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Mechs in the II World War

Posted: 2007-04-17 08:09am
by dr. what
Short but awesome animation made by Marco Spitoni

Nazi Robot Attack!

[EDIT]:Off to AMP

Re: Mechs in the II World War

Posted: 2007-04-17 09:31am
by FedRebel
Very well done

my only gripes are....

What's "JapBot" doing in 'Jersey'?

Why after 60 years of inactivity does "AmeriBot" reactivate?

Other than that this is very entertaining, where can I DL it? Or are there anymore films like this?

Posted: 2007-04-17 10:17am
by Tolya
The level of CG is simply amazing for a privately done thing. But quite frankly, the scenario sucked.

Posted: 2007-04-17 01:02pm
by dragon
Tolya wrote:The level of CG is simply amazing for a privately done thing. But quite frankly, the scenario sucked.
Yeah there was a few glaring problems with the scenario, such as the thing walking through the sea to the port, also the things would have made perfect targets for the battleships that were sitting right next to it. Also the weapon damages were inconsistent, one moment blowing up ships the next barly taking out the trucks. Other than that decent animation.

Posted: 2007-04-17 01:04pm
by Lazarus
Brilliant, loved it, mostly because this is a privately done thing. Struck me as a sort of mid-20th century sci-fi comic idea, very retro. :)

Posted: 2007-04-17 01:16pm
by Dartzap
I'm slightly confused as to why there were so many Yanks in Dover..... :)

As in: You see it strolling through what appears to be the channel near some white cliffs. watching again it's kinda obvious it's in the States.

Posted: 2007-04-17 01:52pm
by Companion Cube
This could have been improved with more stirring music and less dialogue. Nice visuals at any rate, and I grinned when Samurai-bot lunged out of the water.

Posted: 2007-04-17 02:10pm
by Tanasinn
Entertaining and visually quite well done. I can't help but wonder why it was the American 'bot and not the German one employing rocketry, though. :)

Posted: 2007-04-17 02:56pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Like so many Good Mech battles, its far more about the fun of it the Technical details (and there where Many glaring inconsistancies)

The battle itself was delightfully fun and very enjoyable. Love the quick yet not "too" quick motions of the mechs, you could really imagine them plodding about. Also the style and look of both was wonderful, Each really looked to be designed by their nations.

Downside... The Ending leaved much to be desierd. I know the creator is short on time, but just ending in a long fade away... You would think that when we catch up to Modern daywe would see many destroyed hulks and such... But having them frozen in place? Its as if the locked arms, and there was no battle...


Posted: 2007-04-17 02:59pm
by Vanas
We need Sky Captain!

And I have a mental image of a Tommy-Bot standing on the White Cliffs, looking forlorn as both Sturm-Bot and Shogun-Bot have trudged to America, leaving it with only Mechalini.

Posted: 2007-04-17 03:02pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Ya, I'd love to see the British Giant robot as well.

Posted: 2007-04-17 03:34pm
by Dartzap
Crossroads Inc. wrote:Ya, I'd love to see the British Giant robot as well.
What British Robot? We don't need some over-priced diesel shit....

It'd be a steam powered transformer... 8)

Posted: 2007-04-17 03:39pm
by Isolder74
My problem with the movie is the Battleships never fired back. You'd think that thing would make a perfect target for 16 in, 5 in, and other guns on the ships.

Also where are the Navy's flyboys in their Torpedo planes and dive bombers. And Why are the Mustangs only armed with machine guns when they should have had ground attack bombs.

More Mech wanking is all I saw. You can't tell me that no one could shoot at it as it trudged across the Atlantic. Depth charges, PT boats, and destroyers should have been hitting it all the way to the US.

Posted: 2007-04-17 03:45pm
by brianeyci
Heh heh pretty funny... I didn't see the japbot coming at all.

Still I have to ask the people who say scenario bad... what kind of scenario would you have made with fighting robots. Those robots would've been shredded fighting tanks, artillery, battleships, planes with the right ordinance. So guess what, the robot didn't fight any of those things. So what are you complaining about, just because there's a fighting robot? Geez. As for the battleships sitting in harbor it's not like something didn't happen in WWII where the United States was totally surprised with its ships sitting ducks not detecting a whole carrier battlegroup approaching... oh wait that did happen. If the mech had been shrugging off 16 inch shells you guys would be saying wank wank :roll:.

