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Songs you love by folks you hate

Posted: 2007-02-27 10:08am
by 18-Till-I-Die
This is just something that occured to me.

Has anyone ever heard a song, about something they hate or by someone they hate, but it was SO well done that you just love to listen to it?

Like it's so funny, or fun, or just high quality that you cant stop listening. You hate the meaning or the artist or both, but you just cant turn away or help turning up the volume when it comes on.

There are several songs like that for me.

"Dont Laugh At Me" a country song, one of the retarded PC "we're all beutiful inside" :roll: bullshit anthems of the 20th century. But God, that guy singing it is just...i mean wow he's good. I never took the time to find out who he was cause i hate the whole idea of this "we're all beautiful inside" bullshit but that song is so good i just cant stop listening to it when it comes on the radio. It's just beautifully done and the country singer guy who did it has as heavenly voice, hands down.

"Bush Was Right" yes the Right Brothers are fucking retards. Yes they are douchebags of the highest (lowest?) caliber. But the song is fun and funny to me. I dont know why but i cant listen to it all day, and the turnaphrase they use is quite entertaining and funny, if demonstrably false and misleading. I'll never defend their bullshit or their idiotic views, but i cant deny that i like that song. The 'neener-neener-neener' vibe in it is also quite humorous, almost like a Wierd Al song. Maybe that's why i like it so much, it reminds me of him in some way. Ironic it's NOT a parody. :lol:

Toby Keith...yes he's a douchebag and a wuss and a warmongering asshole. I still cant help but like his work. Credit where credit is due and all that. "Everybody Wants To Kick My Ass", for example, is very funny and i make a habit of listening to it when i need a lift. It's infuriating to actually LIKE someone's songs but hate the person in question.

Anyone else have this problem. You love Song A but hate the people/person that made it, or hate what they stand for?

Posted: 2007-02-27 10:34am
by Losonti Tokash
There's a Hinder song playing on the radio lately that I like, which is the sort of thing to make me question my sanity. After the shitfests that were "Lips of an Angel" and "Get Stoned" the very concept sickens me.

I'm the opposite with Connor Oberst (aka Brighteyes). I have yet to hear a song by him that doesn't make my ears bleed, but having met him and considering the various things he does to support local and regional music (like creating his own record label expressly for this purpose) I certainly respect him. Plus he does lots of free concerts around Omaha and naturally uses them as a platform to tell said Omahans that they are goddamned idiots for voting Republican every election.

Posted: 2007-02-27 05:58pm
by Darth Mordius
The Königgrätzer Marsch was supposed to be a favourite of Hitlers :shock:

I only like it because it's from Indiana Jones though :P