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Sangria on Youtube

Posted: 2007-03-16 04:18am
by Lord Poe
I just completed a promo video for SANGRIA, the band who's website I maintain. Check it out:

Posted: 2007-03-16 04:37am
by salm
I´d vastly increase the blend times druing the "oldies" part and use only one font instead of three. And i think it would be more consistant if all three parts had either only film or only photos.

Posted: 2007-03-16 05:35am
by Lord Poe
salm wrote:I´d vastly increase the blend times druing the "oldies" part and use only one font instead of three. And i think it would be more consistant if all three parts had either only film or only photos.
We're a little short in that area. I'm going to have to go to a few of their shows and do some filming. I liked using the different fonts, though.

Posted: 2007-03-16 10:57am
by Dalton
You absolutely need more live footage, especially footage that matches up with the bed music.

The three different fonts don't really bother me. If they all appeared simultaneously, it would be a different story, but each font has its purpose and is shown seperately. You picked a decent readable font for the show information, and it was a good idea to have it over black - I see a lot of people make the mistake of putting text over video, which never works.

The editing is well done, but like I said, more footage! It needs some spicing up.

EDIT: Also, regarding the website...I'd personally do away with the flashing red menu buttons. It doesn't look good and it conflicts with the Sangria logo in the center.

Posted: 2007-03-16 11:53am
by Lord Poe
Dalton wrote:The editing is well done, but like I said, more footage! It needs some spicing up.
Very true. The video that I used is from a 2005 appearance on "Thee Mr. Duran Show", and so far, is the only available video for Sangria. And I had to ask Mr. Duran for permission to use that footage.

Dan has had the band since 1971, but hasn't filmed any shows, or made any videos. I really need to go to their performances and rectify this. Their music usually isn't my cup of tea, but after putting two promo vids together with their music, its starting to grow on me! I've been doing the website for about 4 years now, and went out to lunch with Dan and Frances (lead singer) countless times. I hadn't realized what a great voice she has!
EDIT: Also, regarding the website...I'd personally do away with the flashing red menu buttons. It doesn't look good and it conflicts with the Sangria logo in the center.
I know....but Dan loves it right now. I think a fan of the band put that logo pic together, and Dan wanted it on the front page of the website. When I showed him what I was playing with for a revamp of the (non flashing) menu buttons, he fell in love with the flashing ones.