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Inflight photos from the back door of a C-130

Posted: 2007-04-12 03:02am
by Tsyroc





I would think at that range there might be some concern about FOD coming from the interior of the C-130. :)

Posted: 2007-04-12 05:52am
by Shroom Man 777
Why is a Eurofighter trying to stick its nose up a C-130's ass?

Posted: 2007-04-12 06:55am
by MKSheppard
Camera crew in back filimg EF2000

Posted: 2007-04-12 07:39am
by Old Plympto
That is seriously awesome.

Does the Eurofighter have any sort of FOD screen in the intake to filter minor debris?

Posted: 2007-04-15 05:22am
by Broomstick
Please tell me those folks had some sort of safety line - it's a majestic view, but not worth taking a long fall.

As for FOD - one would hope the cargo area was cleared of loose debris prior to take-off as a standard operating procedure. Loose crap in any aircraft is a not a good thing if you hit turbulence, require a sudden evasive manuver, and so forth. That said, a screen effective at removing FOD would tend to interfere with airflow into the engines. Thus, the typical solution is the remove loose items from areas where the engines are operating.

Posted: 2007-04-15 05:45am
by kheegster
Broomstick wrote:Please tell me those folks had some sort of safety line - it's a majestic view, but not worth taking a long fall.
These are Euro-weenies. Of course they have a safety line.

Posted: 2007-04-15 06:48am
by Broomstick
Anyhow who calls someone a "weenie" for having a safety line under such circumstances has a very poor understanding of the physics involved when falling from several thousand feet (or meters, your preference) onto the surface of a planet.

Posted: 2007-04-15 01:37pm
by kheegster
Broomstick wrote:Anyhow who calls someone a "weenie" for having a safety line under such circumstances has a very poor understanding of the physics involved when falling from several thousand feet (or meters, your preference) onto the surface of a planet.
They're not weenies for using a safety line. They're weenies because they're European.

Posted: 2007-04-15 01:59pm
by Broomstick
Oh, right :roll: Like that makes it OK and everything...


Posted: 2007-04-15 02:14pm
by Howedar
Old Plympto wrote:Does the Eurofighter have any sort of FOD screen in the intake to filter minor debris?
No. To my knowledge, there is not a jet aircraft on the planet that has permanently installed screens of any size.

Actually, I take that back. The F-117 has some grilles on the engine intakes to keep radio waves out of the inlet ducts. The fact that this technique has only been used on the F-117 (an aircraft which by any measure is stealth first and an airplane second) should tell you what it does to your overall pressure recovery in the inlet.

Posted: 2007-04-15 03:23pm
by Dartzap
Broomstick wrote:Oh, right :roll: Like that makes it OK and everything...

Kheegster being a former resident of the UK...... :wink:

Posted: 2007-04-15 08:58pm
by tim31
Just before the Australian International Airshow last month, a Hornet flew behind one of our C-130s over Melbourne for some happy shots, looked just like above pics... Trying to find them(saw it on the news).