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video: Apocalyptic Russian Goldilocks made w/ Oblivion

Posted: 2007-04-20 01:37am
by Seggybop
I had an interesting assignment in school-- retell the story of Goldilocks in a new setting (determined by the teacher). The final result was to be a video, played on two adjacent screens simultaneously, with a length not exceeding 4:15, and without using any human actors on screen.

My group was assigned the setting of Post-Apocalyptic. We decided to record the video by modifying a game and then recording it. Ultimately I did most of the work, since I was the only one who could figure out how to actually do anything, but that's ok. Anyway, here is the link:

Primary Screen

Secondary screen isn't really necessary for viewing.

This is the first time I've ever tried making a video like this or modifying a 3D game, and I don't know Russian, so please forgive me if the Russians we coerced into speaking don't make any sense!

Posted: 2007-04-20 04:42am
by DPDarkPrimus
You need to list all the music you use. :P

Also, Kojima called. He wants a cut.

Posted: 2007-04-20 04:54am
by K. A. Pital
God... :lol: Good god...

No, most of the times the Russian speech makes sense, but it's often full of errors :lol: That video was pure insanity, thank you :)

Posted: 2007-04-20 05:23am
by Seggybop
Stas, I'm glad to know that it does in fact make sense. Hopefully it's not "all your base are belong to us" level of corruption.

Music. We did try to identify it at the end, but something happened with the compression/encoding and it partially disappeared. I'm not really sure what happened there; as you can see I'm a newb at video.

Hideo Kojima can have as much of the negative $180 (video card upgrade) we made on it as he wants n_n'

Posted: 2007-04-20 05:30am
by K. A. Pital
Hopefully it's not "all your base are belong to us" level of corruption.
No, not that bad. Just one phrase was too bad, I guess... "I was an object of experiment" or something - in Russian it sounded like "I was a test box", like a thing, that sounded really crude and wrong.

The Soviet samurai in the end was sooooooo awesome. :lol:

:lol: I will never forget his words: "Vy pozor k Rodine!" (it should've been "Vy - pozor Rodiny", but it's a minor fault) oh, and just FYI this translates as "you're a shame to the Motherland" :)