble "Harriet Jones, Prime Minister" and hopeful "Rose's Theme". I can't help but think some tracks sound like David Arnold's work, "The Sycorax" being one that ties in with the ID4 like appearance of the alien vessel over London. A couple of good choral like pieces exist, like "The Doctor's Theme" and "Doomsday", the former from S27 and the latter plays in S28's finale with the guitar. Eerie music, of course, comes from the likes of "Father's Day" and "The Lone Dalek".

There's also a couple of lyrical tracks, both by Neil Hannon, one being the song at the wedding reception to "The Runaway Bride", I think (not read all the booklet).

On the downside, there are a couple of tracks I don't think are on. A few pieces from "The Satan Pit" are missing (but they still have the Firefly like frontier music from "The Impossible Planet") and the opening music to "The Girl In The Fireplace". I guess this is something I'm used to, as most scores don't have everything you want (annoying for the 24 OST I have and also A View To A Kill which I got today too). Even so, what is fitted in among the 75 minutes of music is all good.

Oh yeah, if you get the limited edition one, it comes in a sleeve cover and has a nice pin badge in it. ^^

And lastly, there's a great full length version of the new theme, finally. That alone is worth buying this album.

Posted: 2007-01-06 01:47pm
by Bounty
A few pieces from "The Satan Pit" are missing
I was initially pissed that they'd cut the terrific piece from the end of that episode, but it's part of the Tooth & Claw track. The naming of the tracks is a bit confusing in that respect - the signature themes of some episodes are part of the score of earlier ones.
There's also a couple of lyrical tracks, both by Neil Hannon, one being the song at the wedding reception to "The Runaway Bride", I think (not read all the booklet).
This is the only part of the CD they really, royally fucked up. Instead of doing a full version of the Christmas Invasion song - which is stunningly beautiful - they brought in another artist to a version with different lyrics, different music and a completely different feel. You barely recognise what it's supposed to be and it's shit. I ripped the original song - all 30 seconds of it - from the episode itself and even that snippet with dialogue running through is better than the crap on the CD.
You've got the melancholy of "Madame de Pompadour" which is a haunting theme and really did set that episode's atmosphere.
That one literally brings tears to my eyes. It's just so hauntingly sad on it's own, nevermind when it reminds you of the episode. Worth buying the CD for, IMHO.

Posted: 2007-01-06 02:10pm
by Soontir C'boath
Bounty wrote:This is the only part of the CD they really, royally fucked up. Instead of doing a full version of the Christmas Invasion song - which is stunningly beautiful - they brought in another artist to a version with different lyrics, different music and a completely different feel. You barely recognise what it's supposed to be and it's shit. I ripped the original song - all 30 seconds of it - from the episode itself and even that snippet with dialogue running through is better than the crap on the CD.
Assuming this is "Song for Ten" of the Sycarax Christmas Invasion, I quite like Neil Hannon's version better. It had a quicker pace and it sounded more upbeat. The episode version sounded like it was all done with drugs; a slower tempo that I felt belied the sense of happiness and love between Rose and the Doctor and the singer's voice was annoying.

Posted: 2007-01-06 02:18pm
by Bounty
Soontir C'boath wrote:
Bounty wrote:This is the only part of the CD they really, royally fucked up. Instead of doing a full version of the Christmas Invasion song - which is stunningly beautiful - they brought in another artist to a version with different lyrics, different music and a completely different feel. You barely recognise what it's supposed to be and it's shit. I ripped the original song - all 30 seconds of it - from the episode itself and even that snippet with dialogue running through is better than the crap on the CD.
Assuming this is "Song for Ten" of the Sycarax Christmas Invasion, I quite like Neil Hannon's version better. It had a quicker pace and it sounded more upbeat. The episode version sounded like it was all done with drugs; a slower tempo that I felt belied the sense of happiness and love between Rose and the Doctor and the singer's voice was annoying.
You missed the point of the song. This was the first time in days the Doc and Rose could relax. They were home (well, Rose was), celebrating with family and friends, in a holiday spirit. That doesn't call for a retardedly peppy popsong with sneering guitars and a doped-up background choir, it calls for a slow, quirky song with a heart and a soul. One that says, 'you know, just breathe out, unwind, relax - the good times will end in just a few hours, but for now, you're safe and cosy'. Like the original Song for Ten.

ETA: the original, proper version. Tell me to my face that Hannon's version is as good, let alone better.

Posted: 2007-01-07 10:19am
by Zaia
Is the Bad Wolf theme on there? That's my favourite.

Posted: 2007-01-07 10:53am
by Admiral Valdemar
Zaia wrote:Is the Bad Wolf theme on there? That's my favourite.
I can't remember what that was, but there are tracks from the last episodes on there. If it isn't under a season one episode title, it may have been used as a cue on another episode.

Posted: 2007-01-08 08:09pm
by sketerpot
My favorite is "Westminster Bridge", the music that sometimes comes on when the Doctor does something particularly awesome.

By the way, does anybody know what the Doctor Who update schedule will be? This new series looks like it will be excellent, but I don't know when to see the new episodes!

Posted: 2007-01-09 01:04am
by Stark
'Bad Wolf theme' probably is Lady Flavia. You know, the music 'when it gets a bit too Time Lord-y'. :)

Posted: 2007-01-09 07:18am
by Stark
Holy shit, this version of 'Song of Ten' sucks penis.

Posted: 2007-01-09 10:02am
by Bounty
Stark wrote:Holy shit, this version of 'Song of Ten' sucks penis.

Posted: 2007-01-09 05:18pm
by Stark
It's a totally different song! Instead of a charming 60s-esque song, it's much heavier and shit. It doesn't help that the singer is almost the polar opposite of the othe performance. I guess you can't even get the other version anywhere?

Posted: 2007-01-09 05:28pm
by Bounty
I guess you can't even get the other version anywhere?
It doesn't exist. They only made a small snippet for the episode.

Posted: 2007-01-09 05:33pm
by Stark
Bounty wrote:It doesn't exist. They only made a small snippet for the episode.
:shock: :cry: What. Madness.

Posted: 2007-01-10 10:04am
by Admiral Valdemar
I don't mind the CD version, but I do prefer the original far more. However, the various other decent tracks more than make up for that anyway, since I don't think there's a single piece I actually dislike.