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What Have You Done for Jesus Lately?

Posted: 2003-01-15 09:57pm
by Joe

Many of you will not agree with the political leanings of this site; this banner, however, is pretty funny.

Posted: 2003-01-15 10:04pm
by Frank Hipper
PRETTY funny? My gawd man, that's fucking precious! I wee in drawers from much laughter! Thank you!

Posted: 2003-01-15 10:07pm
by jaeger115
Gotta show that to all my Christian friends... :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-01-15 10:37pm
by Kuja
Those white outlines can make some of them tough to read...

Posted: 2003-01-15 11:31pm
by Dalton
It's a transparent GIF designed for a white background. If you do a View Image on it you can read it perfectly fine.

Posted: 2003-01-15 11:39pm
by Robert Treder
Beautyfull! I love it and I'm going to steal it.

Posted: 2003-01-16 01:51am
by Beowulf

Posted: 2003-01-16 08:12am
by Boba Fett

Good one!

If you have more, just keep them coming! :twisted:

Re: What Have You Done for Jesus Lately?

Posted: 2003-01-16 08:22am
by His Divine Shadow
Durran Korr wrote:Image

Many of you will not agree with the political leanings of this site; this banner, however, is pretty funny.
I bought catfood for my cats, if Jesus has a problem with that I'll BDZ heaven

Posted: 2003-01-16 09:24am
by Xenophobe3691
I love it, time to make it my background...

Re: What Have You Done for Jesus Lately?

Posted: 2003-01-16 02:33pm
by jegs2
Durran Korr wrote:Image

Many of you will not agree with the political leanings of this site; this banner, however, is pretty funny.
I like that statement: "What have you done for Jesus today?"
Don't care for the stuff that follows, but it's hardly surprising.

Posted: 2003-01-16 02:51pm
by Dalton
Hah! My brother the Godfreak didn't even want to look at the Klondike Jesus. This will make his head explode :)

Posted: 2003-01-17 12:08am
by Joe
Oh, I must have misled some of you; I didn't actually make the banner (I'm not that clever), I just found it, thought it was funny and posted it. I wouldn't want to take credit.

Re: What Have You Done for Jesus Lately?

Posted: 2003-01-17 06:10am
by Grand Admiral Ancaris
Durran Korr wrote:Image

Many of you will not agree with the political leanings of this site; this banner, however, is pretty funny.
hmmm.... what have I done recently.... Does making a sacrifice to the porcelain throne count?

Posted: 2003-01-17 10:13pm
by XaLEv
I'd recommend posting this at SB, but it'd just get deleted.

Posted: 2003-01-17 10:55pm
by Enlightenment

XaLEv's comment has incurred the wrath of the Moderator Eyeballs. I'd like to keep A&P as incendiary-free as possible.

Posted: 2003-01-17 10:57pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Lesse, what have I done for Jesus lately? Well, I haven't taken his dad's name in god-damned vai- ah, shit, did it again.

Posted: 2003-01-18 12:03am
by HemlockGrey
You'll notice that Jesus never espoused any of this. That would be Moses.

Posted: 2003-01-18 06:48pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
HemlockGrey wrote:You'll notice that Jesus never espoused any of this. That would be Moses.
Who cares? I still think it's funny.

Would it be more accurate if they used "God" instead of "Jesus"?