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Evil Tomato From Hell

Posted: 2007-04-24 05:03pm
by FSTargetDrone
Behold the demon seedlings I found spawning in a "fresh" tomato I cut open. I had one tomato left and decided to use it on my burger this afternoon.

Be warned! Clicking on the thumbnail will expose your eyes to a sight so horrible, it defies reason and is seriously making me question my atheism.



They're SPROUTING from the juicy innards!


I swear I see a tiny chestburster among the dripping innards...


Short of live worms wriggling around inside, I couldn't have been more disgusted.

Ok, it wasn't really that big of a deal, but before I cast this fruity freak of nature into the cleansing fire (and lots of it), I thought I'd share.

Posted: 2007-04-24 05:12pm
by Pick
Actually, maggots would bother me much, much less. Not sure why, but this is actually get a more visceral response from me than Shep's pics of the dead motorcycle rider :|. Fucking GROSS.

Posted: 2007-04-24 05:22pm
by General Zod
Somehow that's not quite as disturbing as the one time when I was a kid I found a partially grown chicken in a supposedly "fresh" egg I was about to fry up.

Posted: 2007-04-24 05:30pm
by Howedar
Mmmm, sprouts.

Posted: 2007-04-24 06:22pm
by FSTargetDrone
Pick wrote:Actually, maggots would bother me much, much less. Not sure why, but this is actually get a more visceral response from me than Shep's pics of the dead motorcycle rider :|. Fucking GROSS.
When I first cut the tomato in half, I saw all these green flecks on the knife and I thought, "was there some parsley or something on the knife I'd somehow missed?" And so I kept cutting and found that stuff in there.

There's at least a dozen whole sprouts sprouting along in there. I'm thinking of setting it out back (way out back) outside and see what happens. Only problem is that the wildlife out in the field behind my apartment will probably just eat it. :)
General Zod wrote:Somehow that's not quite as disturbing as the one time when I was a kid I found a partially grown chicken in a supposedly "fresh" egg I was about to fry up.
Yes, that's much, much worse. :shock:

Posted: 2007-04-26 09:28pm
by FSTargetDrone
Incidentally, I have decided to plant this horror show and see what develops...

Posted: 2007-04-27 01:17am
by Singular Intellect
FSTargetDrone wrote:Incidentally, I have decided to plant this horror show and see what develops...
You sure about that? :P

Posted: 2007-04-27 12:34pm
by FSTargetDrone
Bubble Boy wrote:You sure about that? :P
Hm. Perhaps I am tempting fate and all good sense by planting that tomato, but if it, say, opens the gates of hell and unleashes a torrent of demon spawn, I can live with that.

Actually, I'm hoping for an endless chain of tomatoes growing out of tomatoes. That would be entertaining. :)