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Starving artist needs Help.

Posted: 2007-03-11 05:51pm
by Vehrec
Recently, I became aware that one of my favorite webcomics was in danger of going under. Errant Story is best described as an accurate fantasy world, where immortal elves who killed off most of their race spend a lot of time being sorry for themselves, a magical first world nation that has only coincidental resemblance to Japan wages wars and takes books, magic time ninjas sit around not using their powers, and revolvers and rifles are beginning to spread. The main character who kicks it all off is a 17 year old half-elf who is about to fail her classes, and decides to abuse a archaic rule that if she can blast the entire faculty of her mage academy, she'll graduate with honors! In the search for real ultimate power, she encounters others and kicks off all the events that follow.
Now, the story's about half-done, maybe closer to a third. But there's a problem that could stop it dead.
Impy wrote:We just did the math and figured out that what with various last-minute expenses and taxes and advance payments for conventions and the like, we have to pay out well over $10,000 this month!!

After spending half of last year with almost no income, there's no way we can manage that. As a result, for the next thirty days we will be frantically liquidating all sorts of art and pleading very voluably for donations. Our goal is to bring in around $25,000 by April 15th, because that way we'll have something remotely resembling a cushion for upcoming expenditures over the next few months.

If you can help, please do. If you already have helped, thank you! There is absolutely no way we can afford to keep running the comic unless we can start making enough to pay all our bills, so your help is not only appreciated it is the key to the comic's continued survival.
The short of it: If the people running the comic don't get more donations/ad sales they will go under, and be forced to shut down. It's a bad situation, so I'm gonna ask you guys if you can spare anything to help. Art sales are currently ongoing, so if you see something you would like for your wall, go ahead and buy it. Their store also has some prints and other items. And if you donate any sum, you get a free desktop, more than ten dollars gets you a pin.
I'm not advertising, just asking for help for a beloved story that is in danger of ending before it's time. Believe me, if I had a Paypal account, I would have already made my donations. Since I don't, I'm out to spread the news, and try to find some support.

Art items for sale: ... 0095267909 ... 0095272600 ... 0095275046 ... 0095279475 ... 0096605613
Please, think of the Orphans and kittens.No actual Orphans and kittens will be getting any money. It all goes to Michael and Hilary for their expenses.

Posted: 2007-03-11 06:17pm
by Rye
That's GOT to be bullshit. What's stopping them moving to a different webhost if this domain/hosting account gets eaten?

Posted: 2007-03-11 06:56pm
by Vehrec
As I understand, t's not the webspace that's the problem so much as it is that they would have to stop work on the comic to persue other ways of making money, since it seems like nobody wants to advertise on a webcomic that has nipples. It's a drain on their cashflow, and they might not be able to support it.

Posted: 2007-03-12 03:46am
by weemadando

FLEM gets backing from keenspot, so I find it VERY hard to believe this.

Posted: 2007-03-12 05:05pm
by DPDarkPrimus
This is one of the original concept sketches of Riley (the sassy shemale
I quit reading there and resolved to not give a shit.

Posted: 2007-03-12 06:57pm
by Rye
Vehrec wrote:As I understand, t's not the webspace that's the problem so much as it is that they would have to stop work on the comic to persue other ways of making money, since it seems like nobody wants to advertise on a webcomic that has nipples. It's a drain on their cashflow, and they might not be able to support it.
If they wanted to still make art, they would. I do and I make no money from it.

Posted: 2007-03-13 08:19am
by Stormbringer
Some morbid impluse made me read this and check it out. Suffice to say that after looking at what they need the money for according to their own selves, they're piss poor money managers at best. I mean they're asking for tax money because they just couldn't be bothered to pay for them when they were do. That's a major what the fuck red flag right there. These guys are assclowns, criminal assclowns no less, and now they're preying off their fan base.

If you want to buy their overprice shit, whatever. But these seem to be no more than the latest webcomic artists turned money grubbing scam artist slash beggars. They fucked up and want their fans to bail them out. It's a damn shame that stuff like this seems to go hand in hand with all too many webcomics.

Posted: 2007-03-13 09:26am
by mr friendly guy
I had a look at their art, unfortunately its not my cup of tea. Given that I didn't even pay this much money for William Shatner's signature (autographed photograph with certificate of authenticity), I am unlikely to pay that much for a black and white artwork even if I did like it.

On another note I decided to click the link and find out what their bills were. As noted the unpaid tax bill strikes me as dodgy especiall now that they have to pay late fees on top of that.

I also find it incredulous what people are willing to fork out for these people. The bidding so far is from $55 to >$200 depending on which art work.

I also note some of the posters on their messageboard admit they are struggling financially but are willing to donate, someone saying they might be able to fork out $100 (presumably $100 USD). What have they been doing. Listening to Robert Kiyosaki?