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Barry Lyndon

Posted: 2007-01-17 03:27am
by Shinova
I watched Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon today. Agonizingly sloooooooow, but interesting story of the rise and fall of a man. Great use of lighting for the more cinema-minded.

Posted: 2007-01-19 06:39pm
by Frank Hipper
This was considered Kubrick's biggest failure until Eyes Wide Shut, but I like it.

Tale of an idiotic mama's boy without an ethical bone in his body, and in an 18th century wrapper. Visually rich, great soundtrack, and you cringe at his ineptness and bull-headed cruelty.

Like you implied, it's not for those of limited attention spans(hey, it's Stanley Kubrick), but it's fun eye-candy for those who don't need loud noises and shiny things to be entertained.

Posted: 2007-02-27 06:10pm
by seanrobertson
Frank Hipper wrote:This was considered Kubrick's biggest failure until Eyes Wide Shut, but I like it.
No kidding?!

I didn't know it was considered a failure -- interesting stuff. I loved the film.
Tale of an idiotic mama's boy without an ethical bone in his body, and in an 18th century wrapper. Visually rich, great soundtrack, and you cringe at his ineptness and bull-headed cruelty.

Like you implied, it's not for those of limited attention spans(hey, it's Stanley Kubrick), but it's fun eye-candy for those who don't need loud noises and shiny things to be entertained.
Nailhead, meet hammer! :)

On an incidental note -- and the reason I'm necroing this thread, since it seems like a worthwhile tidbit to share -- one of Lyndon's alleged selling points was the fact that all of the lighting in the movie was natural. The scenes which appeared to be only candle-lit were, indeed, candle-lit (and so on).

Posted: 2007-02-28 05:29am
by Stofsk
Eyes Wide Shut was considered a failure? How can a movie that has lots of naked women get fucked be considered a failure?

Posted: 2007-02-28 05:57am
by VT-16
one of Lyndon's alleged selling points was the fact that all of the lighting in the movie was natural. The scenes which appeared to be only candle-lit were, indeed, candle-lit (and so on).
Apparently, Kubrick tried to emulate the style of lighting in contemporary paintings of the era, as well as pictoral composition with camera angles etc.

Posted: 2007-02-28 11:55am
by Frank Hipper
Stofsk wrote:Eyes Wide Shut was considered a failure? How can a movie that has lots of naked women get fucked be considered a failure?
I ask myself similar things when I read about Flyboys on the intardnet. :cry: