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FedX's new Bastila Image

Posted: 2007-02-18 06:13am
by Stofsk
Remember two and half years ago Galvatron posted that hot image of Bastila by that bloke, FedX? If you need to be reminded:


Well he drew a new picture, here's the picture and link:


Posted: 2007-02-18 06:26am
by SilverWingedSeraph
Huh... well that's... different. Certainly not the way I envision Bastila, but... to each their own, I guess.

Posted: 2007-02-18 06:28am
by Stofsk
BTW I uploaded both images onto my photobucket account so that I wouldn't be stealing his bandwidth by posting the pictures.

Posted: 2007-02-18 06:52am
by Rye
Well, I've never played KOTOR, so I'm not sure how she's meant to look, but I think his work is generally good but I'd really change what's going on with the left hand. It looks a bit non-optimal where it is and in the shape it is. It could be lifting the costume away from her skin a bit in the top of the groin area and that would add sexiness to it.

Posted: 2007-02-18 08:52am
by Oberleutnant
Personally, I've never been fan of these pin-up drawings of busty-girls-in-bikinis, even though I know one shouldn't take them too seriously. However, considering the character's personality in the game, these drawings aren't really appropriate for Bastila. She is perhaps the most beautiful pixelated female game character of all time, together with April Ryan from "The Longest Journey" series, but she doesn't prance around kicking Sith ass looking like that. :)

Well drawn? Hell yeah, but I will take ingame Bastila any day over that interpretation. (Note: She is a stuck up bitch at first, just waiting for the protagonist to, eh, loosen her places a bit.)

Posted: 2007-02-18 05:06pm
by Galvatron
That was two and a half years ago? :shock:

Posted: 2007-02-18 06:10pm
by Tasoth
He's made quite a bit of improvement. The left (her right) does seem a bit odd.

Posted: 2007-02-18 09:32pm
by Zor
Definatly nice work.


Posted: 2007-02-18 10:23pm
by Stofsk
Oberleutnant wrote:Personally, I've never been fan of these pin-up drawings of busty-girls-in-bikinis
get out
Well drawn? Hell yeah, but I will take ingame Bastila any day over that interpretation. (Note: She is a stuck up bitch at first, just waiting for the protagonist to, eh, loosen her places a bit.)
I agree with you, Bastila is the sexiest pixelated chick ev4.

Oh, and you may not have her run around like that in your game, but guess what I had her wear in my game :twisted: (it was either the clothing or nothing at all... I never gave her Jedi robes).

Posted: 2007-02-21 06:31pm
by Vendetta
Bastila might have been attractive, but she was a complete bitch for most of the game.

I'd take Silk Fox any day of the week, she dropped the bitch act somewhat quicker. And is quite open to a threesome.

Posted: 2007-02-21 09:12pm
by Redleader34
does this FedX guy have an intertube site?

Posted: 2007-02-21 09:28pm
by darthbob88
Redleader34 wrote:does this FedX guy have an intertube site?
Click the second picture.

Posted: 2007-02-21 11:37pm
by LeftWingExtremist
Am I the only person that found bastilla annoying. She was attractive, yes, but her stupid arrogance pissed me off (maybe I just hate jedi).

Posted: 2007-02-21 11:47pm
by Civil War Man
Stofsk wrote:Oh, and you may not have her run around like that in your game, but guess what I had her wear in my game :twisted: (it was either the clothing or nothing at all... I never gave her Jedi robes).
This actually doesn't say a whole lot, since the Jedi robes in the first KOTOR game were ugly as shit. One of the major things they improved upon in the sequel.
LeftWingExtremist wrote:Am I the only person that found bastilla annoying. She was attractive, yes, but her stupid arrogance pissed me off (maybe I just hate jedi).
Eh, I found it amusing to chip away at the Ice Queen exterior in the game. Twisting everything she said into some sort of come on was fun.

Plus, I'd rather have talked to Bastila than Carth, Zaalbar, or *shudder* Mission.

Posted: 2007-02-22 02:48am
by Stofsk
Carth is a whiny "I smolder with generic rage" paranoid asshole.

Mission is a whiny teenager.

Zaalbar is a silent Wookiee who you can't understand anyway.

Canderous at times comes across like a Klingon with his "We mandalorians fight for honour and glory!"

T3 is just beeps and boops and other robot noise.

Juhani is a catgirl. I mean, come on.

So who does that leave? Jolee, HK-47, and Bastila. If we're gonna say Bastila is an arrogant bitch, then fine, because she has something to be arrogant about: her personality is miles ahead of all the other NPCs this game forces you to travel with, to say nothing of her more redeeming qualities (even though she is arrogant, she is genuinely competent and has a tender side that comes out occasionally)

Posted: 2007-02-22 05:08am
Both pictures are nice but the problem with the 2nd one's hand ruins it.
Cant say I would enjoy seeing her like that though.

As far as the game goes, I like Bastila and her bitchiness since it made me want to try and breakthrough the ice. Although I will admit to a major satisfaction in kicking her ass several times.

HK 47 stole the game for me character wise... that bot was just awsome in both games.

Posted: 2007-02-22 02:36pm
by LaserRifleofDoom
What's funny is that he mentions SDN.