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Is your housemate an atheist?

Posted: 2007-03-02 08:33pm
by Medic
Discovered on


Website of the creator.

I found the descriptions funny if silly. And seriously, Goth? That's not really offensive just... yeah. :?

Posted: 2007-03-02 11:05pm
by Jack Bauer
Hilarious. I just printed out the picture and put it up on my door.

If that guy had black rimmed glasses, he'd look just like me.

Posted: 2007-03-03 10:24am
by CDiehl
vacant stare notices Pop-Tarts before the omnipresence of God.
I can just picture it:

"Whoa, I just had a realization. Everything in the world is part of - Ooooh, Pop-Tarts. I love the strawberry kind."

As we all know, Pop-Tarts were forged in the fires of Hell by Lucifer himself, to distract people from God and eliminate the meal of Breakfast.