Posted: 2007-04-17 03:49pm
by Isolder74
oh, and the idea that only a mech can take out a mech isn't wanking either? They spotted the thing coming miles off shore those ships should have been on full alert.

Posted: 2007-04-17 04:00pm
by brianeyci
No, the message is a mech can kill a mech. I see no mech can only kill a mech message in the movie, given the krautbot didn't take anything bigger than machine guns (weren't the Americans infatuated with machine guns on their planes rather than cannon.)

It's not as if US aircraft weren't shot down seeing the huge Japanese fleet of planes approaching Pearl Harbor. Wait, they were. Sorry, this is the least wanking robot fight I've ever seen. If the date is any indication, it's a preemptive strike by Hitler so the US is not at war.

In short mech haters, had the mech been taking heavy ordinance you would say wank, but that didn't happen so you say wank too, there's just no pleasing you. Is the only non-wanking mech fight TESB. Come on.

Posted: 2007-04-17 04:05pm
by Aaron
brianeyci wrote:No, the message is a mech can kill a mech. I see no mech can only kill a mech message in the movie, given the krautbot didn't take anything bigger than machine guns (weren't the Americans infatuated with machine guns on their planes rather than cannon.)

It's not as if US aircraft weren't shot down seeing the huge Japanese fleet of planes approaching Pearl Harbor. Wait, they were. Sorry, this is the least wanking robot fight I've ever seen. If the date is any indication, it's a preemptive strike by Hitler so the US is not at war.

In short mech haters, had the mech been taking heavy ordinance you would say wank, but that didn't happen so you say wank too, there's just no pleasing you. Is the only non-wanking mech fight TESB. Come on.
I'm not sure what history class you took but the US entered the war in 1941 not 1943.

Posted: 2007-04-17 04:08pm
I'm guessing the battleships were uncrewed, and the nearby airbase which housed the Mustangs had no bombs on hand. 'Cause that's the only way I can see a complete lack of explosives being used on those things. Not to mention the complete absence of destroyers, torpedo bombers, etc. already mentioned. This movie didn't just piss on my SoD, it fired high explosives at it. Coincidentally the same high explosives that it never showed.

Posted: 2007-04-17 04:13pm
by brianeyci
Heh heh I'm a moron Cpl Kendall sorry Isolder about that point. But it's a technicality anyway--the Pearl Harbor allusion is there, except with one robot. In that alternate universe, the US could've entered the war later, especially with japbot.

Anyway wanking is technological devices in a story which are a detriment to the plot. Mighty space stations that can destroy whole planets is not wanking if you need them for the story, huge space ships aren't wanking if you need them for the story, and I don't see why mechs are any different. Once you decide to have walking robots in a story be the main plot point, then there's only so much you can do.

That is probably the main problem. Since the movie is only about fighting, if the fighting is unrealistic, then suspension of disbelief is shattered for some people. If it'd been some kind of character story like Iron Giant, maybe it would've been more believable.

Re: Mechs in the II World War

Posted: 2007-04-17 08:28pm
by Singular Intellect
dr. what wrote:Short but awesome animation made by Marco Spitoni

Nazi Robot Attack!

[EDIT]:Off to AMP
Hey, anyone know what the music is that plays at the end credits is? I've heard it before but don't know what it's from...would love to get it.

Posted: 2007-04-17 08:53pm
by Hawkwings
Honestly people, you don't think this video is meant to be some paragon of realism do you? I had no problem with turning off my brain and enjoying the movie, and gawking at the quality of privately-done CG.

Posted: 2007-04-17 09:14pm
by Singular Intellect
I thought it was great. It said mechs...that turned my brain right off there and I just enjoyed the eye candy and action. 8)

Posted: 2007-04-17 09:20pm
by Teleros
Same here :) . Excellent quality work though, very impressive :) .

Posted: 2007-04-17 10:51pm
by darthbob88
I'll second the sentiment. Cool, lotsa action, but by no means realistic. Also, was anybody else amused by America-bot having captain's bars?

Posted: 2007-04-17 11:10pm
by Hawkwings
Captain America-bot? Didn't notice that, lol.