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Crossroads Art Thread

Posted: 2007-04-09 10:52pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Because yes, even I draw Furry art for various people.

I am about 90% done with this ((needs work on the foot and color)) and firgured I'd show it off before doing the final 10%


Posted: 2007-04-09 11:08pm
by Starglider
Ear position, size and angle looks really odd, assuming that's what those things on the helmet are. General proportions are ok, if very close to human: the feet look like an awkward compromise between human feet and practical digigrade legs. Though drawing the later is tough for bipeds, at least for mammals. Can't comment on the plausibility of the cybernetic stuff without knowing the rationale for it.

Fear the day that I ever let any of my furry (well, feathery, mostly) art see the light of day.