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Most confusing Sci-Fi battle Movie EVER

Posted: 2007-04-29 04:50am
by Crossroads Inc.
I defy anyone online to make ANY sense of the following:

Posted: 2007-04-29 05:00am
by Dartzap
Wow, I recognised about..half of those ships.

Posted: 2007-04-29 05:51am
by salm
Even if this is just a show off for nice effects it has some problems.
I think the main problem is the soundtrack. It´s cut together really badly. The differnet themes stop abruptly and another one starts, sometimes there are sound effects, sometimes not.

Posted: 2007-04-29 06:25am
by Lord Zentei
salm wrote:Even if this is just a show off for nice effects it has some problems.
I think the main problem is the soundtrack. It´s cut together really badly. The differnet themes stop abruptly and another one starts, sometimes there are sound effects, sometimes not.
That's probably what they were going for. And yes, the cutting is crap; moreover, the ship destructions are often a tad off.

I'd guess it's mainly a 3-d rendering exercise for someone who is learning-by-doing. That, or a tool who just likes seeing things blown up. ;)

And LMAO at the Shadow/Vorlon alliance, incidentally.

Posted: 2007-04-29 10:39am
by Noble Ire
I'm assuming that someone just cut together scenes from half a dozen Spacebattles films. The music, animation style and quality, and "plot" (alliances, what has and has not been destroyed) shift from scene to scene.

I did like the whole Vorlon/Shadow/IA/Dominion vs. Klingon/Vorlon scheme, though. :P

Posted: 2007-04-29 11:27am
by Wyrm
Really need to work on the physics. Ships don't stop dead when they're shot; they blow up and continue to travel their last vector.

And couldn't they at least match the theme music to their appropriate univeses? ST:DS9 theme for B5 Earth ships. :roll:

Also, WTFing at Nebulon B using a B5 gate.

Posted: 2007-04-29 12:49pm
by Kuja
That "Rebel fleet VS Imperial Fleet CUT TO Nebulon-B attacking DS9" moment had to be the biggest WTF of the entire movie for me.

Posted: 2007-04-30 11:18am
by White Haven
My mind is hurt. Someone, introduce them all to a Culture ROU to make the hurting stop.

Posted: 2007-04-30 02:10pm
by Uraniun235
Wow, a horribly edited mishmash of old lame amateur CGI videos. Spectacular.

Posted: 2007-04-30 04:08pm
by Zed Snardbody
Dilgar ships....thats a bit odd.

Posted: 2007-04-30 04:19pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
LOL Spacebattles. We can do far better these days. I notice there've been no movies at SB in years despite their being SB's raison d'etre.

Posted: 2007-04-30 04:47pm
by Lord Pounder
Now there reason seems to be sheltering the shitty debaters booted out of here and covering up or ultra rightwing pricks.

Posted: 2007-04-30 06:37pm
by Jim Raynor
Kuja wrote:That "Rebel fleet VS Imperial Fleet CUT TO Nebulon-B attacking DS9" moment had to be the biggest WTF of the entire movie for me.
Me too. The video is a plotless mess, nothing but an excuse to show off animated space battles. That itself wouldn't have been as huge a problem if the video didn't trick you into thinking there was some semblance of a setting and plot, with subtitles like "Aramar, Rebel Alliance Headquarters" and "Rebel Planetary Defence Control Center."

Posted: 2007-05-01 03:52pm
by SylasGaunt
It looks like a plotless mess because someone just took a bunch of different videos made by different authors and put them all together with no rhyme or reason.

Posted: 2007-05-01 05:48pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Lord Pounder wrote:Now their reason seems to be sheltering the shitty debaters booted out of here and covering up on ultra-rightwing pricks.
I've noticed. I still want Es Arkajae to come here and formally debate me on why gays should be awarded equal rights to straights instead of simply killed outright. House Rules as always. :twisted:

Posted: 2007-05-01 08:02pm
by OmegaGuy
That's not a movie, that's a bunch of movies all stuck together in random order.

Posted: 2007-05-01 09:08pm
by darthdavid
It also has a terrible compression job. So fucking many pixels...

Posted: 2007-05-01 11:22pm
by Uraniun235
darthdavid wrote:It also has a terrible compression job. So fucking many pixels...
Those movies were already pretty low-res to begin with.

Posted: 2007-05-01 11:41pm
by Phantasee
Was that the Federation fighting the Borg to the Klendathu theme from Starship Troopers? Sweet jesus. This is so garbage it makes me sad.

Posted: 2007-05-01 11:41pm
by Phantasee
And for a movie titled Battle of Earth, I still haven't seen our little blue ball.

Posted: 2007-05-03 08:52pm
by Sriad
Phantasee wrote:And for a movie titled Battle of Earth, I still haven't seen our little blue ball.
No, it was there at around the 5:00 mark. You know, the part where a bunch of random ships were attacking a bunch of random ships with a random musical score for no apparent reason.

Perhaps it's a nuanced commentary on the meaninglessness of war? :wink: